#### Overview This guide will walk you through using 4get in docker with tor running in another container. This guide covers how to make outgoing and incoming traffic go through tor. ##### Starting tor This guide will use `luuul/tor` which is a simple image that installs and starts tor in an alpine container SocksPort set to For additional configuration you can mount your own `torrc` file to `/etc/tor/torrc` Remember to set `SocksPort` otherwise communication between containers won't work. You will see this warning `Other people on the Internet might find your computer and use it as an open proxy. Please don't allow this unless you have a good reason.` As long as you don't publish this port (-p or --publish) it shouldn't be accessible to outside world. Tor always starts a socks5 proxy on port 9050 by default. ##### Route outgoing requests over tor create a folder named `proxies` and create a file in that folder named `onion.txt` this folder will be mounted to `/var/www/html/4get/data/proxies/` directory structure ``` proxies/ onion.txt ``` put the following content into `onion.txt` More information about this file available in [proxy documentation](./configure.md#Proxies). ``` # proxies/onion.txt # Specify proxies by following this format: # :
::: # # Examples: # https: # socks4: # raw_ip:::: # # Available protocols: # raw_ip, http, https, socks4, socks5, socks4a, socks5_hostname # Local tor proxy # Note: "tor" is the service name of luuul/tor in docker-compose.yaml socks5:tor:9050:: ``` create a file named `docker-compose.yaml` with the following content This docker compose file will run `luuul/tor` and `luuul/4get` and configure 4get to load `proxies/onion.txt` for outgoing requests. ``` # docker-compose.yaml version: "3.7" services: tor: image: luuul/tor:latest restart: unless-stopped # Warning: Do not publish port 9050 fourget: image: luuul/4get:latest restart: unless-stopped environment: - FOURGET_PROTO=http - FOURGET_SERVER_NAME=4get.ca - FOURGET_PROXY_DDG="onion" # loads proxies/onion.txt - FOURGET_PROXY_BRAVE="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_FB="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_GOOGLE="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_QWANT="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_MARGINALIA="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_MOJEEK="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_SC="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_SPOTIFY="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_WIBY="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_CURLIE="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_YT="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_YEP="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_PINTEREST="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_SEZNAM="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_NAVER="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_GREPPR="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_CROWDVIEW="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_MWMBL="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_FTM="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_IMGUR="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_YANDEX_W="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_YANDEX_I="onion" - FOURGET_PROXY_YANDEX_V="onion" ports: - "80:80" depends_on: - tor volumes: - ./proxies/:/var/www/html/4get/data/proxies/ ``` You can now start both containers with `docker compose up -d` #### Route incoming requests over tor This will create a hidden service that will be accessible via an onion link. 1. create a file named `torrc` with the following content ``` # torrc User root DataDirectory /var/lib/tor HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/4get/ HiddenServicePort 80 fourget:80 ``` 2. create a folder named "4get" which will contain your hidden service keys. Make sure it has permission `600` otherwise you will get an error ``` Permissions on directory /var/lib/tor/4get/ are too permissive. ``` 4. create a `docker-compose.yaml` with the following content ``` # docker-compose.yaml version: "3.7" services: fourget: image: luuul/4get:latest restart: unless-stopped environment: - FOURGET_PROTO=http - FOURGET_SERVER_NAME=4get.ca depends_on: - tor tor: image: luuul/tor:latest restart: unless-stopped volumes: - ./torrc:/etc/tor/torrc - ./4get:/var/lib/tor/4get ``` 4. You can now start both with `docker compose up -d` 5. print onion hostname with ``` docker exec `docker ps -qf ancestor=luuul/tor:latest` sh -c "cat /var/lib/tor/4get/hostname" ``` or `cat ./4get/hostname`