nextpage = new nextpage("ddg"); } /* curl functions */ private const req_web = 0; private const req_xhr = 1; private function get($url, $get = [], $reqtype = self::req_web){ $curlproc = curl_init(); if($get !== []){ $get = http_build_query($get); $url .= "?" . $get; } curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_URL, $url); switch($reqtype){ case self::req_web: $headers = ["User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/113.0", "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Encoding: gzip", "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5", "DNT: 1", "Connection: keep-alive", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1", "Sec-Fetch-Dest: document", "Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate", "Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-site", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1"]; break; case self::req_xhr: $headers = ["User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/113.0", "Accept: */*", "Accept-Encoding: gzip", "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5", "Connection: keep-alive", "Referer:", "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest", "DNT: 1", "Sec-Fetch-Dest: script", "Sec-Fetch-Mode: no-cors", "Sec-Fetch-Site: same-site"]; break; } curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ""); // default encoding curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); $data = curl_exec($curlproc); if(curl_errno($curlproc)){ throw new Exception(curl_error($curlproc)); } curl_close($curlproc); return $data; } public function getfilters($pagetype){ switch($pagetype){ case "web": return [ "country" => [ "display" => "Country", "option" => [ "any" => "All Regions", "ar-es" => "Argentina", "au-en" => "Australia", "at-de" => "Austria", "be-fr" => "Belgium (fr)", "be-nl" => "Belgium (nl)", "br-pt" => "Brazil", "bg-bg" => "Bulgaria", "ca-en" => "Canada (en)", "ca-fr" => "Canada (fr)", "ct-ca" => "Catalonia", "cl-es" => "Chile", "cn-zh" => "China", "co-es" => "Colombia", "hr-hr" => "Croatia", "cz-cs" => "Czech Republic", "dk-da" => "Denmark", "ee-et" => "Estonia", "fi-fi" => "Finland", "fr-fr" => "France", "de-de" => "Germany", "gr-el" => "Greece", "hk-tzh" => "Hong Kong", "hu-hu" => "Hungary", "in-en" => "India (en)", "id-en" => "Indonesia (en)", "ie-en" => "Ireland", "il-en" => "Israel (en)", "it-it" => "Italy", "jp-jp" => "Japan", "kr-kr" => "Korea", "lv-lv" => "Latvia", "lt-lt" => "Lithuania", "my-en" => "Malaysia (en)", "mx-es" => "Mexico", "nl-nl" => "Netherlands", "nz-en" => "New Zealand", "no-no" => "Norway", "pk-en" => "Pakistan (en)", "pe-es" => "Peru", "ph-en" => "Philippines (en)", "pl-pl" => "Poland", "pt-pt" => "Portugal", "ro-ro" => "Romania", "ru-ru" => "Russia", "xa-ar" => "Saudi Arabia", "sg-en" => "Singapore", "sk-sk" => "Slovakia", "sl-sl" => "Slovenia", "za-en" => "South Africa", "es-ca" => "Spain (ca)", "es-es" => "Spain (es)", "se-sv" => "Sweden", "ch-de" => "Switzerland (de)", "ch-fr" => "Switzerland (fr)", "tw-tzh" => "Taiwan", "th-en" => "Thailand (en)", "tr-tr" => "Turkey", "us-en" => "US (English)", "us-es" => "US (Spanish)", "ua-uk" => "Ukraine", "uk-en" => "United Kingdom", "vn-en" => "Vietnam (en)" ] ], "nsfw" => [ "display" => "NSFW", "option" => [ "yes" => "Yes", "maybe" => "Maybe", "no" => "No" ] ], "newer" => [ "display" => "Newer than", "option" => "_DATE" ], "older" => [ "display" => "Older than", "option" => "_DATE" ], "extendedsearch" => [ // undefined display, so it wont show in frontend "option" => [ "yes" => "Yes", "no" => "No" ] ] ]; 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break; default: return []; break; } } public function web($get){ if($get["npt"]){ $jsgrep = $this->nextpage->get($get["npt"], "web"); $extendedsearch = false; $inithtml = ""; }else{ $search = $get["s"]; if(strlen($search) === 0){ throw