<?php class brave{ public function __construct(){ include "lib/fuckhtml.php"; $this->fuckhtml = new fuckhtml(); include "lib/backend.php"; $this->backend = new backend("brave"); } public function getfilters($page){ switch($page){ case "web": return [ "country" => [ "display" => "Country", "option" => [ "all" => "All Regions", "ar" => "Argentina", "au" => "Australia", "at" => "Austria", "be" => "Belgium", "br" => "Brazil", "ca" => "Canada", "cl" => "Chile", "cn" => "China", "dk" => "Denmark", "fi" => "Finland", "fr" => "France", "de" => "Germany", "hk" => "Hong Kong", "in" => "India", "id" => "Indonesia", "it" => "Italy", "jp" => "Japan", "kr" => "Korea", "my" => "Malaysia", "mx" => "Mexico", "nl" => "Netherlands", "nz" => "New Zealand", "no" => "Norway", "pl" => "Poland", "pt" => "Portugal", "ph" => "Philippines", "ru" => "Russia", "sa" => "Saudi Arabia", "za" => "South Africa", "es" => "Spain", "se" => "Sweden", "ch" => "Switzerland", "tw" => "Taiwan", "tr" => "Turkey", "gb" => "United Kingdom", "us" => "United States" ] ], "nsfw" => [ "display" => "NSFW", "option" => [ "yes" => "Yes", "maybe" => "Maybe", "no" => "No" ] ], "newer" => [ "display" => "Newer than", "option" => "_DATE" ], "older" => [ "display" => "Older than", "option" => "_DATE" ], "spellcheck" => [ "display" => "Spellcheck", "option" => [ "yes" => "Yes", "no" => "No" ] ] ]; break; case "images": case "videos": case "news": return [ "country" => [ "display" => "Country", "option" => [ "all" => "All regions", "ar" => "Argentina", "au" => "Australia", "at" => "Austria", "be" => "Belgium", "br" => "Brazil", "ca" => "Canada", "cl" => "Chile", "cn" => "China", "dk" => "Denmark", "fi" => "Finland", "fr" => "France", "de" => "Germany", "hk" => "Hong Kong", "in" => "India", "id" => "Indonesia", "it" => "Italy", "jp" => "Japan", "kr" => "Korea", "my" => "Malaysia", "mx" => "Mexico", "nl" => "Netherlands", "nz" => "New Zealand", "no" => "Norway", "pl" => "Poland", "pt" => "Portugal", "ph" => "Philippines", "ru" => "Russia", "sa" => "Saudi Arabia", "za" => "South Africa", "es" => "Spain", "se" => "Sweden", "ch" => "Switzerland", "tw" => "Taiwan", "tr" => "Turkey", "gb" => "United Kingdom", "us" => "United States" ] ], "nsfw" => [ "display" => "NSFW", "option" => [ "yes" => "Yes", "maybe" => "Maybe", "no" => "No" ] ], "spellcheck" => [ "display" => "Spellcheck", "option" => [ "yes" => "Yes", "no" => "No" ] ] ]; break; } } private function get($proxy, $url, $get = [], $nsfw, $country){ switch($nsfw){ case "yes": $nsfw = "off"; break; case "maybe": $nsfw = "moderate"; break; case "no": $nsfw = "strict"; break; } if($country == "any"){ $country = "all"; } $headers = [ "User-Agent: " . config::USER_AGENT, "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5", "Accept-Encoding: gzip", "Cookie: safesearch={$nsfw}; country={$country}; useLocation=0; summarizer=0", "DNT: 1", "Connection: keep-alive", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1", "Sec-Fetch-Dest: document", "Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate", "Sec-Fetch-Site: none", "Sec-Fetch-User: ?1" ]; $curlproc = curl_init(); if($get !== []){ $get = http_build_query($get); $url .= "?" . $get; } curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ""); // default encoding curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); $this->backend->assign_proxy($curlproc, $proxy); $data = curl_exec($curlproc); if(curl_errno($curlproc)){ throw new Exception(curl_error($curlproc)); } curl_close($curlproc); return $data; } private function get_js(){ $script_disc = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName( "script" ); $data = null; foreach($script_disc as &$discs){ if( preg_match( '/kit\.start\(/', $discs["innerHTML"] ) ){ $data = explode( "data:", $discs["innerHTML"], 2 ); if(count($data) !