<?php // @TODO check for consent.google.com page, if need be class google{ public function __construct(){ include "lib/fuckhtml.php"; $this->fuckhtml = new fuckhtml(); include "lib/backend.php"; $this->backend = new backend("google"); } public function getfilters($page){ $base = [ "country" => [ // gl=<country> (image: cr=countryAF) "display" => "Country", "option" => [ "any" => "Instance's country", "af" => "Afghanistan", "al" => "Albania", "dz" => "Algeria", "as" => "American Samoa", "ad" => "Andorra", "ao" => "Angola", "ai" => "Anguilla", "aq" => "Antarctica", "ag" => "Antigua and Barbuda", "ar" => "Argentina", "am" => "Armenia", "aw" => "Aruba", "au" => "Australia", "at" => "Austria", "az" => "Azerbaijan", "bs" => "Bahamas", "bh" => "Bahrain", "bd" => "Bangladesh", "bb" => "Barbados", "by" => "Belarus", "be" => "Belgium", "bz" => "Belize", "bj" => "Benin", "bm" => "Bermuda", "bt" => "Bhutan", "bo" => "Bolivia", "ba" => "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "bw" => "Botswana", "bv" => "Bouvet Island", "br" => "Brazil", "io" => "British Indian Ocean Territory", "bn" => "Brunei Darussalam", "bg" => "Bulgaria", "bf" => "Burkina Faso", "bi" => "Burundi", "kh" => "Cambodia", "cm" => "Cameroon", "ca" => "Canada", "cv" => "Cape Verde", "ky" => "Cayman Islands", "cf" => "Central African Republic", "td" => "Chad", "cl" => "Chile", "cn" => "China", "cx" => "Christmas Island", "cc" => "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "co" => "Colombia", "km" => "Comoros", "cg" => "Congo", "cd" => "Congo, the Democratic Republic", "ck" => "Cook Islands", "cr" => "Costa Rica", "ci" => "Cote D'ivoire", "hr" => "Croatia", "cu" => "Cuba", "cy" => "Cyprus", "cz" => "Czech Republic", "dk" => "Denmark", "dj" => "Djibouti", "dm" => "Dominica", "do" => "Dominican Republic", "ec" => "Ecuador", "eg" => "Egypt", "sv" => "El Salvador", "gq" => "Equatorial Guinea", "er" => "Eritrea", "ee" => "Estonia", "et" => "Ethiopia", "fk" => "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", "fo" => "Faroe Islands", "fj" => "Fiji", "fi" => "Finland", "fr" => "France", "gf" => "French Guiana", "pf" => "French Polynesia", "tf" => "French Southern Territories", "ga" => "Gabon", "gm" => "Gambia", "ge" => "Georgia", "de" => "Germany", "gh" => "Ghana", "gi" => "Gibraltar", "gr" => "Greece", "gl" => "Greenland", "gd" => "Grenada", "gp" => "Guadeloupe", "gu" => "Guam", "gt" => "Guatemala", "gn" => "Guinea", "gw" => "Guinea-Bissau", "gy" => "Guyana", "ht" => "Haiti", "hm" => "Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands", "va" => "Holy See (Vatican City State)", "hn" => "Honduras", "hk" => "Hong Kong", "hu" => "Hungary", "is" => "Iceland", "in" => "India", "id" => "Indonesia", "ir" => "Iran, Islamic Republic", "iq" => "Iraq", "ie" => "Ireland", "il" => "Israel", "it" => "Italy", "jm" => "Jamaica", "jp" => "Japan", "jo" => "Jordan", "kz" => "Kazakhstan", "ke" => "Kenya", "ki" => "Kiribati", "kp" => "Korea, Democratic People's Republic", "kr" => "Korea, Republic", "kw" => "Kuwait", "kg" => "Kyrgyzstan", "la" => "Lao People's Democratic Republic", "lv" => "Latvia", "lb" => "Lebanon", "ls" => "Lesotho", "lr" => "Liberia", "ly" => "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya", "li" => "Liechtenstein", "lt" => "Lithuania", "lu" => "Luxembourg", "mo" => "Macao", "mk" => "Macedonia, the Former Yugosalv Republic", "mg" => "Madagascar", "mw" => "Malawi", "my" => "Malaysia", "mv" => "Maldives", "ml" => "Mali", "mt" => "Malta", "mh" => "Marshall Islands", "mq" => "Martinique", "mr" => "Mauritania", "mu" => "Mauritius", "yt" => "Mayotte", "mx" => "Mexico", "fm" => "Micronesia, Federated States", "md" => "Moldova, Republic", "mc" => "Monaco", "mn" => "Mongolia", "ms" => "Montserrat", "ma" => "Morocco", "mz" => "Mozambique", "mm" => "Myanmar", "na" => "Namibia", "nr" => "Nauru", "np" => "Nepal", "nl" => "Netherlands", "an" => "Netherlands Antilles", "nc" => "New Caledonia", "nz" => "New Zealand", "ni" => "Nicaragua", "ne" => "Niger", "ng" => "Nigeria", "nu" => "Niue", "nf" => "Norfolk Island", "mp" => "Northern Mariana Islands", "no" => "Norway", "om" => "Oman", "pk" => "Pakistan", "pw" => "Palau", "ps" => "Palestinian Territory, Occupied", "pa" => "Panama", "pg" => "Papua New Guinea", "py" => "Paraguay", "pe" => "Peru", "ph" => "Philippines", "pn" => "Pitcairn", "pl" => "Poland", "pt" => "Portugal", "pr" => "Puerto Rico", "qa" => "Qatar", "re" => "Reunion", "ro" => "Romania", "ru" => "Russian Federation", "rw" => "Rwanda", "sh" => "Saint Helena", "kn" => "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "lc" => "Saint Lucia", "pm" => "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "vc" => "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "ws" => "Samoa", "sm" => "San Marino", "st" => "Sao Tome and Principe", "sa" => "Saudi Arabia", "sn" => "Senegal", "cs" => "Serbia and Montenegro", "sc" => "Seychelles", "sl" => "Sierra Leone", "sg" => "Singapore", "sk" => "Slovakia", "si" => "Slovenia", "sb" => "Solomon Islands", "so" => "Somalia", "za" => "South Africa", "gs" => "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "es" => "Spain", "lk" => "Sri Lanka", "sd" => "Sudan", "sr" => "Suriname", "sj" => "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "sz" => "Swaziland", "se" => "Sweden", "ch" => "Switzerland", "sy" => "Syrian Arab Republic", "tw" => "Taiwan, Province of China", "tj" => "Tajikistan", "tz" => "Tanzania, United Republic", "th" => "Thailand", "tl" => "Timor-Leste", "tg" => "Togo", "tk" => "Tokelau", "to" => "Tonga", "tt" => "Trinidad and Tobago", "tn" => "Tunisia", "tr" => "Turkey", "tm" => "Turkmenistan", "tc" => "Turks and Caicos Islands", "tv" => "Tuvalu", "ug" => "Uganda", "ua" => "Ukraine", "ae" => "United Arab Emirates", "uk" => "United Kingdom", "us" => "United States", "um" => "United States Minor Outlying Islands", "uy" => "Uruguay", "uz" => "Uzbekistan", "vu" => "Vanuatu", "ve" => "Venezuela", "vn" => "Viet Nam", "vg" => "Virgin Islands, British", "vi" => "Virgin Islands, U.S.", "wf" => "Wallis and Futuna", "eh" => "Western Sahara", "ye" => "Yemen", "zm" => "Zambia", "zw" => "Zimbabwe" ] ], "nsfw" => [ "display" => "NSFW", "option" => [ "yes" => "Yes", // safe=active "no" => "No" // safe=off ] ] ]; switch($page){ case "web": return array_merge( $base, [ "lang" => [ // lr=<lang> (prefix lang with "lang_") "display" => "Language", "option" => [ "any" => "Any language", "ar" => "Arabic", "bg" => "Bulgarian", "ca" => "Catalan", "cs" => "Czech", "da" => "Danish", "de" => "German", "el" => "Greek", "en" => "English", "es" => "Spanish", "et" => "Estonian", "fi" => "Finnish", "fr" => "French", "hr" => "Croatian", "hu" => "Hungarian", "id" => "Indonesian", "is" => "Icelandic", "it" => "Italian", "iw" => "Hebrew", "ja" => "Japanese", "ko" => "Korean", "lt" => "Lithuanian", "lv" => "Latvian", "nl" => "Dutch", "no" => "Norwegian", "pl" => "Polish", "pt" => "Portuguese", "ro" => "Romanian", "ru" => "Russian", "sk" => "Slovak", "sl" => "Slovenian", "sr" => "Serbian", "sv" => "Swedish", "tr" => "Turkish", "zh-CN" => "Chinese (Simplified)", "zh-TW" => "Chinese (Traditional)" ] ], "newer" => [ // tbs "display" => "Newer than", "option" => "_DATE" ], "older" => [ "display" => "Older than", "option" => "_DATE" ], "spellcheck" => [ "display" => "Spellcheck", "option" => [ "yes" => "Yes", "no" => "No" ] ] ] ); break; case "images": return array_merge( $base, [ "time" => [ // tbs=qdr:<time> "display" => "Time posted", "option" => [ "any" => "Any time", "d" => "Past 24 hours", "w" => "Past week", "m" => "Past month", "y" => "Past year" ] ], "size" => [ // imgsz "display" => "Size", "option" => [ "any" => "Any size", "l" => "Large", "m" => "Medium", "i" => "Icon", "qsvga" => "Larger than 400x300", "vga" => "Larger than 640x480", "svga" => "Larger than 800x600", "xga" => "Larger than 1024x768", "2mp" => "Larger than 2MP", "4mp" => "Larger than 4MP", "6mp" => "Larger than 6MP", "8mp" => "Larger than 8MP", "10mp" => "Larger than 10MP", "12mp" => "Larger than 12MP", "15mp" => "Larger than 15MP", "20mp" => "Larger than 20MP", "40mp" => "Larger than 40MP", "70mp" => "Larger than 70MP" ] ], "ratio" => [ // imgar "display" => "Aspect ratio", "option" => [ "any" => "Any ratio", "t|xt" => "Tall", "s" => "Square", "w" => "Wide", "xw" => "Panoramic" ] ], "color" => [ // imgc "display" => "Color", "option" => [ "any" => "Any color", "color" => "Full color", "bnw" => "Black & white", "trans" => "Transparent", // from here, imgcolor "red" => "Red", "orange" => "Orange", "yellow" => "Yellow", "green" => "Green", "teal" => "Teal", "blue" => "Blue", "purple" => "Purple", "pink" => "Pink", "white" => "White", "gray" => "Gray", "black" => "Black", "brown" => "Brown" ] ], "type" => [ // tbs=itp:<type> "display" => "Type", "option" => [ "any" => "Any type", "clipart" => "Clip Art", "lineart" => "Line Drawing", "animated" => "Animated" ] ], "format" => [ // as_filetype "display" => "Format", "option" => [ "any" => "Any format", "jpg" => "JPG", "gif" => "GIF", "png" => "PNG", "bmp" => "BMP", "svg" => "SVG", "webp" => "WEBP", "ico" => "ICO", "craw" => "RAW" ] ], "rights" => [ // tbs=sur:<rights> "display" => "Usage rights", "option" => [ "any" => "Any license", "cl" => "Creative Commons licenses", "ol" => "Commercial & other licenses" ] ] ] ); break; case "videos": return array_merge( $base, [ "newer" => [ // tbs "display" => "Newer than", "option" => "_DATE" ], "older" => [ "display" => "Older than", "option" => "_DATE" ], "duration" => [ "display" => "Duration", "option" => [ "any" => "Any duration", "s" => "Short (0-4min)", // tbs=dur:s "m" => "Medium (4-20min)", // tbs=dur:m "l" => "Long (20+ min)" // tbs=dur:l ] ], "quality" => [ "display" => "Quality", "option" => [ "any" => "Any quality", "h" => "High quality" // tbs=hq:h ] ], "captions" => [ "display" => "Captions", "option" => [ "any" => "No preference", "yes" => "Closed captioned" // tbs=cc:1 ] ] ] ); break; case "news": return array_merge( $base, [ "newer" => [ // tbs "display" => "Newer than", "option" => "_DATE" ], "older" => [ "display" => "Older than", "option" => "_DATE" ], "sort" => [ "display" => "Sort", "option" => [ "relevance" => "Relevance", "date" => "Date" // sbd:1 ] ] ] ); break; } } private function get($proxy, $url, $get = []){ $headers = [ "User-Agent: " . config::USER_AGENT, "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5", "Accept-Encoding: gzip", "DNT: 1", //"Cookie: SOCS=CAESNQgCEitib3FfaWRlbnRpdHlmcm9udGVuZHVpc2VydmVyXzIwMjQwMzE3LjA4X3AwGgJlbiAEGgYIgM7orwY", "Connection: keep-alive", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1", "Sec-Fetch-Dest: document", "Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate", "Sec-Fetch-Site: none", "Sec-Fetch-User: ?1", "Priority: u=1", "TE: trailers" ]; $curlproc = curl_init(); if($get !== []){ $get = http_build_query($get); $url .= "?" . $get; } curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ""); // default encoding curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); // use http2 curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); // follow redirects curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); $this->backend->assign_proxy($curlproc, $proxy); $data = curl_exec($curlproc); if(curl_errno($curlproc)){ throw new Exception(curl_error($curlproc)); } curl_close($curlproc); return $data; } private function parsepage($html, $pagetype, $search, $proxy, $params){ $out = [ "status" => "ok", "spelling" => [ "type" => "no_correction", "using" => null, "correction" => null ], "npt" => null, "answer" => [], "web" => [], "image" => [], "video" => [], "news" => [], "related" => [] ]; $this->fuckhtml->load($html); $this->detect_sorry(); // parse all <style> tags $this->parsestyles(); // get javascript images $this->scrape_dimg($html); // get html blobs preg_match_all( '/function\(\){window\.jsl\.dh\(\'([^\']+?)\',\'(.+?[^\'])\'\);/', $html, $blobs ); $this->blobs = []; if(isset($blobs[1])){ for($i=0; $i<count($blobs[1]); $i++){ $this->blobs[$blobs[1][$i]] = $this->fuckhtml ->parseJsString( $blobs[2][$i] ); } } $this->scrape_imagearr($html); // // load result column // $result_div = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementById( "center_col", "div" ); if($result_div === false){ throw new Exception("Failed to grep result div"); } $this->fuckhtml->load($result_div); // // Get word corrections // $correction = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementById( "fprs", "p" ); if($correction){ $this->fuckhtml->load($correction); $a = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "a" ); $using = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementById( "fprsl", $a ); if($using){ $using = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $using ); $spans = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "span" ); $type_span = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $spans[0] ); $type = "not_many"; if( stripos( $type_span, "Showing results for" ) !== false ){ $type = "including"; } $correction = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $a[count($a) - 1] ); $out["spelling"] = [ "type" => $type, "using" => $using, "correction" => $correction ]; } // reset $this->fuckhtml->load($result_div); }else{ // get the "Did you mean?" prompt $taw = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementById( "taw" ); if($taw){ $this->fuckhtml->load($taw); $as = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "a" ); if(count($as) !== 0){ $text = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $as[0] ); // @TODO implement did_you_mean $out["spelling"] = [ "type" => "including", "using" => $search, "correction" => $text ]; } } $this->fuckhtml->load($result_div); } // // get notices // $botstuff = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementById( "botstuff" ); // important for later $last_page = false; if($botstuff){ $this->fuckhtml->load($botstuff); $cards = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "line-height" => "normal" ] ), "div" ); foreach($cards as $card){ $this->fuckhtml->load($card); $h2 = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "h2" ); if(count($h2) !== 0){ $title = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $h2[0] ); $card["innerHTML"] = str_replace( $h2[0]["outerHTML"], "", $card["innerHTML"] ); }else{ $title = "Notice"; } $description = []; $as = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "a" ); if(count($as) !== 0){ $first = true; foreach($as as $a){ $text_link = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $a ); if(stripos($text_link, "repeat the search") !== false){ $last_page = true; break 2; } $parts = explode( $a["outerHTML"], $card["innerHTML"], 2 ); $card["innerHTML"] = $parts[1]; $value = preg_replace( '/ +/', " ", $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $parts[0], false, false ) ); if(strlen(trim($value)) !== 0){ $description[] = [ "type" => "text", "value" => $value ]; if($first){ $description[0]["value"] = ltrim($description[0]["value"]); } } $first = false; $description[] = [ "type" => "link", "url" => $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $a["attributes"] ["href"] ), "value" => $text_link ]; } $text = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $card["innerHTML"], false, false ); if(strlen(trim($text)) !== 0){ $description[] = [ "type" => "text", "value" => rtrim( $text ) ]; } }else{ // @TODO: Check if this ever gets populated without giving me garbage /* $text = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $card ); if($text != ""){ $description[] = [ "type" => "text", "value" => $text ]; }*/ } if(count($description) !== 0){ $out["answer"][] = [ "title" => $title, "description" => $description, "url" => null, "thumb" => null, "table" => [], "sublink" => [] ]; } } // reset $this->fuckhtml->load($html); } // // get "Related Searches" and "People also search for" // $relateds = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( "wyccme", "div" ); foreach($relateds as $related){ $text = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $related ); if($text == "More results"){ continue; } $out["related"][] = $text; } // // Get text results // $results = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( "g", "div" ); $this->skip_next = false; foreach($results as $result){ if($this->skip_next){ $this->skip_next = false; continue; } $this->fuckhtml->load($result); $web = [ "title" => null, "description" => null, "url" => null, "date" => null, "type" => "web", "thumb" => [ "url" => null, "ratio" => null ], "sublink" => [], "table" => [] ]; // Detect presence of sublinks $g = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( "g", "div" ); $sublinks = []; if(count($g) > 0){ $table = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "table" ); if(count($table) !