new Exception("Search term is empty!"); } $country = $get["country"]; $nsfw = $get["nsfw"]; $older = $get["older"]; $newer = $get["newer"]; $extendedsearch = $get["extendedsearch"] == "yes" ? true : false; // generate filters $get_filters = [ "q" => $search, "kz" => "1" // force instant answers ]; if($country == "any"){ $get_filters["kl"] = "wt-wt"; }else{ $get_filters["kl"] = $country; } switch($nsfw){ case "yes": $get_filters["kp"] = "-2"; break; case "maybe": $get_filters["kp"] = "-1"; break; case "no": $get_filters["kp"] = "1"; break; } $df = true; if($newer === false){ if($older !== false){ $start = 36000; $end = $older; }else{ $df = false; } }else{ $start = $newer; if($older !== false){ $end = $older; }else{ $end = time(); } } if($df === true){ $get_filters["df"] = date("Y-m-d", $start) . ".." . date("Y-m-d", $end); } /* Get html */ // try{ $inithtml = $this->get( "", $get_filters ); }catch(Exception $e){ throw new Exception("Failed to get html"); } preg_match( '/DDG\.deep\.initialize\(\'(.*)\',/U', $inithtml, $jsgrep ); if(!isset($jsgrep[1])){ throw new Exception("Failed to get d.js URL"); } $jsgrep = $jsgrep[1]; } // get javascript try{ $js = $this->get( "" . $jsgrep, [], ddg::req_xhr ); }catch(Exception $e){ throw new Exception("Failed to fetch d.js"); } // initialize api response array $out = [ "status" => "ok", "spelling" => [ "type" => "no_correction", "using" => null, "correction" => null ], "npt" => null, "answer" => [], "web" => [], "image" => [], "video" => [], "news" => [], "related" => [] ]; /* Additional requests */ if($extendedsearch){ /* Check for worknik results */ preg_match( '/nrj\(\'\/js\/spice\/dictionary\/definition\/([^\']+)\'\)/', $js, $wordnik ); if(isset($wordnik[1])){ try{ $wordnik = $wordnik[1]; // get definition $wordnikjs = $this->get( "" . $wordnik, [], ddg::req_xhr ); preg_match( '/ddg_spice_dictionary_definition\(\n?(\[{[\S\s]*}])/', $wordnikjs, $wordnikjson ); if(isset($wordnikjson[1])){ $wordnikjson = json_decode($wordnikjson[1], true); $out["answer"][0] = [ "title" => urldecode($wordnik), "description" => [], "url" => "" . $wordnik, "thumb" => null, "table" => [], "sublink" => [] ]; $partofspeech = false; $wastext = false; $textindent = 1; // get audio $wordnikaudio_json = json_decode( $this->get( "" . $wordnik, [], ddg::req_xhr ), true ); if(isset($wordnikaudio_json[0]["id"])){ usort($wordnikaudio_json, function($a, $b){ return $a["id"] < $b["id"]; }); $out["answer"][0]["description"][] = [ "type" => "audio", "url" => $wordnikaudio_json[0]["fileUrl"] ]; } $collection = []; $e[] = []; foreach($wordnikjson as $data){ if(!isset($data["partOfSpeech"])){ continue; } if(isset($data["text"])){ if(!isset($collection[$data["partOfSpeech"]])){ $collection[$data["partOfSpeech"]] = []; $c = 0; }else{ $c = count($collection[$data["partOfSpeech"]]); } if(!isset($e[$data["partOfSpeech"]])){ $e[$data["partOfSpeech"]] = 0; } $e[$data["partOfSpeech"]]++; $text = $e[$data["partOfSpeech"]] . 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"; } } $syn .= ")"; } if( $c !== 0 && $collection[$data["partOfSpeech"]][$c - 1]["type"] == "text" ){ $collection[$data["partOfSpeech"]][$c - 1]["value"] .= "\n" . $text; }else{ if( $c !== 0 && ( $collection[$data["partOfSpeech"]][$c - 1]["type"] == "text" || $collection[$data["partOfSpeech"]][$c - 1]["type"] == "italic" ) ){ $text = "\n" . $text; } $collection[$data["partOfSpeech"]][] = [ "type" => "text", "value" => $text ]; } if($syn){ $collection[$data["partOfSpeech"]][] = [ "type" => "italic", "value" => $syn ]; } if(isset($data["exampleUses"])){ foreach($data["exampleUses"] as $use){ $collection[$data["partOfSpeech"]][] = [ "type" => "quote", "value" => $this->unescapehtml(strip_tags($use["text"])) ]; } } if(isset($data["citations"])){ foreach($data["citations"] as $citation){ if(!isset($citation["cite"])){ continue; } $value = $this->unescapehtml(strip_tags($citation["cite"])); if( isset($citation["source"]) && trim($citation["source"]) != "" ){ $value .