== 2){ throw new Exception("Failed to split up data field"); } $data = $data[1]; break; } } if($data === null){ throw new Exception("Could not grep JavaScript object"); } $data = $this->fuckhtml ->parseJsObject( $this->fuckhtml ->extract_json( $data ) ); if($data === null){ throw new Exception("Failed to decode JavaScript object"); } return $data; } public function web($get){ if($get["npt"]){ // get next page data [$q, $proxy] = $this->backend->get($get["npt"], "web"); $q = json_decode($q, true); $search = $q["q"]; $q["spellcheck"] = "0"; $nsfw = $q["nsfw"]; unset($q["nsfw"]); $country = $q["country"]; unset($q["country"]); }else{ // get _GET data instead $search = $get["s"]; if(strlen($search) === 0){ throw new Exception("Search term is empty!"); } if(strlen($search) > 2048){ throw new Exception("Search term is too long!"); } $proxy = $this->backend->get_ip(); $nsfw = $get["nsfw"]; $country = $get["country"]; $older = $get["older"]; $newer = $get["newer"]; $spellcheck = $get["spellcheck"]; $q = [ "q" => $search ]; /* Pass older/newer filters to brave */ if($newer !== false){ $newer = date("Y-m-d", $newer); if($older === false){ $older = date("Y-m-d", time()); } } if( is_string($older) === false && $older !== false ){ $older = date("Y-m-d", $older); if($newer === false){ $newer = "1970-01-02"; } } if($older !== false){ $q["tf"] = "{$newer}to{$older}"; } // spellcheck if($spellcheck == "no"){ $q["spellcheck"] = "0"; } } /* $handle = fopen("scraper/brave.html", "r"); $html = fread($handle, filesize("scraper/brave.html")); fclose($handle);*/ try{ $html = $this->get( $proxy, "https://search.brave.com/search", $q, $nsfw, $country ); }catch(Exception $error){ throw new Exception("Could not fetch search page"); } $out = [ "status" => "ok", "spelling" => [ "type" => "no_correction", "using" => null, "correction" => null ], "npt" => null, "answer" => [], "web" => [], "image" => [], "video" => [], "news" => [], "related" => [] ]; // load html $this->fuckhtml->load($html); /* Get next page "token" */ $nextpage = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementById( "pagination", "div" ); if($nextpage){ $this->fuckhtml->load($nextpage); $nextpage = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName("button", "a"); if(count($nextpage) !== 0){ $nextpage = $nextpage[count($nextpage) - 1]; if( strtolower( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $nextpage ) ) == "next" ){ preg_match( '/offset=([0-9]+)/', $this->fuckhtml->getTextContent($nextpage["attributes"]["href"]), $nextpage ); $q["offset"] = (int)$nextpage[1]; $q["nsfw"] = $nsfw; $q["country"] = $country; $out["npt"] = $this->backend->store( json_encode($q), "web", $proxy ); } } } // do some magic $this->fuckhtml->load($html); $data = $this->get_js(); if( isset($data[2]["data"]["title"]) && stripos($data[2]["data"]["title"], "PoW Captcha") !== false ){ throw new Exception("Brave returned a PoW captcha"); } if(!isset($data[1]["data"]["body"]["response"])){ throw new Exception("Brave did not return a result object"); } $data = $data[1]["data"]["body"]["response"]; /* Get web results */ if(!isset($data["web"]["results"])){ return $out; } foreach($data["web"]["results"] as $result){ if( isset($result["thumbnail"]) && is_array($result["thumbnail"]) ){ $thumb = [ "ratio" => $result["thumbnail"]["logo"] == "false" ? "16:9" : "1:1", "url" => $result["thumbnail"]["original"] ]; }else{ $thumb = [ "ratio" => null, "url" => null ]; } // get sublinks $sublink = []; if( isset($result["cluster"]) && is_array($result["cluster"]) ){ foreach($result["cluster"] as $cluster){ $sublink[] = [ "title" => $this->titledots($cluster["title"]), "description" => $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $cluster["description"] ) ), "url" => $cluster["url"], "date" => null ]; } } // more sublinks if( isset($result["deep_results"]) && is_array($result["deep_results"]) ){ foreach($result["deep_results"]["buttons"] as $r){ $sublink[] = [ "title" => $this->titledots($r["title"]), "description" => null, "url" => $r["url"], "date" => null ]; } } // parse table elements $table = []; /* [locations] => void 