== 0){ // found some sublinks! $this->fuckhtml->load($table[0]); $tds = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "td" ); foreach($tds as $td){ $this->fuckhtml->load($td); $a = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "a" ); if( count($a) === 0 || ( isset($a[0]["attributes"]["class"]) && $a[0]["attributes"]["class"] == "fl" ) ){ continue; } $td["innerHTML"] = str_replace( $a[0]["outerHTML"], "", $td["innerHTML"] ); $web["sublink"][] = [ "title" => $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $a[0] ) ), "description" => html_entity_decode( $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $td ) ) ), "url" => $this->unshiturl( $a[0] ["attributes"] ["href"] ), "date" => null ]; } // reset $this->fuckhtml->load($result); } // skip on next iteration $this->skip_next = true; } // get title $h3 = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "h3" ); if(count($h3) === 0){ continue; } $web["title"] = $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $h3[0] ) ); // get url $as = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "a" ); $web["url"] = $this->unshiturl( $as[0] ["attributes"] ["href"] ); if( !preg_match( '/^http/', $web["url"] ) ){ // skip if invalid url is found continue; } // // probe for twitter carousel // $carousel = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "g-scrolling-carousel" ); if(count($carousel) !== 0){ $this->fuckhtml->load($carousel[0]); $items = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "g-inner-card" ); $has_thumbnail = false; foreach($items as $item){ $this->fuckhtml->load($item); if($has_thumbnail === false){ // get thumbnail $thumb = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "img" ); if( count($thumb) !== 0 && isset($thumb[0]["attributes"]["id"]) ){ $web["thumb"] = [ "url" => $this->getdimg( $thumb[0]["attributes"]["id"] ), "ratio" => "16:9" ]; $has_thumbnail = true; } // or else, try getting a thumbnail from next container } // cache div $div = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "div" ); // get link $links = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "a" ); // get description of carousel sublink $description = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeValue( "role", "heading", $div ); if(count($description) !== 0){ $description = $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $description[0] ) ); }else{ $description = null; } $bottom = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeValue( "style", "z-index:2", $div ); $title = null; $date = null; if(count($bottom) !== 0){ $this->fuckhtml->load($bottom[0]); $spans = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "span" ); $title = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $spans[0] ); $date = strtotime( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $spans[count($spans) - 1] ) ); } $web["sublink"][] = [ "title" => $title, "description" => $description, "url" => $this->unshiturl( $links[0] ["attributes"] ["href"] ), "date" => $date ]; } $out["web"][] = $web; continue; } // // get viewcount, time posted and follower count from <cite> tag // $cite = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "cite" ); if(count($cite) !== 0){ $this->fuckhtml->load($cite[0]); $spans = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName("span"); if(count($spans) === 0){ $cites = explode( "·", $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $cite[0] ) ); foreach($cites as $cite){ $cite = trim($cite); if( preg_match( '/(.+) (views|followers|likes)$/', $cite, $match ) ){ $web["table"][ucfirst($match[2])] = $match[1]; }elseif( preg_match( '/ago$/', $cite ) ){ $web["date"] = strtotime($cite); } } } // reset $this->fuckhtml->load($result); } // // attempt to fetch description cleanly // $description = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeValue( "style", "-webkit-line-clamp:2" ); if(count($description) !== 0){ $web["description"] = $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $description[0] ) ); }else{ // use ANOTHER method where the description is a header of the result $description = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeValue( "data-attrid", "wa:/description" ); if(count($description) !== 0){ // get date off that shit $date = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "font-size" => "12px", "line-height" => "1.34", "display" => "inline-block", "font-family" => "google sans,arial,sans-serif", "padding-right" => "0", "white-space" => "nowrap" ] ), "span" ); if(count($date) !== 0){ $description[0]["innerHTML"] = str_replace( $date[0]["outerHTML"], "", $description[0]["innerHTML"] ); $web["date"] = strtotime( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $date[0] ) ); } $web["description"] = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $description[0] ); }else{ // Yes.. You guessed it, use ANOTHER method to get descriptions // off youtube containers $description = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "-webkit-box-orient" => "vertical", "display" => "-webkit-box", "font-size" => "14px", "-webkit-line-clamp" => "2", "line-height" => "22px", "overflow" => "hidden", "word-break" => "break-word", "color" => "#4d5156" ] ), "div" ); if(count($description) !== 0){ // check for video duration $duration = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "background-color" => "rgba(0,0,0,0.6)", "color" => "#fff", "fill" => "#fff" ] ), "div" ); if(count($duration) !== 0){ $web["table"]["Duration"] = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $duration[0] ); } $web["description"] = $this->titledots( html_entity_decode( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $description[0] ) ) ); // get author + time posted $info = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "color" => "var(" . $this->getcolorvar("#70757a") . ")", "font-size" => "14px", "line-height" => "20px", "margin-top" => "12px" ] ), "div" ); if(count($info) !== 0){ $info = explode( "·", $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $info[0] ) ); switch(count($info)){ case 3: $web["table"]["Author"] = trim($info[1]); $web["date"] = strtotime(trim($info[2])); break; case 2: $web["date"] = strtotime(trim($info[1])); break; } } } } } // // get categories of content within the search result // $cats = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeName( "data-sncf", "div" ); foreach($cats as $cat){ $this->fuckhtml->load($cat); // detect image category $images = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "img" ); if(count($images) !== 0){ foreach($images as $image){ if(isset($image["attributes"]["id"])){ // we found an image if(isset($image["attributes"]["width"])){ $width = (int)$image["attributes"]["width"]; if($width == 110){ $ratio = "1:1"; }elseif($width > 110){ $ratio = "16:9"; }else{ $ratio = "9:16"; } }else{ $ratio = "1:1"; } $web["thumb"] = [ "url" => $this->getdimg($image["attributes"]["id"]), "ratio" => $ratio ]; continue 2; } } } // Detect rating $spans_unfiltered = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "span" ); $spans = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeName( "aria-label", $spans_unfiltered ); foreach($spans as $span){ if( preg_match( '/^Rated/', $span["attributes"]["aria-label"] ) ){ // found rating // scrape rating preg_match( '/([0-9.]+).*([0-9.]+)/', $span["attributes"]["aria-label"], $rating ); if(isset($rating[1])){ $web["table"]["Rating"] = $rating[1] . "/" . $rating[2]; } $has_seen_reviews = 0; foreach($spans_unfiltered as $span_unfiltered){ if( preg_match( '/([0-9,.]+) +([A-z]+)$/', $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $span_unfiltered ), $votes ) ){ $has_seen_reviews++; $web["table"][ucfirst($votes[2])] = $votes[1]; continue; } $text = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $span_unfiltered ); if( $text == " " || $text == "" ){ break; } switch($has_seen_reviews){ case 1: // scrape price $web["table"]["Price"] = $text; $has_seen_reviews++; break; case 2: // scrape platform $web["table"]["Platform"] = $text; $has_seen_reviews++; break; case 3: // Scrape type $web["table"]["Medium"] = $text; break; } } continue 2; } } // check if its a table of small sublinks $table = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "display" => "table", "white-space" => "nowrap", "margin" => "5px 0", "line-height" => "1.58", "color" => "var(" . $this->getcolorvar("#70757a") . ")" ] ), "div" ); if(count($table) !== 0){ $this->fuckhtml->load($table[0]); $rows = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "display" => "flex", "white-space" => "normal" ] ), "div" ); foreach($rows as $row){ $this->fuckhtml->load($row); $sublink = [ "title" => null, "description" => null, "url" => null, "date" => null ]; $link = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "a" )[0]; $sublink["title"] = $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $link ) ); $sublink["url"] = $this->unshiturl( $link ["attributes"] ["href"] ); $row["innerHTML"] = str_replace( $link["outerHTML"], "", $row["innerHTML"] ); $this->fuckhtml->load($row); $spans = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "span" ); foreach($spans as $span){ $text = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $span ); if( preg_match( '/answers?$/', $text ) ){ $sublink["description"] = $text; continue; } $time = strtotime($text); if($time !