class List { constructor(button, input, ls_items, max_items, action, clear_action) { this.button = button this.input = input this.ls_items = ls_items this.max_items = max_items this.action = action this.clear_action = clear_action this.menu_max_length = 110 this.prepare() } prepare() { DOM.ev(this.button, `click`, (e) => { this.show_menu(e) }) DOM.ev(this.button, `auxclick`, (e) => { if (e.button === 1) { this.clear_action() } }) DOM.ev(this.button, `wheel`, (e) => { this.cycle(e) }) DOM.ev(this.input, `keydown`, (e) => { if ((e.key === `ArrowUp`) || (e.key === `ArrowDown`)) { e.preventDefault() } else if (e.key === `Escape`) { this.input.value = `` e.preventDefault() } }) DOM.ev(this.input, `keyup`, (e) => { if ((e.key === `ArrowUp`) || (e.key === `ArrowDown`)) { this.show_menu() e.preventDefault() } }) let lines = [ `Use previous items`, `Middle Click to clear input`, `Middle Click items to remove`, `Wheel to cycle`, ] this.button.title = lines.join(`\n`) } get_items() { return Utils.load_array(this.ls_items) } show_menu(e, show_empty = true) { let list = this.get_items() if (!list.length) { if (show_empty) { Windows.alert({ title: `Empty List`, message: `Items appear here after you use them`, }) } return } let items = [] for (let item of list) { items.push({ text: item.substring(0, this.menu_max_length), action: () => { this.action(item) }, alt_action: () => { this.remove(item) }, }) } items.push({ separator: true, }) items.push({ text: `Clear`, action: () => { this.clear() }, }) this.last_e = e Utils.context({ e: e, items: items, element: this.button, }) } save(value) { value = value.trim() if (!value) { return } let cleaned = [] for (let item of this.get_items()) { if (item !== value) { cleaned.push(item) } } let list = [value, ...cleaned].slice(0, this.max_items), JSON.stringify(list)) } remove(status) { let cleaned = [] for (let status_ of this.get_items()) { if (status_ === status) { continue } cleaned.push(status_) }, JSON.stringify(cleaned)) this.show_menu(this.last_e, false) } clear() { Windows.confirm({title: `Clear List`, ok: () => {, `[]`) }, message: `Remove all items from the list`}) } cycle(e) { let direction = Utils.wheel_direction(e) if (direction === `up`) { this.action(this.get_prev()) } else { this.action(this.get_next()) } } get_next() { let list = this.get_items() let current = this.input.value.trim() let index = list.indexOf(current) if (index === -1) { return list[0] } if (index === list.length - 1) { return list[0] } return list[index + 1] } get_prev() { let list = this.get_items() let current = this.input.value.trim() let index = list.indexOf(current) if (index === -1) { return Utils.last(list) } if (index === 0) { return list[list.length - 1] } return list[index - 1] } }