const App = {} App.level = `normal` App.init = () => { let style = getComputedStyle(document.body) App.size = parseInt(style.getPropertyValue(`--size`)) App.main_el = DOM.el(`#main`) App.grid_el = DOM.el(`#grid`) App.mines_el = DOM.el(`#mines`) App.time_el = DOM.el(`#time`) App.levels_el = DOM.el(`#levels`) App.explosion_fx = DOM.el(`#audio_explosion`) App.click_fx = DOM.el(`#audio_click`) App.victory_fx = DOM.el(`#audio_victory`) App.start_fx = DOM.el(`#audio_start`) App.face_el = DOM.el(`#face`) App.start_events() App.start_info() App.start_levels() App.prepare_game() } App.start_events = () => { DOM.ev(App.grid_el, `contextmenu`, (e) => { e.preventDefault() }) DOM.ev(document, `visibilitychange`, () => { if (document.hidden) { App.pause() } }, ) DOM.ev(App.grid_el, `mousedown`, () => { App.change_face(`pressing`) }) DOM.ev(App.grid_el, `mouseup`, () => { App.change_face(`waiting`) }) DOM.ev(document, `keyup`, (e) => { if (e.key === `Enter`) { App.ask_restart() } else if (e.key === ` `) { App.toggle_pause() } }) } App.change_face = (s, force = false) => { if (!force && App.over) { return } App.face_el.src = `img/face_${s}.png` } App.prepare_game = () => { App.game_started = false App.check_level() App.over = false App.num_revealed = 0 App.num_clicks = 0 App.main_el.classList.remove(`boom`) App.playing = true App.num_mines = App.initial_mines App.create_grid() clearInterval(App.time_interval) App.time = 0 App.update_info() App.change_face(`waiting`) } App.create_grid = () => { App.grid_el.innerHTML = `` App.grid = [] let size = App.size / App.grid_size let x = 0 let y = 0 let row = [] for (let xx = 0; xx < App.grid_size; xx++) { for (let yy = 0; yy < App.grid_size; yy++) { let block = document.createElement(`div`) = size + `px` = size + `px` = x + `px` = y + `px` block.classList.add(`block`) DOM.ev(block, `click`, () => { App.onclick(xx, yy) }) DOM.ev(block, `contextmenu`, (e) => { App.flag(xx, yy) e.preventDefault() }) App.grid_el.append(block) let item = {} item.x = xx item.y = yy item.block = block item.revealed = false row.push(item) x += size } App.grid.push(row) row = [] x = 0 y += size } } App.shuffle = (arr) => { if (arr.length === 1) { return arr } const rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length) return [arr[rand], ...App.shuffle(arr.filter((_, i) => i != rand))] } App.start_game = (x, y) => { if (App.game_started) { return } let pairs = [] for (let xx = 0; xx < App.grid_size; xx++) { for (let yy = 0; yy < App.grid_size; yy++) { if (xx === x && yy === y) { continue } if (xx >= x - 1 && xx <= x + 1) { if (yy >= y - 1 && yy <= y + 1) { continue } } pairs.push([xx, yy]) } } let num = 0 for (let p of App.shuffle(pairs)) { let item = App.grid[p[0]][p[1]] item.mine = true item.block.classList.add(`mine`) num += 1 if (num >= App.num_mines) { break } } App.game_started = true App.check_mines() App.start_time() App.playsound(App.start_fx) } App.check_mines = () => { for (let x = 0; x < App.grid_size; x++) { for (let y = 0; y < App.grid_size; y++) { let number = 0 if (y > 0) { if (App.grid[x][y - 1].mine) { number += 1 } if (x > 0) { if (App.grid[x - 1][y - 1].mine) { number += 1 } } if (x < App.grid_size - 1) { if (App.grid[x + 1][y - 1].mine) { number += 1 } } } if (x > 0) { if (App.grid[x - 1][y].mine) { number += 1 } } if (x < App.grid_size - 1) { if (App.grid[x + 1][y].mine) { number += 1 } } if (y < App.grid_size - 1) { if (App.grid[x][y + 1].mine) { number += 1 } if (x > 0) { if (App.grid[x - 1][y + 1].mine) { number += 1 } } if (x < App.grid_size - 1) { if (App.grid[x + 1][y + 1].mine) { number += 1 } } } let item = App.grid[x][y] item.number = number let text = document.createElement(`div`) text.classList.add(`number`) if (item.mine) { text.textContent = `💣️` } else if (number > 0) { text.textContent = number } item.og_number = text.textContent item.block.append(text) } } } App.random_int = (min, max) => { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min) } App.onclick = (x, y) => { if (App.over) { return } if (!App.playing) { App.unpause() } App.start_game(x, y) let item = App.grid[x][y] if (item.revealed) { return } App.num_clicks += 1 if (item.mine) { item.block.classList.add(`minehit`) App.gameover(`explosion`) return } else { if (item.revealed) { return } App.floodfill(x, y) } if (!App.check_status()) { App.playsound(App.click_fx) } } App.setnumber = (item, s) => { DOM.el(`.number`, item.block).textContent = s } App.gameover = (mode) => { App.over = true App.playing = false for (let row of App.grid) { for (let item of row) { if (item.mine) { item.block.classList.add(`flag`) App.setnumber(item, item.og_number) } } } if (mode === `won`) { App.mines_el.textContent = `You cleared all the mines!