== false){ $sublink["date"] = $time; } } $web["sublink"][] = $sublink; } // reset $this->fuckhtml->load($cat); continue; } // check if its an answer header $answer_header = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "overflow" => "hidden", "text-overflow" => "ellipsis" ] ), "span" ); if(count($answer_header) !== 0){ $link = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "a" ); $cat["innerHTML"] = str_replace( $link[0]["outerHTML"], "", $cat["innerHTML"] ); $web["sublink"][] = [ "title" => $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $link[0] ), "description" => $this->titledots( trim( str_replace( "\xc2\xa0", " ", html_entity_decode( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $cat ) ) ), " ·" ) ), "url" => $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $link[0] ["attributes"] ["href"] ), "date" => null ]; continue; } // check if its list of small sublinks $urls = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "a" ); if(count($urls) !== 0){ // found small links foreach($urls as $url){ $target = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $url ["attributes"] ["href"] ); if( !preg_match( '/^http/', $target ) ){ continue; } $web["sublink"][] = [ "title" => $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $url ) ), "description" => null, "url" => $target, "date" => null ]; } continue; } // we probed everything, assume this is the description // if we didn't find one cleanly previously if($web["description"] === null){ $web["description"] = $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $cat ) ); } } // check if description contains date $description = explode("—", $web["description"], 2); if( count($description) === 2 && strlen($description[0]) <= 20 ){ $date = strtotime($description[0]); if($date !== false){ $web["date"] = $date; $web["description"] = ltrim($description[1]); } } // fetch youtube thumbnail $thumbnail = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "border-radius" => "8px", "height" => "fit-content", "justify-content" => "center", "margin-right" => "20px", "margin-top" => "4px", "position" => "relative", "width" => "fit-content" ] ), "div" ); if(count($thumbnail) !== 0){ // load thumbnail container $this->fuckhtml->load($thumbnail[0]); $image = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "img" ); if( count($image) !== 0 && isset($image[0]["attributes"]["id"]) ){ $web["thumb"] = [ "url" => $this->unshit_thumb( $this->getdimg( $image[0]["attributes"]["id"] ) ), "ratio" => "16:9" ]; } // reset $this->fuckhtml->load($result); } $out["web"][] = $web; } // reset $this->fuckhtml->load($result_div); // // Get instant answers // $answer_containers = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "padding-left" => "0px", "padding-right" => "0px" ] ), "div" ); $date_class = $this->getstyle( [ "font-size" => "12px", "line-height" => "1.34", "display" => "inline-block", "font-family" => "google sans,arial,sans-serif", "padding-right" => "0", "white-space" => "nowrap" ] ); foreach($answer_containers as $container){ $this->fuckhtml->load($container); $web = [ "title" => null, "description" => null, "url" => null, "date" => null, "type" => "web", "thumb" => [ "url" => null, "ratio" => null ], "sublink" => [], "table" => [] ]; $answers = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeName( "aria-controls", "div" ); $item_insert_pos = 1; foreach($answers as $answer){ $out["related"][] = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $answer ); if( isset( $this->blobs[ $answer ["attributes"] ["aria-controls"] ] ) ){ $this->fuckhtml->load( $this->blobs[ $answer ["attributes"] ["aria-controls"] ] ); $divs = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeName( "id", "div" ); foreach($divs as $div){ if( !isset( $this->blobs[ $div ["attributes"] ["id"] ] ) ){ continue; } $this->fuckhtml->load( $this->blobs[ $div ["attributes"] ["id"] ] ); // get url $as = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "a" ); if(count($as) !== 0){ $web["url"] = $this->unshiturl( $as[0]["attributes"]["href"] ); // skip entries that redirect to a search if( !preg_match( '/^http/', $web["url"] ) ){ continue 3; } } // get title $h3 = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "h3" ); if(count($h3) !== 0){ $web["title"] = $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $h3[0] ) ); } $description = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeValue( "data-attrid", "wa:/description", "div" ); if(count($description) !== 0){ // check for date $this->fuckhtml->load($description[0]); $date = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $date_class, "span" ); if(count($date) !== 0){ $description[0]["innerHTML"] = str_replace( $date[0]["outerHTML"], "", $description[0]["innerHTML"] ); $web["date"] = strtotime( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $date[0] ) ); } $web["description"] = ltrim( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $description[0] ), ": " ); } } foreach($out["web"] as $item){ if($item["url"] == $web["url"]){ continue 2; } } array_splice($out["web"], $item_insert_pos, 0, [$web]); $item_insert_pos++; } } } // reset $this->fuckhtml->load($result_div); // // Scrape word definition // $definition_container = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( "lr_container", "div" ); if(count($definition_container) !== 0){ $this->fuckhtml->load($definition_container[0]); // get header $header = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeValue( "data-attrid", "EntryHeader", "div" ); if(count($header) !== 0){ $description = []; $this->fuckhtml->load($header[0]); $title_div = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "font-family" => "google sans,arial,sans-serif", "font-size" => "28px", "line-height" => "36px" ] ) ); if(count($title_div) !== 0){ $title = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $title_div[0] ); }else{ $title = "Word definition"; } $subtext_div = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "font-family" => "arial,sans-serif", "font-size" => "14px", "line-height" => "22px" ] ), "span" ); if(count($subtext_div) !== 0){ $description[] = [ "type" => "quote", "value" => $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $subtext_div[0] ) ]; } // get audio $audio = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "audio" ); if(count($audio) !== 0){ $this->fuckhtml->load($audio[0]); $source = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "source" ); if(count($source) !== 0){ $description[] = [ "type" => "audio", "url" => preg_replace( '/^\/\//', "https://", $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $source[0] ["attributes"] ["src"] ) ) ]; } } // remove header to avoid confusion $definition_container[0]["innerHTML"] = str_replace( $header[0]["outerHTML"], "", $definition_container[0]["innerHTML"] ); // reset $this->fuckhtml->load($definition_container[0]); $vmods = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( "vmod", "div" ); foreach($vmods as $category){ if( !isset( $category ["attributes"] ["data-topic"] ) || $category ["attributes"] ["class"] != "vmod" ){ continue; } $this->fuckhtml->load($category); // get category type $type = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "i" ); if(count($type) !== 0){ $description[] = [ "type" => "title", "value" => $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $type[0] ) ]; } // get heading text $headings = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( "xpdxpnd", "div" ); foreach($headings as $heading){ $description[] = [ "type" => "quote", "value" => $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $heading ) ]; } $definitions = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeValue( "data-attrid", "SenseDefinition", "div" ); $i = 1; $text = []; foreach($definitions as $definition){ $text[] = $i . ". " . $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $definition ); $i++; } if(count($text) !== 0){ $description[] = [ "type" => "text", "value" => implode("\n", $text) ]; } } $out["answer"][] = [ "title" => $title, "description" => $description, "url" => null, "thumb" => null, "table" => [], "sublink" => [] ]; } // reset $this->fuckhtml->load($result_div); } // // scrape elements with a g-section-with-header // includes: images, news carousels // $g_sections = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "g-section-with-header" ); if(count($g_sections) !== 0){ foreach($g_sections as $g_section){ // parse elements with a g-section-with-header $this->fuckhtml->load($g_section); $div_title = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( "a-no-hover-decoration", "a" ); if(count($div_title) !