= " - " . $this->unescapehtml(strip_tags($citation["source"])); } $collection[$data["partOfSpeech"]][] = [ "type" => "quote", "value" => $value ]; } } } } foreach($collection as $key => $items){ $out["answer"][0]["description"][] = [ "type" => "title", "value" => $key ]; $out["answer"][0]["description"] = array_merge($out["answer"][0]["description"], $items); } } }catch(Exception $e){ // do nothing } } unset($wordnik); /* Check for stackoverflow answers */ // /a.js?p=1&src_id=stack_overflow&from=nlp_qa&id=3390396,2559318&q=how%20can%20i%20check%20for%20undefined%20in%20javascript& // /a.js?p=1&src_id=arqade&from=nlp_qa&id=370293,375682&q=what%20is%20the%20difference%20between%20at%20and%20positioned%20in%20execute& // /a.js?p=1&src_id=unix&from=nlp_qa&id=312754&q=how%20to%20strip%20metadata%20from%20image%20files& preg_match( '/nrj\(\'(\/a\.js\?.*from=nlp_qa.*)\'\)/U', $js, $stack ); if(isset($stack[1])){ $stack = $stack[1]; try{ $stackjs = $this->get( "" . $stack, [], ddg::req_xhr ); if( !preg_match( '/^DDG\.duckbar\.failed/', $stackjs ) ){ preg_match( '/DDG\.duckbar\.add_array\((\[\{[\S\s]*}])\)/U', $stackjs, $stackjson ); $stackjson = json_decode($stackjson[1], true)[0]["data"][0]; $out["answer"][] = [ "title" => $stackjson["Heading"], "description" => $this->htmltoarray($stackjson["Abstract"]), "url" => str_replace(["http://", "ddg"], ["https://", ""], $stackjson["AbstractURL"]), "thumb" => null, "table" => [], "sublink" => [] ]; } }catch(Exception $e){ // do nothing } } /* Check for musicmatch (lyrics) */ preg_match( '/nrj\(\'(\/a\.js\?.*&s=lyrics.*)\'\)/U', $js, $lyrics ); if(isset($lyrics[1])){ $lyrics = $lyrics[1]; try{ $lyricsjs = $this->get( "" . $lyrics, [], ddg::req_xhr ); if( !preg_match( '/^DDG\.duckbar\.failed/', $lyricsjs ) ){ preg_match( '/DDG\.duckbar\.add_array\((\[\{[\S\s]*}])\)/U', $lyricsjs, $lyricsjson ); $lyricsjson = json_decode($lyricsjson[1], true)[0]["data"][0]; $title = null; if(isset($lyricsjson["Heading"])){ $title = $lyricsjson["Heading"]; }elseif(isset($lyricsjson["data"][1]["urlTitle"])){ $title = $lyricsjson["data"][1]["urlTitle"]; }else{ $title = $lyricsjson["data"][0]["song_title"]; } $description = [ [ "type" => "text", "value" => null ] ]; $parts = explode( "
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" " . strtoupper($shitcoins[2]) . "\n" . "{$amount} " . strtoupper($shitcoins[2]) . " = " . $this->number_format((1 / $array_values["price"]) * $amount) . " {$shitcoinjson["symbol"]}" ]; } $description[] = [ "type" => "title", "value" => "Current rates" ]; // rates $description[] = [ "type" => "text", "value" => "1 {$shitcoinjson["name"]} ({$shitcoinjson["symbol"]}) = " . $this->number_format($array_values["price"]) . " " . strtoupper($shitcoins[2]) . "\n" . "1 " . strtoupper($shitcoins[2]) . " = " . $this->number_format(1 / $array_values["price"]) . " {$shitcoinjson["symbol"]}" ]; $description[] = [ "type" => "quote", "value" => "Last fetched: " . date("jS \of F Y @ g:ia", strtotime($shitcoinjson["last_updated"])) ]; $out["answer"][] = [ "title" => $shitcoinjson["name"] . " (" . strtoupper($shitcoins[1]) . ") & " . strtoupper($shitcoins[2]) . " market", "description" => $description, "url" => "" . strtoupper($shitcoins[1]) . "/" . strtoupper($shitcoins[2]) . "/?amt={$amount}", "thumb" => null, "table" => [], "sublink" => [] ]; } }catch(Exception $e){ // do nothing } }else{ /* Get currency conversion */ if( preg_match( '/"https:\/\/www\.xe\.com\/currencyconverter\/convert\/\?From=([A-Z0-9]+)&To=([A-Z0-9]+)"/', $js, $currencies ) ){ preg_match( '/(?:[\s,.]*[0-9]+)+/', $search, $amount ); if(count($amount) === 1){ $amount = (float)str_replace([" ", ","], ["", "."], $amount[0]); }else{ $amount = 1; } try{ $currencyjs = $this->get( "{$amount}/" . strtolower($currencies[1]) . 