0 Done [video] => void 0 Done [movie] => void 0 Done [faq] => void 0 [recipe] => void 0 [qa] => void 0 Not needed [book] => void 0 [rating] => void 0 [article] => void 0 [product] => void 0 Done [product_cluster] => void 0 [cluster_type] => void 0 [cluster] => void 0 Done [creative_work] => void 0 Done [music_recording] => void 0 [review] => void 0 Done [software] => void 0 Done [content_type] => void 0 [descriptionLength] => 271 */ // product // creative_work $ref = null; if(isset($result["product"])){ $ref = &$result["product"]; }elseif(isset($result["creative_work"])){ $ref = &$result["creative_work"]; } if($ref !== null){ if(isset($ref["offers"])){ foreach($ref["offers"] as $offer){ $price = null; if(isset($offer["price"])){ if((float)$offer["price"] == 0){ $price = "Free"; }else{ $price = $offer["price"]; } } if($price !== "Free"){ if(isset($offer["priceCurrency"])){ $price .= " " . $offer["priceCurrency"]; } } if($price !== null){ $table["Price"] = trim($price); } } } if(isset($ref["rating"])){ $rating = null; if(isset($ref["rating"]["ratingValue"])){ $rating = $ref["rating"]["ratingValue"]; if(isset($ref["rating"]["bestRating"])){ $rating .= "/" . $ref["rating"]["bestRating"]; } } if(isset($ref["rating"]["reviewCount"])){ $isnull = $rating === null ? false : true; if($isnull){ $rating .= " ("; } $rating .= number_format($ref["rating"]["reviewCount"]) . " hits"; if($isnull){ $rating .= ")"; } } if($rating !== null){ $table["Rating"] = $rating; } } } // review if( isset($result["review"]) && is_array($result["review"]) ){ if(isset($result["review"]["rating"]["ratingValue"])){ $table["Rating"] = $result["review"]["rating"]["ratingValue"] . "/" . $result["review"]["rating"]["bestRating"]; } } // software if( isset($result["software"]) && is_array($result["software"]) ){ if(isset($result["software"]["author"])){ $table["Author"] = $result["software"]["author"]; } if(isset($result["software"]["stars"])){ $table["Stars"] = number_format($result["software"]["stars"]); } if(isset($result["software"]["forks"])){ $table["Forks"] = number_format($result["software"]["forks"]); } if( isset($result["software"]["programmingLanguage"]) && $result["software"]["programmingLanguage"] != "" ){ $table["Programming languages"] = $result["software"]["programmingLanguage"]; } } // location if( isset($result["location"]) && is_array($result["location"]) ){ if(isset($result["location"]["postal_address"]["displayAddress"])){ $table["Address"] = $result["location"]["postal_address"]["displayAddress"]; } if( isset($result["location"]["rating"]) && $result["location"]["rating"] != "void 0" ){ $table["Rating"] = $result["location"]["rating"]["ratingValue"] . "/" . $result["location"]["rating"]["bestRating"] . " (" . number_format($result["location"]["rating"]["reviewCount"]) . " votes)"; } if( isset($result["location"]["contact"]["telephone"]) && $result["location"]["contact"]["telephone"] != "void 0" ){ $table["Phone number"] = $result["location"]["contact"]["telephone"]; } if( isset($result["location"]["price_range"]) && $result["location"]["price_range"] != "void 0" ){ $table["Price"] = $result["location"]["price_range"]; } } // video if( isset($result["video"]) && is_array($result["video"]) ){ foreach($result["video"] as $key => $value){ if(is_string($result["video"][$key]) === false){ continue; } $table[ucfirst($key)] = $value; } } // movie if( isset($result["video"]) && is_array($result["movie"]) ){ if(isset($result["movie"]["release"])){ $table["Release date"] = $result["movie"]["release"]; } if(isset($result["movie"]["directors"])){ $directors = []; foreach($result["movie"]["directors"] as $director){ $directors[] = $director["name"]; } if(count($directors) !== 0){ $table["Directors"] = implode(", ", $directors); } } if(isset($result["movie"]["actors"])){ $actors = []; foreach($result["movie"]["actors"] as $actor){ $actors[] = $actor["name"]; } if(count($actors) !