== 0){ // title detected, skip continue; } // no title detected: detect news container $news = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "outline-offset" => "-1px", "display" => "flex", "flex-direction" => "column", "flex-grow" => "1" ] ) ); foreach($news as $new){ $this->fuckhtml->load($new); $image = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeName( "id", "img" ); if( count($image) !== 0 && !( isset($image[0]["attributes"]["style"]) && strpos( $image[0]["attributes"]["style"], "height:18px" ) !== false ) ){ $thumb = [ "url" => $this->getdimg( $image[0] ["attributes"] ["id"] ), "ratio" => "1:1" ]; } $title = $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeValue( "role", "heading", "div" )[0] ) ); $date_div = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeName( "style", "div" ); if(count($date_div) !== 0){ foreach($date_div as $div){ if( strpos( $div["attributes"]["style"], "bottom:" ) !== false ){ $date = strtotime( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $div ) ); break; } } }else{ $date = null; } $out["news"][] = [ "title" => $title, "description" => null, "date" => $date, "thumb" => $thumb, "url" => $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $new ["attributes"] ["href"] ) ]; } } // reset $this->fuckhtml->load($result_div); } // // Parse images (carousel, left hand-side) // $image_carousels = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeValue( "id", "media_result_group", "div" ); if(count($image_carousels) !== 0){ foreach($image_carousels as $image_carousel){ $this->fuckhtml->load($image_carousel); // get related searches in image carousel $relateds = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "display" => "inline-block", "margin-right" => "6px", "outline" => "none", "padding" => "6px 0" ], "a" ) ); foreach($relateds as $related){ if(!isset($related["innerHTML"])){ // found an image continue; } $text = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $related ); if($text != ""){ $out["related"][] = $text; } } $div = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "div" ); // get loaded images $images = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( "ivg-i", $div ); foreach($images as $image){ $this->fuckhtml->load($image); $img_tags = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "img" ); if( !isset($image["attributes"]["data-docid"]) || !isset($this->image_arr[$image["attributes"]["data-docid"]]) ){ continue; } // search for the right image tag $image_tag = false; foreach($img_tags as $img){ if( isset( $img ["attributes"] ["alt"] ) && trim( $img ["attributes"] ["alt"] ) != "" ){ $image_tag = $img; break; } } if($image_tag === false){ continue; } $out["image"][] = [ "title" => $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $image_tag ["attributes"] ["alt"] ) ), "source" => $this->image_arr[ $image ["attributes"] ["data-docid"] ], "url" => $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $image ["attributes"] ["data-lpage"] ) ]; } // get unloaded javascript images $images_js_sel = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeName( "id", $div ); $loaded = []; foreach($images_js_sel as $sel){ if( !isset($this->blobs[$sel["attributes"]["id"]]) || in_array((string)$sel["attributes"]["id"], $loaded, true) ){ // not an unloaded javascript image continue; } $loaded[] = $sel["attributes"]["id"]; // get yet another javascript component $this->fuckhtml->load($this->blobs[$sel["attributes"]["id"]]); // get js node: contains title & url $js_node = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "div" )[0]; if(!isset($this->blobs[$js_node["attributes"]["id"]])){ // did not find refer id continue; } // load second javascript component $this->fuckhtml->load($this->blobs[$js_node["attributes"]["id"]]); // get title from image alt text. // data-src from this image is cropped, ignore it.. $img = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "img" )[0]; $out["image"][] = [ "title" => $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $img["attributes"]["alt"] ), "source" => $this->image_arr[ $js_node["attributes"]["data-docid"] ], "url" => $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $js_node["attributes"]["data-lpage"] ) ]; } } // reset $this->fuckhtml->load($result_div); } // // Parse videos // $this->fuckhtml->load($result_div); $videos = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeName( "data-vid", "div" ); foreach($videos as $video){ $this->fuckhtml->load($video); // get url $url = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $video ["attributes"] ["data-surl"] ); foreach($out["web"] as $link){ if($link["url"] == $url){ // ignore if we already have the video in $out["web"] continue 2; } } // get heading element $heading = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeValue( "role", "heading", "div" ); if(count($heading) === 0){ // no heading, fuck this. continue; } // get thumbnail before loading heading object $image = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeName( "id", "img" ); if(count($image) !== 0){ $thumb = [ "url" => $this->getdimg($image[0]["attributes"]["id"]), "ratio" => "16:9" ]; }else{ $thumb = [ "url" => null, "ratio" => null ]; } // get duration $duration_div = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "border-radius" => "10px", "font-family" => "arial,sans-serif-medium,sans-serif", "font-size" => "12px", "line-height" => "16px", "padding-block" => "2px", "padding-inline" => "8px" ] ), "div" ); if(count($duration_div) !== 0){ $duration = $this->hms2int( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $duration_div[0] ) ); }else{ // check if its a livestream $duration = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "background-color" => "#d93025", "border-radius" => "10px", "color" => "#fff", "font-family" => "arial,sans-serif-medium,sans-serif", "font-size" => "12px", "line-height" => "16px", "padding-block" => "2px", "padding-inline" => "8px" ] ), "span" ); if(count($duration) !== 0){ $duration = "_LIVE"; }else{ $duration = null; } } // load heading $this->fuckhtml->load($heading[0]); // get title $title = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "font-family" => "arial,sans-serif", "font-size" => "16px", "font-weight" => "400", "line-height" => "24px" ] ), "div" ); if(count($title) === 0){ // ?? no title continue; } $title = $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $title[0] ) ); // get date $date_div = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "color" => "var(" . $this->getcolorvar("#70757a") . ")", "font-size" => "14px" ] ), "div" ); if(count($date_div) !== 0){ $date = strtotime( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $date_div[0] ) ); if($date === false){ // failed to parse date $date = null; } }else{ $date = null; } $out["video"][] = [ "title" => $title, "description" => null, "date" => $date, "duration" => $duration, "views" => null, "thumb" => $thumb, "url" => $url ]; } // // Parse featured results (which contain images, fuck the rest desu) // $this->fuckhtml->load($html); $top = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeValue( "aria-label", "Featured results", "div" ); if(count($top) !== 0){ $this->fuckhtml->load($top[0]); // get images $grid = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "border-radius" => "20px", "display" => "grid", "grid-gap" => "2px", "grid-template-rows" => "repeat(2,minmax(0,1fr))", "overflow" => "hidden", "bottom" => "0", "left" => "0", "right" => "0", "top" => "0", "position" => "absolute", ] ), "div" ); if(count($grid) !== 0){ // we found image grid $this->fuckhtml->load($grid[0]); $images_div = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeName( "data-attrid", "div" ); foreach($images_div as $image_div){ $this->fuckhtml->load($image_div); $image = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "img" ); if( count($image) === 0 || !isset($image_div["attributes"]["data-docid"]) || !isset($this->image_arr[$image_div["attributes"]["data-docid"]]) ){ // ?? no image, continue continue; } $out["image"][] = [ "title" => $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $image[0]["attributes"]["alt"] ) ), "source" => $this->image_arr[ $image_div["attributes"]["data-docid"] ], "url" => $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $image_div["attributes"]["data-lpage"] ) ]; } } } // // craft $npt token // if( $last_page === false && count($out["web"]) !== 0 ){ if(!isset($params["start"])){ $params["start"] = 20; }else{ $params["start"] += 20; } $out["npt"] = $this->backend ->store( json_encode($params), $pagetype, $proxy ); } // // Parse right handside // $this->fuckhtml->load($html); $rhs = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementById( "rhs" ); if($rhs === null){ return $out; } $this->fuckhtml->load($rhs); // get images gallery $image_gallery = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeValue( "data-rc", "ivg-i", "div" ); if(count($image_gallery) !