import requests import websockets import asyncio import json import re import httpx import traceback import os import aiohttp import random from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path import aiofiles HERE = Path(__file__).parent username = os.environ.get("GLUEBOT_USERNAME") password = os.environ.get("GLUEBOT_PASSWORD") headers = { "User-Agent": "gluebot", "Origin": "", "DNT": "1", } url = "" ws_url = "wss://" prefix = "," token = None session = None delay = 3 gifmaker_common = [ "/usr/bin/gifmaker", "--width", 350, "--output", "/tmp/gifmaker", "--nogrow", ] def get_time(): return def remove_file(path): try: path.unlink() except Exception as e: print(f"(Remove) Error: {e}") traceback.print_exc() def get_extension(path): return Path(path).suffix.lower().lstrip(".") def clean_lines(s): cleaned = s cleaned = re.sub(r" *(\n+|\\n+) *", "\n", cleaned) cleaned = re.sub(r" +", " ", cleaned) return cleaned.strip() def random_int(min_val, max_val): return random.randint(min_val, max_val) def get_path(name): return str(Path(HERE, name)) def extract_range(string): pattern = r"(?:(?P-?\d+)(?:\s*(.+?)\s*(?P-?\d+))?)?" match =, string) num1 = None num2 = None if match["number1"]: num1 = int(match["number1"]) if match["number2"]: num2 = int(match["number2"]) return [num1, num2] def clean_list(lst): return list(filter(lambda x: x != "", lst)) def string_to_number(input_string): hash_value = hash(input_string) absolute_hash = abs(hash_value) scaled_number = absolute_hash % 1000 return scaled_number def clean_string(string): return string.replace(""", '"') def escape_quotes(string): return string.replace('"', '\\"') def remove_char(string, char): return string.replace(char, "") def clean_gifmaker(arg): arg = clean_string(arg) arg = remove_char(arg, ";") return arg def join_command(command): return " ".join(f'"{arg}"' for arg in command) def gifmaker_command(args): command = gifmaker_common.copy() command.extend(args) return join_command(command) cmd_date = get_time() userlist = [] def update_time(): global cmd_date cmd_date = get_time() def blocked(): return (get_time() - cmd_date) < delay def auth(): global token, session, headers if not username or not password: print("Missing environment variables") exit(1) data = {"name": username, "password": password, "submit": "log+in"} res = + "/login/submit", headers=headers, data=data, allow_redirects=False) token ="(?:api_token)=[^;]+", res.headers.get("Set-Cookie")).group(0) session ="(?:session_id)=[^;]+", res.headers.get("Set-Cookie")).group(0) headers["Cookie"] = token + "; " + session def update_userlist(message): global userlist message = json.loads(message) event = message.get("type") if event == "loadUsers": userlist = [] for key in message["data"]: room_users = message["data"][key] for user in room_users: name = user.get("name") if name: userlist.append(name) elif event == "enter": name = message["data"].get("name") if name and (name not in userlist): userlist.append(name) async def run(): async with websockets.connect(ws_url, extra_headers=headers) as ws: try: while True: message = await ws.recv() update_userlist(message) await on_message(ws, message) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit(0) except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedOK: print("WebSocket connection closed") except Exception as e: print("(WebSocket) Error:", e) traceback.print_exc() async def on_message(ws, message): if blocked(): return try: data = json.loads(message) except: return if data["type"] == "message": if data["data"]["name"] == username: return text = data["data"]["text"].strip() if not text.startswith(prefix): return room_id = data["roomId"] words = text.lstrip(prefix).split(" ") cmd = words[0] args = words[1:] if cmd == "ping": update_time() await send_message(ws, "Pong!", room_id) elif cmd == "help": update_time() await send_message(ws, f"Commands: describe | wins | numbers | date | bird | shitpost | who", room_id) elif cmd == "describe": if len(args) >= 1: update_time() arg = " ".join(clean_list(args)) arg = clean_gifmaker(arg) await gif_describe(arg, room_id) elif cmd == "wins" or cmd == "win": if len(args) >= 1: update_time() arg = " ".join(clean_list(args)) arg = clean_gifmaker(arg) await gif_wins(arg, room_id) elif cmd == "numbers" or cmd == "number" or cmd == "nums" or cmd == "num": update_time() if len(args) > 0: arg = " ".join(clean_list(args)) else: arg = None arg = clean_gifmaker(arg) await gif_numbers(arg, room_id) elif cmd == "date" or cmd == "data" or cmd == "time" or cmd == "datetime": update_time() await gif_date(room_id) elif cmd == "bird" or cmd == "birds" or cmd == "birb" or cmd == "birbs" or cmd == "brb": update_time() await random_bird(ws, room_id) elif cmd == "post" or cmd == "shitpost" or cmd == "4chan" or cmd == "anon" or cmd == "shit": update_time() await random_post(ws, room_id) elif cmd == "who" or cmd == "pick" or cmd == "any" or cmd == "user" or cmd == "username": update_time() await gif_user(room_id) async def random_bird(ws, room_id): birdfile = get_path("data/aves.txt") async with, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as file: birds = await file.readlines() bird = random.choice(birds).strip() await send_message(ws, f".i \"{bird}\" bird", room_id) async def gif_describe(who, room_id): command = gifmaker_command([ "--input", get_path("describe.jpg"), "--words", f"{who} is\\n[Random] [x5]", "--filter", "anyhue2", "--opacity", 0.8, "--fontsize", 66, "--delay", 700, "--padding", 50, "--fontcolor", "light2", "--bgcolor", "black", ]) await run_gifmaker(command, room_id) async def gif_wins(who, room_id): command = gifmaker_command([ "--input", get_path("wins.gif"), "--words", f"{who} wins a ; [repeat] ; [RANDOM] ; [repeat]", "--bgcolor", "0,0,0", "--bottom", 20, "--filter", "anyhue2", "--framelist", "11,11,33,33", "--fontsize", 42, ]) await run_gifmaker(command, room_id) async def gif_numbers(arg, room_id): num = -1 if arg: nums = extract_range(arg) if nums[0] is not None: if nums[1] is not None: if nums[0] < nums[1]: num = random_int(nums[0], nums[1]) else: return else: num = random_int(0, nums[0]) if num == -1: num = string_to_number(arg) if num == -1: num = random_int(0, 999) command = gifmaker_command([ "--input", get_path("numbers.pnf"), "--top", 20, "--words", num, "--fontcolor", "0,0,0", "--fontsize", 66, "--format", "jpg", ]) await run_gifmaker(command, room_id) async def gif_date(room_id): command = gifmaker_command([ "--input", get_path("time.jpg"), "--words", "Date: [date %A %d] ; [repeat] ; Time: [date %I:%M %p] ; [repeat]", "--filter", "anyhue2", "--bottom", 20, "--bgcolor", "0,0,0", "--fontsize", 80, ]) await run_gifmaker(command, room_id) async def gif_user(room_id): user = random.choice(userlist) what = random.choice(["based", "cringe"]) command = gifmaker_command([ "--input", get_path("nerd.jpg"), "--words", f"{user} is [x2] ; {what} [x2]", "--filter", "anyhue2", "--bottom", 20, "--fontcolor", "light", "--bgcolor", "darkfont", "--outline", "font", "--deepfry", "--font", "nova", "--fontsize", 45, "--opacity", 0.8, ]) await run_gifmaker(command, room_id) async def random_post(ws, room_id): boards = ["g", "an", "ck", "lit", "x", "tv", "v", "fit", "k", "o"] board = random.choice(boards) try: threads_url = f"{board}/threads.json" async_client = httpx.AsyncClient() threads_response = await async_client.get(threads_url) threads_response.raise_for_status() threads_json = threads_response.json() threads = threads_json[0]["threads"] # Select a random thread id = threads[random_int(0, len(threads) - 1)]["no"] thread_url = f"{board}/thread/{id}.json" # Fetch the selected thread thread_response = await async_client.get(thread_url) thread_response.raise_for_status() thread_json = thread_response.json() posts = thread_json["posts"] # Select a random post post = posts[random_int(0, len(posts) - 1)] html = post.get("com", "") if not html: return # Parse HTML using BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") # Remove elements with class "quotelink" for elem in".quotelink"): elem.decompose() # Replace
with newline for br in soup.find_all("br"): br.replace_with("\n") # Get text content and limit to 500 characters text = soup.get_text(separator="\n")[:500].strip() text = clean_lines(text) if not text: return await send_message(ws, text, room_id) except Exception as err: print(f"Error: {err}") async def run_gifmaker(command, room_id): process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell( command, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, ) stdout, stderr = await process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: print(f"(Process) Error: {stderr.decode()}") return await upload(Path(stdout.decode().strip()), room_id) async def upload(path, room_id): if (not path.exists()) or (not path.is_file()): return cookies = { "session_id": session.split("=")[1], "api_token": token.split("=")[1], } ext = get_extension(path) ext = "jpeg" if ext == "jpg" else ext url = "" + str(room_id) data = aiohttp.FormData() data.add_field(name="files[]", value=open(path, "rb"),, content_type=f"image/{ext}") try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession(cookies=cookies) as sess: async with, data=data, headers={}) as response: await response.text() except Exception as e: print(f"(Upload) Error: {e}") traceback.print_exc() remove_file(path) async def send_message(ws, text, room_id): await ws.send(json.dumps({"type": "message", "data": text, "roomId": room_id})) while True: try: auth() print("Authenticated") except KeyboardInterrupt: break except Exception as e: print("(Main) Error:", e) traceback.print_exc()