<?php include_once("oracles/base.php"); class time extends oracle { public $info = [ "name" => "what time is it?" ]; public function check_query($q) { $prompts = [ "what", "time", "is", "it", "right", "now", "the", "current", "get" ]; $q = str_replace(",", "", $q); $q = str_replace("?", "", $q); $q = str_replace("what's", "what is", $q); $oq = $q; $q = explode(" ", $q); $count = 0; foreach ($q as $word) { if (in_array($word, $prompts)) { $count++; } } // remove one from total count if a timezone is specified return ($count/(count($q) + (str_contains($oq, "tz:") ? -1 : 0))) > 3/4; } public function generate_response($q) { $timezone = timezone_name_from_abbr("UTC"); foreach (explode(" ", $q) as $word) { if (str_starts_with($word, "tz:")) { $decltz = timezone_name_from_abbr(substr($word, 3, 3)); if ($decltz) { $timezone = $decltz; } } } date_default_timezone_set($timezone); return [ "The time in ".$timezone => date("H:i:s"), "" => "include the string \"tz:XXX\" to use timezone XXX" ]; } } ?>