== 0){ $this->fuckhtml->load($image_gallery[0]); // get images $images_div = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( "ivg-i", "div" ); foreach($images_div as $image_div){ $this->fuckhtml->load($image_div); $image = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "img" ); if( count($image) === 0 || !isset( $this->image_arr[ $image_div ["attributes"] ["data-docid"] ] ) ){ continue; } foreach($out["image"] as $existing_image){ // might already exist if( $existing_image["source"][1]["url"] == $this->image_arr[ $image_div ["attributes"] ["data-docid"] ][1]["url"] ){ continue 2; } } $out["image"][] = [ "title" => $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $image[0] ["attributes"] ["alt"] ) ), "source" => $this->image_arr[ $image_div ["attributes"] ["data-docid"] ], "url" => $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $image_div ["attributes"] ["data-lpage"] ) ]; } // reset $this->fuckhtml->load($rhs); } // get header container $header = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "padding" => "0 0 16px 20px", "display" => "flex" ] ), "div" ); // stop parsing wikipedia heads if there isn't a header $description = []; $title = "About"; if(count($header) !== 0){ $this->fuckhtml->load($header[0]); // g-snackbar-action present: we found a button instead if( count( $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "g-snackbar-action" ) ) !== 0 ){ $title_tag = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeValue( "data-attrid", "title", "div" ); if(count($title_tag) !== 0){ $title = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $title_tag[0] ); $header[0]["innerHTML"] = str_replace( $title_tag[0]["outerHTML"], "", $header[0]["innerHTML"] ); // if header still contains text, add it as a subtitle in description $subtitle = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $header[0] ); if(strlen($subtitle) !== 0){ $description[] = [ "type" => "quote", "value" => $subtitle ]; } } } // reset $this->fuckhtml->load($rhs); } // get description elements $url = null; $text = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeValue( "data-attrid", "description", "div" ); if(count($text) !== 0){ $this->fuckhtml->load($text[0]); $a = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "a" ); if(count($a) !== 0){ // get link and remove it from description $a = $a[count($a) - 1]; $text[0]["innerHTML"] = str_replace( $a["outerHTML"], "", $text[0]["innerHTML"] ); $url = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $a ["attributes"] ["href"] ); } $description[] = [ "type" => "text", "value" => html_entity_decode( preg_replace( '/^Description/', "", $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $text[0] ) ) ) ]; // reset $this->fuckhtml->load($rhs); } // get reviews (google play, steam, etc) $review_container = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "align-items" => "start", "display" => "flex" ] ), "div" ); if(count($review_container) !== 0){ $this->fuckhtml->load($review_container[0]); $as = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "a" ); if(count($as) !== 0){ $description[] = [ "type" => "title", "value" => "Ratings" ]; foreach($as as $a){ $this->fuckhtml->load($a); $spans = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "span" ); if(count($spans) >= 2){ $value = trim( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $spans[1] ), "· " ); if( $value == "" && isset($spans[2]) ){ $value = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $spans[2] ); } $description[] = [ "type" => "link", "url" => $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $a["attributes"] ["href"] ), "value" => $value ]; $description[] = [ "type" => "text", "value" => ": " . $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $spans[0] ) . "\n" ]; } } } // reset $this->fuckhtml->load($rhs); } // initialize sublinks $sublinks = []; // get description from business if(count($description) === 0){ $data_attrid = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeName( "data-attrid" ); $summary = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeValue( "data-attrid", "kc:/local:one line summary", $data_attrid ); if(count($summary) !== 0){ $description[] = [ "type" => "quote", "value" => $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $summary[0] ) ]; // remove summary so it doesnt get parsed as a table $rhs["innerHTML"] = str_replace( $summary[0]["outerHTML"], "", $rhs["innerHTML"] ); $this->fuckhtml->load($rhs); } $address = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeValue( "data-attrid", "kc:/location/location:address", $data_attrid ); if(count($address) !== 0){ $description[] = [ "type" => "text", "value" => $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $address[0] ) ]; } // get title $title_div = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeValue( "data-attrid", "title", $data_attrid ); if(count($title_div) !== 0){ $title = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $title_div[0] ); } // get phone number $phone = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeValue( "data-attrid", "kc:/local:alt phone", $data_attrid ); if(count($phone) !== 0){ $this->fuckhtml->load($phone[0]); $sublinks["Call"] = "tel:" . $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeName( "aria-label", "span" )[0] ); $this->fuckhtml->load($rhs); } } if(count($description) === 0){ // still no description? abort return $out; } // get table elements $table = []; $table_elems = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "margin-top" => "7px" ] ), "div" ); foreach($table_elems as $elem){ $this->fuckhtml->load($elem); $spans = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "span" ); if(count($spans) === 0){ // ?? invalid continue; } $elem["innerHTML"] = str_replace( $spans[0]["outerHTML"], "", $elem["innerHTML"] ); $key = rtrim( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $spans[0] ), ": " ); if( $key == "" || $key == "Phone" ){ continue; } if($key == "Hours"){ $hours = []; $this->fuckhtml->load($elem); $trs = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "tr" ); foreach($trs as $tr){ $this->fuckhtml->load($tr); $tds = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "td" ); if(count($tds) === 2){ $hours[] = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $tds[0] ) . ": " . $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $tds[1] ); } } if(count($hours) !== 0){ $hours = implode("\n", $hours); $table["Hours"] = $hours; } continue; } $table[$key] = preg_replace( '/ +/', " ", $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $elem ) ); } // reset $this->fuckhtml->load($rhs); // get the website div $as = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeValue( "data-attrid", "visit_official_site", "a" ); if(count($as) !== 0){ $sublinks["Website"] = str_replace( "http://", "https://", $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $as[0] ["attributes"] ["href"] ) ); }else{ // get website through button $button = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( "ab_button", "a" ); if(count($button) !== 0){ $sublinks["Website"] = $this->unshiturl( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $button[0] ["attributes"] ["href"] ) ); } } // get social media links $as = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "g-link" ); foreach($as as $a){ $this->fuckhtml->load($a); $link = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "a" ); if(count($link) === 0){ continue; } $sublink_title = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $a ); if($sublink_title == "X (Twitter)"){ $sublink_title = "Twitter"; } $sublinks[$sublink_title] = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $link[0] ["attributes"] ["href"] ); } // reset $this->fuckhtml->load($rhs); // get those round containers $containers = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( "tpa-ci" ); foreach($containers as $container){ $this->fuckhtml->load($container); $as = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "a" ); if(count($as) === 0){ continue; } $sublinks[ $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $as[0] ) ] = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $as[0] ["attributes"] ["href"] ); } $out["answer"][] = [ "title" => $title, "description" => $description, "url" => $url, "thumb" => null, "table" => $table, "sublink" => $sublinks ]; return $out; } private function scrape_dimg($html){ // get images loaded through javascript $this->dimg = []; preg_match_all( '/function\(\){google\.ldi=({.