import requests, websockets, asyncio, json, re, traceback, subprocess, os, aiohttp from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path HERE = Path(__file__).parent username = os.environ.get("GLUEBOT_USERNAME") password = os.environ.get("GLUEBOT_PASSWORD") if not username or not password: print("Missing environment variables") exit(1) def get_time(): return def remove_file(path): try: path.unlink() except Exception as e: print(f"(Remove) Error: {e}") traceback.print_exc() def get_extension(path): return Path(path).suffix.lower().lstrip(".") headers = { "User-Agent": "renabot", "Origin": "", "DNT": "1", } url = "" ws_url = "wss://" prefix = "," token = None session = None delay = 5 gifmaker = "/usr/bin/gifmaker" gm_common = "--font triplex --width 555 --nogrow --output /tmp/gifmaker" cmd_date = get_time() def update_time(): global cmd_date cmd_date = get_time() def blocked(): return (get_time() - cmd_date) < delay def auth(): global token, session, headers data = {"name": username, "password": password, "submit": "log+in"} res = + "/login/submit", headers=headers, data=data, allow_redirects=False) token ="(?:api_token)=[^;]+", res.headers.get("Set-Cookie")).group(0) session ="(?:session_id)=[^;]+", res.headers.get("Set-Cookie")).group(0) headers["Cookie"] = token + "; " + session async def run(): async with websockets.connect(ws_url, extra_headers=headers) as ws: try: while True: message = await ws.recv() await on_message(ws, message) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit(0) except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedOK: print("WebSocket connection closed") except Exception as e: print("(WebSocket) Error:", e) traceback.print_exc() async def on_message(ws, message): if blocked(): return try: data = json.loads(message) except: return if data["type"] == "message": if data["data"]["name"] == username: return text = data["data"]["text"].strip() if not text.startswith(prefix): return room_id = data["roomId"] words = text.lstrip(prefix).split(" ") cmd = words[0] args = words[1:] if cmd == "ping": update_time() await send_message(ws, "Pong!", room_id) elif cmd == "help": update_time() await send_message(ws, f"Commands: describe | wins | numbers | date", room_id) elif cmd == "describe": if len(args) >= 1: update_time() await gif_describe(args[0], room_id) elif cmd == "wins" or cmd == "win": if len(args) >= 1: update_time() await gif_wins(args[0], room_id) elif cmd == "numbers" or cmd == "number" or cmd == "num": update_time() await gif_numbers(None, room_id) elif cmd == "date": update_time() await gif_date(None, room_id) def get_input_path(name): return str(Path(HERE, name)) async def gif_describe(who, room_id): input_path = get_input_path("describe.jpg") command = [ gifmaker, gm_common, f"--input '{input_path}'", f"--words '{who} is [Random] [x5]' --bgcolor 0,0,0", "--top 0 --fontsize 2.3 --filter random2", ] await run_command(command, room_id) async def gif_wins(who, room_id): input_path = get_input_path("wins.gif") command = [ gifmaker, gm_common, f"--input '{input_path}'", f"--words '{who} wins a ; [repeat] ; [RANDOM] ; [repeat]' --bgcolor 0,0,0 --boldness 2", "--bottom 0 --fontsize 1.4 --boldness 2 --filter anyhue2 --framelist 11,11,33,33", ] await run_command(command, room_id) async def gif_numbers(who, room_id): input_path = get_input_path("numbers.png") command = [ gifmaker, gm_common, f"--input '{input_path}'", "--top 0 --words '[number 1-3] [x3]' --fontcolor 0,0,0", ] await run_command(command, room_id) async def gif_date(who, room_id): input_path = get_input_path("time.jpg") command = [ gifmaker, gm_common, f"--input '{input_path}'", "--words 'Date: [date %A %d] ; [repeat] ; Time: [date %I:%M %p] ; [repeat]'", "--filter anyhue2 --bottom 0 --bgcolor 0,0,0", ] await run_command(command, room_id) async def run_command(command, room_id): process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell( " ".join(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, ) stdout, stderr = await process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: print(f"(Process) Error: {stderr.decode()}") return await upload(Path(stdout.decode().strip()), room_id) async def upload(path, room_id): if (not path.exists()) or (not path.is_file()): return cookies = { "session_id": session.split("=")[1], "api_token": token.split("=")[1], } ext = get_extension(path) url = "" + str(room_id) data = aiohttp.FormData() data.add_field(name="files[]", value=open(path, "rb"), \, content_type=f"image/{ext}") try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession(cookies=cookies) as sess: async with, data=data, headers={}) as response: await response.text() except Exception as e: print(f"(Upload) Error: {e}") traceback.print_exc() remove_file(path) async def send_message(ws, text, room_id): await ws.send(json.dumps({"type": "message", "data": text, "roomId": room_id})) while True: try: auth() print("Authenticated") except KeyboardInterrupt: break except Exception as e: print("(Main) Error:", e) traceback.print_exc()