== 0){ $table["Actors"] = implode(", ", $actors); } } if(isset($result["movie"]["rating"])){ $table["Rating"] = $result["movie"]["rating"]["ratingValue"] . "/" . $result["movie"]["rating"]["bestRating"] . " (" . number_format($result["movie"]["rating"]["reviewCount"]) . " votes)"; } if(isset($result["movie"]["duration"])){ $table["Duration"] = $result["movie"]["duration"]; } if(isset($result["movie"]["genre"])){ $genres = []; foreach($result["movie"]["genre"] as $genre){ $genres[] = $genre; } if(count($genres) !== 0){ $table["Genre"] = implode(", ", $genres); } } } if( isset($result["age"]) && $result["age"] != "void 0" && $result["age"] != "" ){ $date = strtotime($result["age"]); }else{ $date = null; } $out["web"][] = [ "title" => $this->titledots( $result["title"] ), "description" => isset($result["review"]["description"]) ? $this->limitstrlen( strip_tags( $result["review"]["description"] ) ) : $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $result["description"] ) ), "url" => $result["url"], "date" => $date, "type" => "web", "thumb" => $thumb, "sublink" => $sublink, "table" => $table ]; } /* Get spelling autocorrect */ if( isset($data["query"]["bo_altered_diff"][0][0]) && $data["query"]["bo_altered_diff"][0][0] == "true" ){ $using = []; foreach($data["query"]["bo_altered_diff"] as $diff){ $using[] = $diff[1]; } $out["spelling"] = [ "type" => "including", "using" => implode(" ", $using), "correction" => $get["s"] ]; } /* Get wikipedia heads */ if(isset($data["infobox"]["results"][0])){ foreach($data["infobox"]["results"] as $info){ if($info["subtype"] == "code"){ $description = $this->stackoverflow_parse($info["data"]["answer"]["text"]); if(isset($info["data"]["answer"]["author"])){ $description[] = [ "type" => "quote", "value" => "Answer from " . $info["data"]["answer"]["author"] ]; } }else{ $description = []; if( isset($info["description"]) && $info["description"] != "" ){ $description[] = [ "type" => "quote", "value" => $info["description"] ]; } if( isset($info["long_desc"]) && $info["long_desc"] != "" ){ $description[] = [ "type" => "text", "value" => $this->titledots($info["long_desc"]) ]; } // parse ratings if( isset($info["ratings"]) && $info["ratings"] != "void 0" && is_array($info["ratings"]) && count($info["ratings"]) !== 0 ){ $description[] = [ "type" => "title", "value" => "Ratings" ]; foreach($info["ratings"] as $rating){ $description[] = [ "type" => "link", "url" => $rating["profile"]["url"], "value" => $rating["profile"]["name"] ]; $description[] = [ "type" => "text", "value" => ": " . $rating["ratingValue"] . "/" . $rating["bestRating"] . "\n" ]; } } } $table = []; if(isset($info["attributes"])){ foreach($info["attributes"] as $row){ if( $row[1] == "null" && count($table) !== 0 ){ break; } if($row[1] == "null"){ continue; } $table[ $this->fuckhtml->getTextContent($row[0]) ] = $this->fuckhtml->getTextContent($row[1]); } } $sublink = []; if(isset($info["profiles"])){ foreach($info["profiles"] as $row){ $name = $this->fuckhtml->getTextContent($row["name"]); if(strtolower($name) == "steampowered"){ $name = "Steam"; } $sublink[ $this->fuckhtml->getTextContent($name) ] = $this->fuckhtml->getTextContent($row["url"]); } } $out["answer"][] = [ "title" => $this->fuckhtml->getTextContent($info["title"]), "description" => $description, "url" => $info["url"], "thumb" => isset($info["images"][0]["original"]) ? $info["images"][0]["original"] : null, "table" => $table, "sublink" => $sublink ]; break; // only iterate once, we get garbage most of the time } } /* Get videos */ if(isset($data["videos"]["results"])){ foreach($data["videos"]["results"] as $video){ $out["video"][] = [ "title" => $this->titledots($video["title"]), "description" => $this->titledots($video["description"]), "date" => isset($video["age"]) && $video["age"] != "void 0" ? strtotime($video["age"]) : null, "duration" => isset($video["video"]["duration"]) && $video["video"]["duration"] != "void 