# Welcome to the lulchat server configuration file # Use ./lulchat-server --test-config to test your configuration before deploying # Specify IP and port. Use to allow external access. ip=localhost port=8080 # Choose where to get the user's IP from. Useful if lulchat is behind a reverse proxy. # raw: Get IP from socket # X-Forwarded-For: Get IP from this HTTP header ip_source=raw # Allowed connection hosts. allowed_hosts=localhost,lolcat.ca # Postgres database connection information pg_host=localhost pg_login=root pg_passwd=1234 # Users listed here are global administrators and cannot be demoted unless they are removed from this list. # Separate each user by a comma. Eg: lolcat,deek,aves admins=lolcat # Maximal HTTP header size in bytes before severing the connection. # 1024 = 1kb max_header_size=1024 # Maximal websocket message size in bytes. # 1024 x 4 = 4kb max_message_size_b=4096 # Maximal file upload size in bytes. # 1024 x 100 = 100MB max_file_upload_size=102400 # Use TCP keepalive on clients? If websocket ping is enabled, this might not be necessary. tcp_keepalive=true # Use websocket ping on clients? Enabling this allows us to monitor the ping of users. ws_keepalive=false # Enable logging? To disable, set to "false". # To enable, specify a file path. Please make sure lulchat can write to the file. # Use %d for day, %m for month and %y for year. log=logs/lulchat-%d-%m-%y.log # Logging level. Use "info", "warn", or "error". log_level=warn