*?});/', $html, $dimg ); if(isset($dimg[1])){ foreach($dimg[1] as $i){ $tmp = json_decode($i, true); foreach($tmp as $key => $value){ $this->dimg[$key] = $this->unshit_thumb( $value ); } } } // get additional javascript base64 images preg_match_all( '/var s=\'(data:image\/[^\']+)\';var ii=\[((?:\'[^\']+\',?)+)\];/', $html, $dimg ); if(isset($dimg[1])){ for($i=0; $i<count($dimg[1]); $i++){ $delims = explode(",", $dimg[2][$i]); $string = $this->fuckhtml ->parseJsString( $dimg[1][$i] ); foreach($delims as $delim){ $this->dimg[trim($delim, "'")] = $string; } } } } private function scrape_imagearr($html){ // get image links arrays preg_match_all( '/\[0,"([^"]+)",\["([^"]+)\",([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\],\["([^"]+)",([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\]/', $html, $image_arr ); $this->image_arr = []; if(isset($image_arr[1])){ for($i=0; $i<count($image_arr[1]); $i++){ $this->image_arr[$image_arr[1][$i]] = [ [ "url" => $this->fuckhtml ->parseJsString( $image_arr[5][$i] ), "width" => (int)$image_arr[7][$i], "height" => (int)$image_arr[6][$i] ], [ "url" => $this->unshit_thumb( $this->fuckhtml ->parseJsString( $image_arr[2][$i] ) ), "width" => (int)$image_arr[4][$i], "height" => (int)$image_arr[3][$i] ] ]; } } } private function getdimg($dimg){ return isset($this->dimg[$dimg]) ? $this->dimg[$dimg] : null; } private function unshit_thumb($url){ // https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQINE2vbnNLHXqoZr3RVsaEJFyOsj1_BiBnJch-e1nyz3oia7Aj5xVj // https://i.ytimg.com/vi/PZVIyA5ER3Y/mqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEFCJQBEFM&rs=AMzJL3nXeaCpdIar-ltNwl82Y82cIJfphA $parts = parse_url($url); if( isset($parts["host"]) && preg_match( '/tbn.*\.gstatic\.com/', $parts["host"] ) ){ parse_str($parts["query"], $params); if(isset($params["q"])){ return "https://" . $parts["host"] . "/images?q=" . $params["q"]; } } return $url; } private function parsestyles(){ $styles = []; $style_div = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "style" ); $raw_styles = ""; foreach($style_div as $style){ $raw_styles .= $style["innerHTML"]; } // filter out media/keyframe queries $raw_styles = preg_replace( '/@\s*(?!font-face)[^{]+\s*{[\S\s]+?}\s*}/', "", $raw_styles ); // get styles preg_match_all( '/(.+?){([\S\s]*?)}/', $raw_styles, $matches ); for($i=0; $i<count($matches[1]); $i++){ // get style values preg_match_all( '/([^:;]+):([^;]*?(?:\([^)]+\)[^;]*?)?)(?:;|$)/', $matches[2][$i], $values_regex ); $values = []; for($k=0; $k<count($values_regex[1]); $k++){ $values[trim($values_regex[1][$k])] = strtolower(trim($values_regex[2][$k])); } $names = explode(",", $matches[1][$i]); // h1,h2,h3 will each get their own array index foreach($names as $name){ $name = trim($name, "}\t\n\r\0\x0B"); foreach($values as $key => $value){ $styles[$name][$key] = $value; } } } foreach($styles as $key => $values){ $styles[$key]["_c"] = count($values); } $this->styles = $styles; // get CSS colors $this->css_colors = []; if(isset($this->styles[":root"])){ foreach($this->styles[":root"] as $key => $value){ $this->css_colors[$value] = strtolower($key); } } } private function getstyle($styles){ $styles["_c"] = count($styles); foreach($this->styles as $style_key => $style_values){ if(count(array_intersect_assoc($style_values, $styles)) === $styles["_c"] + 1){ $style_key = explode(" ", $style_key); $style_key = $style_key[count($style_key) - 1]; return ltrim( str_replace( [".", "#"], " ", $style_key ) ); } } return false; } private function getcolorvar($color){ if(isset($this->css_colors[$color])){ return $this->css_colors[$color]; } return null; } public function web($get){ if($get["npt"]){ [$params, $proxy] = $this->backend->get($get["npt"], "web"); $params = json_decode($params, true); $search = $params["q"]; }else{ $search = $get["s"]; $country = $get["country"]; $nsfw = $get["nsfw"]; $lang = $get["lang"]; $older = $get["older"]; $newer = $get["newer"]; $spellcheck = $get["spellcheck"]; $proxy = $this->backend->get_ip(); $offset = 0; $params = [ "q" => $search, "hl" => "en", "num" => 20 // get 20 results ]; // country if($country != "any"){ $params["gl"] = $country; } // nsfw $params["safe"] = $nsfw == "yes" ? "off" : "active"; // language if($lang != "any"){ $params["lr"] = "lang_" . $lang; } // generate tbs $tbs = []; // get date $older = $older === false ? null : date("m/d/Y", $older); $newer = $newer === false ? null : date("m/d/Y", $newer); if( $older !== null || $newer !== null ){ $tbs["cdr"] = "1"; $tbs["cd_min"] = $newer; $tbs["cd_max"] = $older; } // spellcheck filter if($spellcheck == "no"){ $params["nfpr"] = "1"; } if(count($tbs) !== 0){ $params["tbs"] = ""; foreach($tbs as $key => $value){ $params["tbs"] .= $key . ":" . $value . ","; } $params["tbs"] = rtrim($params["tbs"], ","); } } try{ $html = $this->get( $proxy, "https://www.google.com/search", $params ); }catch(Exception $error){ throw new Exception("Failed to get HTML"); } //$html = file_get_contents("scraper/google.html"); return $this->parsepage($html, "web", $search, $proxy, $params); } public function video($get){ if($get["npt"]){ [$params, $proxy] = $this->backend->get($get["npt"], "web"); $params = json_decode($params, true); $search = $params["q"]; }else{ $search = $get["s"]; $country = $get["country"]; $nsfw = $get["nsfw"]; $older = $get["older"]; $newer = $get["newer"]; $duration = $get["duration"]; $quality = $get["quality"]; $captions = $get["captions"]; $proxy = $this->backend->get_ip(); $params = [ "q" => $search, "tbm" => "vid", "hl" => "en", "num" => "20" ]; // country if($country != "any"){ $params["gl"] = $country; } // nsfw $params["safe"] = $nsfw == "yes" ? "off" : "active"; $tbs = []; // get date $older = $older === false ? null : date("m/d/Y", $older); $newer = $newer === false ? null : date("m/d/Y", $newer); if( $older !== null || $newer !== null ){ $tbs["cdr"] = "1"; $tbs["cd_min"] = $newer; $tbs["cd_max"] = $older; } // duration if($duration != "any"){ $tbs[] = "dur:" . $duration; } // quality if($quality != "any"){ $tbs[] = "hq:" . $quality; } // captions if($captions != "any"){ $tbs[] = "cc:" . $captions; } // append tbs if(count($tbs) !== 0){ $params["tbs"] = implode(",", $tbs); } } try{ $html = $this->get( $proxy, "https://www.google.com/search", $params ); }catch(Exception $error){ throw new Exception("Failed to get HTML"); } //$html = file_get_contents("scraper/google.html"); $response = $this->parsepage($html, "videos", $search, $proxy, $params); $out = [ "status" => "ok", "npt" => $response["npt"], "video" => [], "author" => [], "livestream" => [], "playlist" => [], "reel" => [] ]; foreach($response["web"] as $result){ $out["video"][] = [ "title" => $result["title"], "description" => $result["description"], "author" => [ "name" => isset($result["table"]["Author"]) ? $result["table"]["Author"] : null, "url" => null, "avatar" => null ], "date" => $result["date"], "duration" => isset($result["table"]["Duration"]) ? $this->hms2int($result["table"]["Duration"]) : null, "views" => null, "thumb" => $result["thumb"], "url" => $result["url"] ]; } return $out; } public function news($get){ if($get["npt"]){ [$req, $proxy] = $this->backend->get($get["npt"], "news"); /*parse_str( parse_url($req, PHP_URL_QUERY), $search );*/ try{ $html = $this->get( $proxy, "https://www.google.com" . $req, [] ); }catch(Exception $error){ throw new Exception("Failed to get HTML"); } }else{ $search = $get["s"]; $country = $get["country"]; $nsfw = $get["nsfw"]; $older = $get["older"]; $newer = $get["newer"]; $sort = $get["sort"]; $proxy = $this->backend->get_ip(); $params = [ "q" => $search, "tbm" => "nws", "hl" => "en", "num" => "20" ]; // country if($country != "any"){ $params["gl"] = $country; } // nsfw $params["safe"] = $nsfw == "yes" ? "off" : "active"; $tbs = []; // get date $older = $older === false ? null : date("m/d/Y", $older); $newer = $newer === false ? null : date("m/d/Y", $newer); if( $older !== null || $newer !== null ){ $tbs["cdr"] = "1"; $tbs["cd_min"] = $newer; $tbs["cd_max"] = $older; } // relevance if($sort == "date"){ $tbs["sbd"] = "1"; } // append tbs if(count($tbs) !== 0){ $params["tbs"] = ""; foreach($tbs as $key => $value){ $params["tbs"] .= $key . ":" . $value . ","; } $params["tbs"] = rtrim($params["tbs"], ","); } //$html = file_get_contents("scraper/google-news.html"); $html = $this->get( $proxy, "https://www.google.com/search", $params ); } $out = [ "status" => "ok", "npt" => null, "news" => [] ]; $this->fuckhtml->load($html); $this->detect_sorry(); // get images $this->scrape_dimg($html); // parse styles $this->parsestyles(); $center_col = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementById( "center_col", "div" ); if($center_col === null){ throw new Exception("Could not grep result div"); } $this->fuckhtml->load($center_col); // get next page $npt = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementById( "pnnext", "a" ); if($npt !