class Infobar { static interval_delay = Utils.SECOND * 30 static curls_debouncer_delay = 100 static date_debouncer_delay = 100 static setup() { let infobar = DOM.el(`#infobar`) this.hide() DOM.ev(infobar, `click`, () => { Container.scroll_top() }) DOM.ev(infobar, `contextmenu`, (e) => { e.preventDefault() }) DOM.ev(infobar, `auxclick`, (e) => { if (e.button === 1) { Container.scroll_bottom() } }) DOM.ev(infobar, `wheel`, (e) => { Container.scroll(e) }) this.start_interval() this.curls_debouncer = Utils.create_debouncer(() => { this.do_update_curls() }, this.curls_debouncer_delay) this.date_debouncer = Utils.create_debouncer(() => { this.do_update_date() }, this.date_debouncer_delay) let curls = DOM.el(`#infobar_curls`) curls.title = `Number of curls being monitored\nClick to select all` DOM.ev(curls, `click`, () => { this.curls_action() }) let date = DOM.el(`#infobar_date`) date.title = `How long ago items were updated\nClick to update now` DOM.ev(date, `click`, () => { this.date_action() }) } static start_interval() { clearInterval(this.interval) this.interval = setInterval(() => { this.update_date() }, this.interval_delay) } static update() { if (!Items.list.length) { this.hide() return } this.do_update_curls() this.do_update_date() this.start_interval() } static update_curls() { } static do_update_curls() { this.curls_debouncer.cancel() let el = DOM.el(`#infobar_curls`) let visible = Container.get_visible() let selected = Select.get() let text if (visible.length === Items.list.length) { text = `${Items.list.length} Curls` } else { text = `${visible.length} / ${Items.list.length} Curls` } if (selected.length) { if (selected.length === visible.length) { text += ` (All)` } else { text += ` (${selected.length})` } } el.textContent = text } static update_date() { } static do_update_date() { this.date_debouncer.cancel() let el = DOM.el(`#infobar_date`) let ago = Utils.timeago(Update.last_update) el.textContent = ago } static hide() { DOM.hide(`#infobar`) } static show() {`#infobar`) } static curls_action() { Select.toggle_all() } static date_action() { DOM.el(`#infobar_date`).textContent = `Updating` Update.update() } }