` App.playsound(App.victory_fx) App.change_face(`won`, true) } else if (mode === `explosion`) { App.mines_el.textContent = `You stepped on a mine!` App.playsound(App.explosion_fx) App.change_face(`lost`, true) } else if (mode === `timeout`) { App.mines_el.textContent = `You ran out of time!` App.playsound(App.explosion_fx) App.change_face(`lost`, true) } if (mode !== `won`) { App.main_el.classList.add(`boom`) } } App.floodfill = (x, y) => { let item = App.grid[x][y] if (item.number > 0) { App.reveal(x, y) return } App.fill(x, y) } App.fill = (x, y) => { if (x < 0) { return } if (y < 0) { return } if (x > App.grid.length - 1) { return } if (y > App.grid[x].length - 1) { return } let item = App.grid[x][y] if (item.revealed) { return } let cont = item.number === 0 if (!item.revealed) { App.reveal(x, y) } if (cont) { App.fill(x - 1, y) App.fill(x + 1, y) App.fill(x, y - 1) App.fill(x, y + 1) App.fill(x - 1, y + 1) App.fill(x + 1, y - 1) App.fill(x + 1, y + 1) App.fill(x - 1, y - 1) } } App.reveal = (x, y) => { let item = App.grid[x][y] if (item.flag) { App.flag(x, y) } item.block.classList.add(`revealed`) item.revealed = true App.num_revealed += 1 } App.flag = (x, y) => { if (App.over) { return } if (!App.playing) { App.unpause() } App.start_game(x, y) let item = App.grid[x][y] if (item.revealed) { return } item.flag = !item.flag if (item.flag) { item.block.classList.add(`flag`) App.setnumber(item, `⚑`) App.num_mines -= 1 } else { item.block.classList.remove(`flag`) App.setnumber(item, item.og_number) App.num_mines += 1 } App.update_mines() } App.update_mines = () => { let s if (App.num_mines === 1) { s = `mines` } else { s = `mines` } App.mines_el.textContent = `${App.num_mines} / ${App.initial_mines} ${s} (${App.grid_size} x ${App.grid_size})` } App.start_info = () => { DOM.ev(App.face_el, `click`, () => { App.ask_restart() }) DOM.ev(App.time_el, `click`, () => { App.toggle_pause() }) } App.update_info = () => { App.update_mines() App.update_time() } App.timestring = (n) => { return n.toString().padStart(3, `0`) } App.update_time = () => { App.time_el.textContent = `Time: ` + App.timestring(App.time) + ` / ` + App.timestring(App.max_time) } App.start_time = () => { clearInterval(App.time_interval) App.time_interval = setInterval(() => { if (App.playing) { App.time += 1 App.update_time() if (App.time >= App.max_time) { App.gameover(`timeout`) } } }, 1000) } App.check_status = () => { if (App.num_revealed == (App.grid_size * App.grid_size) - App.initial_mines) { App.gameover(`won`) return true } return false } App.playsound = (el) => { el.pause() el.currentTime = 0 } App.toggle_pause = () => { if (App.playing) { App.pause() } else { App.unpause() } } App.pause = () => { if (App.over) { return } if (!App.game_started) { return } if (!App.playing) { return } App.playing = false App.time_el.textContent += ` (Paused)` } App.unpause = () => { if (App.over) { return } if (App.playing) { return } App.playing = true App.update_time() } App.start_levels = () => { DOM.ev(App.levels_el, `click`, (e) => { let level = if (level) { if (level === App.level) { App.ask_restart() return } for (let div of DOM.els(`div`, App.levels_el)) { div.classList.remove(`level_selected`) if (div.dataset.level === level) { div.classList.add(`level_selected`) } else { div.classList.remove(`level_selected`) } } App.level = level App.ask_restart() } }) } App.check_level = () => { if (App.level === `easy`) { App.initial_mines = 10 App.grid_size = 10 App.max_time = 100 } else if (App.level === `normal`) { App.initial_mines = 30 App.grid_size = 15 App.max_time = 300 } else if (App.level === `hard`) { App.initial_mines = 60 App.grid_size = 20 App.max_time = 600 } else if (App.level === `expert`) { App.initial_mines = 80 App.grid_size = 20 App.max_time = 300 } } App.ask_restart = () => { if (!App.over) { if (App.num_clicks > 1) { if (confirm(`Restart Game?`)) { App.prepare_game() } return } } App.prepare_game() }