public function type($get){ $search = $get["s"]; $bang = $get["bang"]; if(empty($search)){ if(!empty($bang)){ // !youtube $conn = pg_connect("host=localhost dbname=4get user=postgres password=postgres"); pg_prepare($conn, "bang_get", "SELECT bang,name FROM bangs WHERE bang LIKE $1 ORDER BY bang ASC LIMIT 8"); $q = pg_execute($conn, "bang_get", ["$bang%"]); $results = []; while($row = pg_fetch_array($q, null, PGSQL_ASSOC)){ $results[] = [ "s" => "!" . $row["bang"], "n" => $row["name"] ]; } return $results; }else{ // everything is empty // lets just return a bang list return [ [ "s" => "!w", "n" => "Wikipedia", "u" => "{%q%}" ], [ "s" => "!4ch", "n" => "4chan Board", "u" => "{%q%}" ], [ "s" => "!a", "n" => "Amazon", "u" => "{%q%}" ], [ "s" => "!e", "n" => "eBay", "u" => "{%q%}" ], [ "s" => "!so", "n" => "Stack Overflow", "u" => "{%q%}" ], [ "s" => "!gh", "n" => "GitHub", "u" => "{%q%}" ], [ "s" => "!tw", "n" => "Twitter", "u" => "{%q%}" ], [ "s" => "!r", "n" => "Reddit", "u" => "{%q%}" ], ]; } } // now we know search isnt empty if(!empty($bang)){ // check if the bang exists $conn = pg_connect("host=localhost dbname=4get user=postgres password=postgres"); pg_prepare($conn, "bang_get_single", "SELECT bang,name FROM bangs WHERE bang = $1 LIMIT 1"); $q = pg_execute($conn, "bang_get_single", [$bang]); $row = pg_fetch_array($q, null, PGSQL_ASSOC); if(isset($row["bang"])){ $bang = "!$bang "; }else{ $bang = ""; } } try{ $res = $this->get( "", [ "q" => strtolower($search) ], ddg::req_xhr ); $res = json_decode($res, true); }catch(Exception $e){ throw new Exception("Failed to get /ac/"); } $arr = []; for($i=0; $i<count($res); $i++){ if($i === 8){break;} if(empty($bang)){ $arr[] = [ "s" => $res[$i]["phrase"] ]; }else{ $arr[] = [ "s" => $bang . $res[$i]["phrase"], "n" => $row["name"] ]; } } return $arr; }