== false){ $out["npt"] = $this->backend->store( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $npt["attributes"] ["href"] ), "news", $proxy ); } $as = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeName( "jsname", "a" ); foreach($as as $a){ $this->fuckhtml->load($a); // get title $title = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeValue( "role", "heading", "div" ); if(count($title) === 0){ continue; } $title = $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $title[0] ) ); // get thumbnail $image = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeName( "id", "img" ); // check for padded title node, if found, we're inside a carousel $probe = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "padding" => "16px 16px 40px 16px" ] ), "div" ); if(count($probe) !== 0){ $probe = true; }else{ $probe = false; } if( count($image) !== 0 && !isset($image[0]["attributes"]["width"]) ){ $thumb = [ "url" => $this->getdimg( $image[0]["attributes"]["id"] ), "ratio" => $probe === true ? "16:9" : "1:1" ]; }else{ $thumb = [ "url" => null, "ratio" => null ]; } $description = null; if($probe === false){ $desc_divs = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeName( "style", "div" ); foreach($desc_divs as $desc){ if( strpos( $desc["attributes"]["style"], "margin-top:" ) !== false ){ $description = $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $desc ) ); break; } } } // get author $author = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $this->getstyle( [ "overflow" => "hidden", "text-align" => "left", "text-overflow" => "ellipsis", "white-space" => "nowrap", "margin-bottom" => "8px" ] ), "div" ); if(count($author) !== 0){ $author = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $author[0] ); }else{ $author = null; } // get date $date = null; $date_div = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByAttributeName( "style", "div" ); foreach($date_div as $d){ $this->fuckhtml->load($d); $span = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "span" ); if( strpos( $d["attributes"]["style"], "bottom:" ) !== false ){ $date = strtotime( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $span[count($span) - 1] ) ); break; } } $out["news"][] = [ "title" => $title, "author" => $author, "description" => $description, "date" => $date, "thumb" => $thumb, "url" => $this->unshiturl( $a["attributes"] ["href"] ) ]; } return $out; } public function image($get){ // generate parameters if($get["npt"]){ [$params, $proxy] = $this->backend->get( $get["npt"], "images" ); $params = json_decode($params, true); }else{ $search = $get["s"]; if(strlen($search) === 0){ throw new Exception("Search term is empty!"); } $proxy = $this->backend->get_ip(); $country = $get["country"]; $nsfw = $get["nsfw"]; $time = $get["time"]; $size = $get["size"]; $ratio = $get["ratio"]; $color = $get["color"]; $type = $get["type"]; $format = $get["format"]; $rights = $get["rights"]; $params = [ "q" => $search, "udm" => "2" // get images ]; // country (image search uses cr instead of gl) if($country != "any"){ $params["cr"] = "country" . strtoupper($country); } // nsfw $params["safe"] = $nsfw == "yes" ? "off" : "active"; // generate tbs $tbs = []; // time if($time != "any"){ $tbs["qdr"] = $time; } // size if($size != "any"){ $params["imgsz"] = $size; } // ratio if($ratio != "any"){ $params["imgar"] = $ratio; } // color if($color != "any"){ if( $color == "color" || $color == "trans" ){ $params["imgc"] = $color; }elseif($color == "bnw"){ $params["imgc"] = "gray"; }else{ $tbs["ic"] = "specific"; $tbs["isc"] = $color; } } // type if($type != "any"){ $tbs["itp"] = $type; } // format if($format != "any"){ $params["as_filetype"] = $format; } // rights (tbs) if($rights != "any"){ $tbs["sur"] = $rights; } // append tbs if(count($tbs) !== 0){ $params["tbs"] = ""; foreach($tbs as $key => $value){ $params["tbs"] .= $key . ":" . $value . ","; } $params["tbs"] = rtrim($params["tbs"], ","); } } /* $handle = fopen("scraper/google-img.html", "r"); $html = fread($handle, filesize("scraper/google-img.html")); fclose($handle);*/ try{ $html = $this->get( $proxy, "https://www.google.com/search", $params ); }catch(Exception $error){ throw new Exception("Failed to get search page"); } $this->fuckhtml->load($html); $this->detect_sorry(); // get javascript images $this->scrape_imagearr($html); $out = [ "status" => "ok", "npt" => null, "image" => [] ]; $images = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( "ivg-i", "div" ); foreach($images as $div){ $this->fuckhtml->load($div); $image = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName("img")[0]; $out["image"][] = [ "title" => $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $image["attributes"]["alt"] ) ), "source" => $this->image_arr[ $div["attributes"]["data-docid"] ], "url" => $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $div["attributes"]["data-lpage"] ) ]; } // as usual, no way to check if there is a next page reliably if(count($out["image"]) > 50){ if(!isset($params["start"])){ $params["start"] = 10; }else{ $params["start"] += 10; } $out["npt"] = $this->backend ->store( json_encode($params), "image", $proxy ); } return $out; } private function unshiturl($url, $return_size = false){ // decode $url = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent($url); $url_parts = parse_url($url); if( !isset( $url_parts["host"] ) ){ // no host, we have a tracking url parse_str($url_parts["query"], $query); if(isset($query["imgurl"])){ $url = $query["imgurl"]; } elseif(isset($query["q"])){ $url = $query["q"]; } } // rewrite URLs to remove extra tracking parameters $domain = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST); if( preg_match( '/wikipedia.org$/', $domain ) ){ // rewrite wikipedia mobile URLs to desktop $url = $this->replacedomain( $url, preg_replace( '/([a-z0-9]+)(\.m\.)/', '$1.', $domain ) ); } elseif( preg_match( '/imdb\.com$|youtube\.[^.]+$/', $domain ) ){ // rewrite imdb and youtube mobile URLs too $url = $this->replacedomain( $url, preg_replace( '/^m\./', "", $domain ) ); } elseif( preg_match( '/play\.google\.[^.]+$/', $domain ) ){ // remove referrers from play.google.com $oldquery = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY); if($oldquery !== null){ parse_str($oldquery, $query); if(isset($query["referrer"])){ unset($query["referrer"]); } if(isset($query["hl"])){ unset($query["hl"]); } if(isset($query["gl"])){ unset($query["gl"]); } $query = http_build_query($query); $url = str_replace( $oldquery, $query, $url ); } } elseif( preg_match( '/twitter\.com$/', $domain ) ){ // remove more referrers from twitter.com $oldquery = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY); if($oldquery !== null){ parse_str($oldquery, $query); if(isset($query["ref_src"])){ unset($query["ref_src"]); } $query = http_build_query($query); $url = str_replace( $oldquery, $query, $url ); } } elseif( preg_match( '/maps\.google\.[^.]+/', $domain ) ){ if(stripos($url, "maps?") !== false){ //https://maps.google.com/maps?daddr=Johnny,+603+Rue+St+Georges,+Saint-J%C3%A9r%C3%B4me,+Quebec+J7Z+5B7 $query = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY); if($query !== null){ parse_str($query, $query); if(isset($query["daddr"])){ $url = "https://maps.google.com/maps?daddr=" . urlencode($query["daddr"]); } } } } if($return_size){ return [ "url" => $url, "ref" => isset($query["imgrefurl"]) ? $query["imgrefurl"] : null, "thumb_width" => isset($query["tbnw"]) ? (int)$query["tbnw"] : null, "thumb_height" => isset($query["tbnh"]) ? (int)$query["tbnh"] : null, "image_width" => isset($query["w"]) ? (int)$query["w"] : null, "image_height" => isset($query["h"]) ? (int)$query["h"] : null ]; } return $url; } private function replacedomain($url, $domain){ return preg_replace( '/(https?:\/\/)([^\/]+)/', '$1' . $domain, $url ); } private function titledots($title){ return trim($title, " .\t\n\r\0\x0B…"); } private function hms2int($time){ $parts = explode(":", $time, 3); $time = 0; if(count($parts) === 3){ // hours $time = $time + ((int)$parts[0] * 3600); array_shift($parts); } if(count($parts) === 2){ // minutes $time = $time + ((int)$parts[0] * 60); array_shift($parts); } // seconds $time = $time + (int)$parts[0]; return $time; } private function detect_sorry(){ $recaptcha = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementById( "recaptcha", "div" ); if($recaptcha !== false){ throw new Exception("Google returned a captcha"); } } }