<?php include "data/config.php"; new sc_audio(); class sc_audio{ public function __construct(){ include "lib/curlproxy.php"; $this->proxy = new proxy(); if(isset($_GET["u"])){ /* we're now proxying audio */ $viewkey = $_GET["u"]; if(!isset($_GET["r"])){ $this->do404("Ranges(r) are missing"); } $ranges = explode(",", $_GET["r"]); // sanitize ranges foreach($ranges as &$range){ if(!is_numeric($range)){ $this->do404("Invalid range specified"); } $range = (int)$range; } // sort ranges (just to make sure) sort($ranges); // convert ranges to pairs $last = -1; foreach($ranges as &$r){ $tmp = $r; $r = [$last + 1, $r]; $last = $tmp; } $browser_headers = getallheaders(); // get the requested range from client $client_range = 0; foreach($browser_headers as $key => $value){ if(strtolower($key) == "range"){ preg_match( '/bytes=([0-9]+)/', $value, $client_regex ); if(isset($client_regex[1])){ $client_range = (int)$client_regex[1]; }else{ $client_range = 0; } break; } } if( $client_range < 0 || $client_range > $ranges[count($ranges) - 1][1] ){ // range is not satisfiable http_response_code(416); header("Content-Type: text/plain"); die(); } $rng = null; for($i=0; $i<count($ranges); $i++){ if($ranges[$i][0] <= $client_range){ $rng = $ranges[$i]; } } // proxy data! http_response_code(206); // partial content header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); header("Content-Range: bytes {$rng[0]}-{$rng[1]}/" . ($ranges[count($ranges) - 1][1] + 1)); $viewkey = preg_replace( '/\/media\/([0-9]+)\/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+/', '/media/$1/' . $rng[0] . '/' . $rng[1], $viewkey ); try{ $this->proxy->stream_linear_audio( $viewkey ); }catch(Exception $error){ $this->do404("Could not read stream"); } die(); } /* redirect user to correct resource we need to scrape and store the byte positions in the result URL */ if(!isset($_GET["s"])){ $this->do404("The URL(s) parameter is missing"); } $viewkey = $_GET["s"]; if( preg_match( '/soundcloud\.com$/', parse_url($viewkey, PHP_URL_HOST) ) === false ){ $this->do404("This endpoint can only be used for soundcloud streams"); } try{ $json = $this->proxy->get($viewkey)["body"]; }catch(Exception $error){ $this->do404("Curl error: " . $error->getMessage()); } $json = json_decode($json, true); if(!isset($json["url"])){ $this->do404("Could not get URL from JSON"); } $viewkey = $json["url"]; $m3u8 = $this->proxy->get($viewkey)["body"]; $m3u8 = explode("\n", $m3u8); $lineout = null; $streampos_arr = []; foreach($m3u8 as $line){ $line = trim($line); if($line[0] == "#"){ continue; } if($lineout === null){ $lineout = $line; } preg_match( '/\/media\/[0-9]+\/([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)/', $line, $matches ); if(isset($matches[0])){ $streampos_arr[] = [ (int)$matches[1], (int)$matches[2] ]; } } if($lineout === null){ $this->do404("Could not get stream URL"); } $lineout = preg_replace( '/\/media\/([0-9]+)\/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+/', '/media/$1/0/0', $lineout ); $streampos = []; foreach($streampos_arr as $pos){ $streampos[] = $pos[1]; } $streampos = implode(",", $streampos); header("Location: audio_sc?u=" . urlencode($lineout) . "&r=$streampos"); header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); } private function do404($error){ http_response_code(404); header("Content-Type: text/plain"); header("X-Error: $error"); die(); } }