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"\n" . $this->bstoutf8($value); }else{ $array[] = [ "type" => "text", "value" => $this->bstoutf8($value) ]; } break; case "inline_code": case "bold": $array[] = [ "type" => "inline_code", "value" => $this->bstoutf8(trim($this->limitnewlines($this->unescapehtml($node->textContent)))) ]; break; case "link": // check for link nested inside of image if(strlen($node->childNodes->item(0)->textContent) !== 0){ $array[] = [ "type" => "link", "value" => $this->bstoutf8(trim($this->unescapehtml($node->textContent))), "url" => $this->bstoutf8(preg_replace('/\/ddg$/', "", preg_replace('/^http:\/\//', "https://", $this->sanitizeurl($node->getAttribute("href"))))) ]; break; } $type = "image"; if($previoustype == "text"){ $array[count($array) - 1]["value"] = rtrim($array[count($array) - 1]["value"]); } $array[] = [ "type" => "image", "url" => $this->bstoutf8(preg_replace('/^http:\/\//', "https://", preg_replace('/^\/\/images\.duckduckgo\.com\/iu\/\?u=/', "", $images->item($imageiterator)->getAttribute("src")))) ]; $imageiterator++; break; case "image": if($previoustype == "text"){ $array[count($array) - 1]["value"] = rtrim($array[count($array) - 1]["value"]); } $array[] = [ "type" => "image", "url" => $this->bstoutf8(preg_replace('/^http:\/\//', "https://", preg_replace('/^\/\/images\.duckduckgo\.com\/iu\/\?u=/', "", $node->getAttribute("src")))) ]; break; case "quote": case "title": case "code": if($previoustype == "text"){ $array[count($array) - 1]["value"] = rtrim($array[count($array) - 1]["value"]); } // no break default: $value = trim($this->limitnewlines($this->unescapehtml($node->textContent))); if($type != "code"){ $value = preg_replace( '/ {2,}/', " ", $value ); } $array[] = [ "type" => $type, "value" => $this->bstoutf8($value) ]; break; } $previoustype = $type; } return $array; } private function bstoutf8($bs){ return iconv("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT", $bs); } private function limitnewlines($text){ preg_replace( '/(?:[\n\r] *){2,}/m', "\n\n", $text ); return $text; } private function sanitizeurl($url){ // check for domains w/out first short subdomain (ex: www.) $domain = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST); $subdomain = preg_replace( '/^[A-z0-9]{1,3}\./', "", $domain ); switch($subdomain){ case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": case "": // remove ebay tracking elements $old_params = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY); parse_str($old_params, $params); if(isset($params["mkevt"])){ unset($params["mkevt"]); } if(isset($params["mkcid"])){ unset($params["mkcid"]); } if(isset($params["mkrid"])){ unset($params["mkrid"]); } if(isset($params["campid"])){ unset($params["campid"]); } if(isset($params["customid"])){ unset($params["customid"]); } if(isset($params["toolid"])){ unset($params["toolid"]); } if(isset($params["_sop"])){ unset($params["_sop"]); } if(isset($params["_dcat"])){ unset($params["_dcat"]); } if(isset($params["epid"])){ unset($params["epid"]); } if(isset($params["epid"])){ unset($params["oid"]); } $params = http_build_query($params); if(strlen($params) === 0){ $replace = "\?"; }else{ $replace = ""; } $url = preg_replace( "/" . $replace . preg_quote($old_params, "/") . "$/", $params, $url ); break; } return $url; } private function number_format($number){ $number = explode(".", sprintf('%f', $number)); if(count($number) === 1){ return number_format((float)$number[0], 0, ",", "."); } return number_format((float)$number[0], 0, ",", "") . "." . (string)$number[1]; } private function bingratio($width, $height){ $ratio = [ 474 / $width, 474 / $height ]; if($ratio[0] < $ratio[1]){ $ratio = $ratio[0]; }else{ $ratio = $ratio[1]; } return [ floor($width * $ratio), floor($height * $ratio) ]; } }