## <a href="https://4get.ca/donate">Donate to the project here!</a>

# 4get search
**4get** is a proxy search engine that doesn't suck.

## About 4get

## Official instance
https://4get.ca , or visit the official instance list: https://4get.ca/instances

_NOT to be confused with 4get.ch, 4get.lol and friends! I **don't** host these._

## Totally unbiased comparison between alternatives

|                            | 4get                    | searx(ng) | libreY      | araa      | hearch.co         |
| RAM usage                  | 200-400mb~              | 2GB~      | 200-400mb~  | 2GB~      | idk               |
| Does it suck               | no (debunked by snopes) | yes       | yes         | a little  | better than searx |
| Does it work               | ye                      | sometimes | sometimes   | sometimes | yes               |

## Features
1. Rotating proxies on a per-scraper basis
2. Search filters, which SearxNG lacks for the most part
3. Bot protection that *actually* filters out the bots (when configured)
4. Interface doesn't require javascript
5. Favicon fetcher with caching support & image proxy
6. Bunch of other shits

tl;dr 4get is the best way to browse for shit.

# Supported websites

| Web        | Images       | Videos     | News       | Music      | Autocompleter |
| DuckDuckGo | DuckDuckGo   | YouTube    | DuckDuckGo | Soundcloud | Brave         |
| Brave      | Brave        | DuckDuckGo | Brave      |            | DuckDuckGo    |
| Yandex     | Yandex       | Brave      | Google     |            | Yandex        |
| Google     | Google       | Yandex     | Startpage  |            | Google        |
| Startpage  | Startpage    | Google     | Qwant      |            | Startpage     |
| Qwant      | Qwant        | Startpage  | Mojeek     |            | Kagi          |
| Ghostery   | Yep          | Qwant      |            |            | Qwant         |
| Yep        | Solofield    | Solofield  |            |            | Ghostery      |
| Greppr     | Pinterest    |            |            |            | Yep           |
| Crowdview  | 500px        |            |            |            | Marginalia    |
| Mwmbl      | VSCO         |            |            |            | YouTube       |
| Mojeek     | Imgur        |            |            |            | Soundcloud    |
| Solofield  | FindThatMeme |            |            |            |               |
| Marginalia |              |            |            |            |               |
| wiby       |              |            |            |            |               |
| Curlie     |              |            |            |            |               |

# Installation
Refer to the <a href="https://git.lolcat.ca/lolcat/4get/src/branch/master/docs/">documentation index</a>. I recommend following the <a href="https://git.lolcat.ca/lolcat/4get/src/branch/master/docs/apache2.md">apache2 guide</a>.

## Contact
Shit breaks all the time but I repair it all the time too. Email me here: <b>will (at) lolcat.ca</b> or create an issue.

## License