backend = new backend("sc"); } public function getfilters($page){ return [ "type" => [ "display" => "Type", "option" => [ "any" => "Any type", "track" => "Tracks", "author" => "People", "album" => "Albums", "playlist" => "Playlists", "goplus" => "Go+ Tracks" ] ] ]; } private function get($proxy, $url, $get = []){ $curlproc = curl_init(); if($get !== []){ $get = http_build_query($get); $url .= "?" . $get; } curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ""); // default encoding curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ["User-Agent: " . config::USER_AGENT, "Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01", "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5", "Accept-Encoding: gzip", "Referer:", "Origin:", "DNT: 1", "Connection: keep-alive", "Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty", "Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors", "Sec-Fetch-Site: same-site"] ); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); $this->backend->assign_proxy($curlproc, $proxy); $data = curl_exec($curlproc); if(curl_errno($curlproc)){ throw new Exception(curl_error($curlproc)); } curl_close($curlproc); return $data; } public function music($get, $last_attempt = false){ if($get["npt"]){ [$params, $proxy] = $this->backend->get($get["npt"], "music"); $params = json_decode($params, true); $url = $params["url"]; unset($params["url"]); }else{ // normal search: // // soundcloud go+ search: // // tracks search: // // users search: // // albums search: // // playlists search: // $search = $get["s"]; if(strlen($search) === 0){ throw new Exception("Search term is empty!"); } $type = $get["type"]; $proxy = $this->backend->get_ip(); $token = $this->get_token($proxy); switch($type){ case "any": $url = ""; $params = [ "q" => $search, "variant_ids" => "", "facet" => "model", "client_id" => $token, "limit" => 20, "offset" => 0, "linked_partitioning" => 1, "app_version" => 1713542117, "app_locale" => "en" ]; break; case "track": $url = ""; $params = [ "q" => $search, "variant_ids" => "", "facet_genre" => "", "client_id" => $token, "limit" => 20, "offset" => 0, "linked_partitioning" => 1, "app_version" => 1713542117, "app_locale" => "en" ]; break; case "author": $url = ""; $params = [ "q" => $search, "variant_ids" => "", "facet" => "place", "client_id" => $token, "limit" => 20, "offset" => 0, "linked_partitioning" => 1, "app_version" => 1713542117, "app_locale" => "en" ]; break; case "album": $url = ""; $params = [ "q" => $search, "variant_ids" => "", "facet" => "genre", "client_id" => $token, "limit" => 20, "offset" => 0, "linked_partitioning" => 1, "app_version" => 1713542117, "app_locale" => "en" ]; break; case "playlist": $url = ""; $params = [ "q" => $search, "variant_ids" => "", "facet" => "genre", "client_id" => $token, "limit" => 20, "offset" => 0, "linked_partitioning" => 1, "app_version" => 1713542117, "app_locale" => "en" ]; break; case "goplus": $url = ""; $params = [ "q" => $search, "variant_ids" => "", "filter.content_tier" => "SUB_HIGH_TIER", "facet" => "genre", "client_id" => $token, "limit" => 20, "offset" => 0, "linked_partitioning" => 1, "app_version" => 1713542117, "app_locale" => "en" ]; break; } } try{ $json = $this->get($proxy, $url, $params); }catch(Exception $error){ throw new Exception("Failed to fetch JSON"); } /* $handle = fopen("scraper/soundcloud.json", "r"); $json = fread($handle, filesize("scraper/soundcloud.json")); fclose($handle); */ $json = json_decode($json, true); if($json === null){ if($last_attempt === true){ throw new Exception("Fetched an invalid token (please report!!)"); } // token might've expired, get a new one and re-try search $this->get_token($proxy); return $this->music($get, true); } $out = [ "status" => "ok", "npt" => null, "song" => [], "playlist" => [], "album" => [], "podcast" => [], "author" => [], "user" => [] ]; /* Get next page */ if(isset($json["next_href"])){ $params["query_urn"] = $json["query_urn"]; $params["offset"] = $params["offset"] + 20; $params["url"] = $url; // we will remove this later $out["npt"] = $this->backend->store( json_encode($params), "music", $proxy ); } /* Scrape items */ foreach($json["collection"] as $item){ switch($item["kind"]){ case "user": // parse author $out["author"][] = [ "title" => $item["username"], "followers" => $item["followers_count"], "description" => trim($item["track_count"] . " songs. " . $this->limitstrlen($item["description"])), "thumb" => [ "url" => $item["avatar_url"], "ratio" => "1:1" ], "url" => $item["permalink_url"] ]; break; case "playlist": // parse playlist $description = []; $count = 0; foreach($item["tracks"] as $song){ $count++; if(!isset($song["title"])){ continue; } $description[] = $song["title"]; } if(count($description) != 0){ $description = trim($count . " songs. " . implode(", ", $description)); } if( isset($item["artwork_url"]) && !empty($item["artwork_url"]) ){ $thumb = [ "ratio" => "1:1", "url" => $item["artwork_url"] ]; }elseif( isset($item["tracks"][0]["artwork_url"]) && !empty($item["tracks"][0]["artwork_url"]) ){ $thumb = [ "ratio" => "1:1", "url" => $item["tracks"][0]["artwork_url"] ]; }else{ $thumb = [ "ratio" => null, "url" => null ]; } $out["playlist"][] = [ "title" => $item["title"], "description" => $this->limitstrlen($description), "author" => [ "name" => $item["user"]["username"], "url" => $item["user"]["permalink_url"], "avatar" => $item["user"]["avatar_url"] ], "thumb" => $thumb, "date" => strtotime($item["created_at"]), "duration" => $item["duration"] / 1000, "url" => $item["permalink_url"] ]; break; case "track": if(stripos($item["monetization_model"], "TIER") === false){ $stream = [ "endpoint" => "sc", "url" => $item["media"]["transcodings"][0]["url"] . "?client_id=" . $token . "&track_authorization=" . $item["track_authorization"] ]; }else{ $stream = [ "endpoint" => null, "url" => null ]; } // parse track $out["song"][] = [ "title" => $item["title"], "description" => $item["description"] == "" ? null : $this->limitstrlen($item["description"]), "url" => $item["permalink_url"], "views" => $item["playback_count"], "author" => [ "name" => $item["user"]["username"], "url" => $item["user"]["permalink_url"], "avatar" => $item["user"]["avatar_url"] ], "thumb" => [ "ratio" => "1:1", "url" => $item["artwork_url"] ], "date" => strtotime($item["created_at"]), "duration" => (int)$item["full_duration"] / 1000, "stream" => $stream ]; break; } } return $out; } public function get_token($proxy){ $token = apcu_fetch("sc_token"); echo $token; if($token === false){ try{ $js = $this->get( $proxy, "", [] ); }catch(Exception $error){ throw new Exception("Failed to fetch search token"); } preg_match( '/client_id=([^"]+)/', $js, $token ); if(!isset($token[1])){ throw new Exception("Failed to get search token"); } apcu_store("sc_token", $token[1]); return $token[1]; } return $token; } private function limitstrlen($text){ return explode( "\n", wordwrap( str_replace( ["\n\r", "\r\n", "\n", "\r"], " ", $text ), 300, "\n" ), 2 )[0]; } }