getscraperfilters("music"); $get = $frontend->parsegetfilters($_GET, $filters); /* Captcha */ include "lib/captcha_gen.php"; new captcha($frontend, $get, $filters, "music", true); $payload = [ "class" => "", "right-left" => "", "right-right" => "", "left" => "" ]; try{ $results = $scraper->music($get); }catch(Exception $error){ echo $frontend->drawerror( "Shit", 'This scraper returned an error:' . '
' . htmlspecialchars($error->getMessage()) . '
' . 'Things you can try:' . '
' . 'If the error persists, please contact the administrator.' ); die(); } $categories = [ "song" => "", "author" => "", "playlist" => "" ]; /* Set the main container */ $main = null; if(count($results["song"]) !== 0){ $main = "song"; }elseif(count($results["author"]) !== 0){ $main = "author"; }elseif(count($results["playlist"]) !== 0){ $main = "playlist"; }else{ // No results found! echo $frontend->drawerror( "Nobody here but us chickens!", 'Have you tried:' . '' . '' ); die(); } /* Generate list of songs */ foreach($categories as $name => $data){ foreach($results[$name] as $item){ $greentext = []; if( isset($item["date"]) && $item["date"] !== null ){ $greentext[] = date("jS M y @ g:ia", $item["date"]); } if( isset($item["views"]) && $item["views"] !== null ){ $views = number_format($item["views"]) . " views"; $greentext[] = $views; } if( isset($item["followers"]) && $item["followers"] !== null ){ $greentext[] = number_format($item["followers"]) . " followers"; } if( isset($item["author"]["name"]) && $item["author"]["name"] !== null ){ $greentext[] = $item["author"]["name"]; } $greentext = implode(" • ", $greentext); if( isset($item["duration"]) && $item["duration"] !== null ){ $duration = $frontend->s_to_timestamp($item["duration"]); }else{ $duration = null; } $tabindex = $name == $main ? true : false; $customhtml = null; if( $name == "song" && $item["stream"]["endpoint"] !== null ){ $customhtml = '