0" ? $this->hms2int($video["video"]["duration"]) : null, "views" => isset($video["video"]["views"]) && $video["video"]["views"] != "void 0" ? (int)$video["video"]["views"] : null, "thumb" => isset($video["thumbnail"]["src"]) ? [ "ratio" => "16:9", "url" => $this->unshiturl($video["thumbnail"]["src"]) ] : [ "ratio" => null, "url" => null ], "url" => $video["url"] ]; } } /* Get news */ if(isset($data["news"]["results"])){ foreach($data["news"]["results"] as $news){ $out["news"][] = [ "title" => $this->titledots($news["title"]), "description" => $this->titledots($news["description"]), "date" => isset($news["age"]) ? strtotime($news["age"]) : null, "thumb" => isset($video["thumbnail"]["src"]) ? [ "ratio" => "16:9", "url" => $this->unshiturl($video["thumbnail"]["src"]) ] : [ "ratio" => null, "url" => null ], "url" => $news["url"] ]; } } /* Get discussions */ $disc_out = []; if(isset($data["discussions"]["results"])){ foreach($data["discussions"]["results"] as $disc){ $table = []; if(isset($disc["data"]["num_votes"])){ $table["Votes"] = number_format($disc["data"]["num_votes"]); } if(isset($disc["data"]["num_answers"])){ $table["Comments"] = number_format($disc["data"]["num_answers"]); } $disc_out[] = [ "title" => $this->titledots( $disc["title"] ), "description" => $this->limitstrlen( $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $disc["description"] ) ) ), "url" => $disc["url"], "date" => isset($disc["age"]) ? strtotime($disc["age"]) : null, "type" => "web", "thumb" => [ "ratio" => null, "url" => null ], "sublink" => [], "table" => $table ]; } } // append discussions at position 2 array_splice($out["web"], 1, 0, $disc_out); return $out; } public function news($get){ if($get["npt"]){ [$req, $proxy] = $this->backend->get($get["npt"], "news"); $req = json_decode($req, true); $search = $req["q"]; $country = $req["country"]; $nsfw = $req["nsfw"]; $offset = $req["offset"]; $spellcheck = $req["spellcheck"]; try{ $html = $this->get( $proxy, "https://search.brave.com/news", [ "q" => $search, "offset" => $offset, "spellcheck" => $spellcheck ], $nsfw, $country ); }catch(Exception $error){ throw new Exception("Could not fetch search page"); } }else{ $search = $get["s"]; if(strlen($search) === 0){ throw new Exception("Search term is empty!"); } if(strlen($search) > 2048){ throw new Exception("Search term is too long!"); } $proxy = $this->backend->get_ip(); $nsfw = $get["nsfw"]; $country = $get["country"]; $spellcheck = $get["spellcheck"] == "yes" ? "1" : "0"; /* $handle = fopen("scraper/brave-news.html", "r"); $html = fread($handle, filesize("scraper/brave-news.html")); fclose($handle);*/ try{ $html = $this->get( $proxy, "https://search.brave.com/news", [ "q" => $search, "spellcheck" => $spellcheck ], $nsfw, $country ); }catch(Exception $error){ throw new Exception("Could not fetch search page"); } } $out = [ "status" => "ok", "npt" => null, "news" => [] ]; // load html $this->fuckhtml->load($html); // get npt $out["npt"] = $this->generatenextpagetoken( $search, $nsfw, $country, $spellcheck, "news", $proxy ); $this->fuckhtml->load($html); $json = $this->get_js(); foreach( $json[1]["data"]["body"]["response"]["news"]["results"] as $news ){ if( !isset($news["thumbnail"]["src"]) || $news["thumbnail"]["src"] == "void 0" ){ $thumb = [ "url" => null, "ratio" => null ]; }else{ $thumb = [ "url" => $this->unshiturl($news["thumbnail"]["src"]), "ratio" => "16:9" ]; } $out["news"][] = [ "title" => $news["title"], "author" => null, "description" => $news["description"], "date" => !isset($news["age"]) || $news["age"] == "void 0" || $news["age"] == "null" ? null : strtotime($news["age"]), "thumb" => $thumb, "url" => $news["url"] ]; } return $out; } public function image($get){ $search = $get["s"]; if(strlen($search) === 0){ throw new Exception("Search term is empty!"); } if(strlen($search) > 2048){ throw new Exception("Search term is too long!"); } $country = $get["country"]; $nsfw = $get["nsfw"]; $spellcheck = $get["spellcheck"] == "yes" ? "1" : "0"; $out = [ "status" => "ok", "npt" => null, "image" => [] ]; try{ $html = $this->get( $this->backend->get_ip(), // no nextpage right now, pass proxy directly "https://search.brave.com/images", [ "q" => $search, "spellcheck" => $spellcheck ], $nsfw, $country ); }catch(Exception $error){ throw new Exception("Could not fetch search page"); } /* $handle = fopen("scraper/brave-image.html", "r"); $html = fread($handle, filesize("scraper/brave-image.html")); fclose($handle);*/ $this->fuckhtml->load($html); $json = $this->get_js(); foreach( $json[1] ["data"] ["body"] ["response"] ["results"] as $result ){ $out["image"][] = [ "title" => $result["title"], "source" => [ [ "url" => $result["properties"]["url"], "width" => null, "height" => null ], [ "url" => $result["thumbnail"]["src"], "width" => null, "height" => null ] ], "url" => $result["url"] ]; } return $out; } public function video($get){ if($get["npt"]){ [$npt, $proxy] = $this->backend->get($get["npt"], "videos"); $npt = json_decode($npt, true); $search = $npt["q"]; $offset = $npt["offset"]; $spellcheck = $npt["spellcheck"]; $country = $npt["country"]; $nsfw = $npt["nsfw"]; try{ $html = $this->get( $proxy, "https://search.brave.com/videos", [ "q" => $search, "offset" => $offset, "spellcheck" => $spellcheck ], $nsfw, $country ); }catch(Exception $error){ throw new Exception("Could not fetch search page"); } }else{ $search = $get["s"]; if(strlen($search) === 0){ throw new Exception("Search term is empty!"); } if(strlen($search) > 2048){ throw new Exception("Search term is too long!"); } $country = $get["country"]; $nsfw = $get["nsfw"]; $spellcheck = $get["spellcheck"] == "yes" ? "1" : "0"; $proxy = $this->backend->get_ip(); try{ $html = $this->get( $proxy, "https://search.brave.com/videos", [ "q" => $search, "spellcheck" => $spellcheck ], $nsfw, $country ); }catch(Exception $error){ throw new Exception("Could not fetch search page"); } } $this->fuckhtml->load($html); $out = [ "status" => "ok", "npt" => null, "video" => [], "author" => [], "livestream" => [], "playlist" => [], "reel" => [] ]; // get npt $out["npt"] = $this->generatenextpagetoken( $search, $nsfw, $country, $spellcheck, "videos", $proxy ); /* $handle = fopen("scraper/brave-video.html", "r"); $html = fread($handle, filesize("scraper/brave-video.html")); fclose($handle);*/ $this->fuckhtml->load($html); $json = $this->get_js(); foreach( $json [1] ["data"] ["body"] ["response"] ["results"] as $result ){ if($result["video"]["author"] != "null"){ $author = [ "name" => $result["video"]["author"]["name"] == "null" ? null : $result["video"]["author"]["name"], "url" => $result["video"]["author"]["url"] == "null" ? null : $result["video"]["author"]["url"], "avatar" => $result["video"]["author"]["img"] == "null" ? null : $result["video"]["author"]["img"] ]; }else{ $author = [ "name" => null, "url" => null, "avatar" => null ]; } if($result["thumbnail"] != "null"){ $thumb = [ "url" => $result["thumbnail"]["original"], "ratio" => "16:9" ]; }else{ $thumb = [ "url" => null, "ratio" => null ]; } $out["video"][] = [ "title" => $result["title"], "description" => $result["description"] == "null" ? null : $this->titledots($result["description"]), "author" => $author, "date" => ($result["age"] == "null" || $result["age"] == "void 0") ? null : strtotime($result["age"]), "duration" => $result["video"]["duration"] == "null" ? null : $this->hms2int($result["video"]["duration"]), "views" => $result["video"]["views"] == "null" ? null : (int)$result["video"]["views"], "thumb" => $thumb, "url" => $result["url"] ]; } return $out; } private function stackoverflow_parse($html){ $i = 0; $answer = []; $this->fuckhtml->load($html); foreach( $this->fuckhtml->getElementsByTagName("*") as $snippet ){ switch($snippet["tagName"]){ case "p": $this->fuckhtml->load($snippet["innerHTML"]); $codetags = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName("*"); $tmphtml = $snippet["innerHTML"]; foreach($codetags as $tag){ if(!isset($tag["outerHTML"])){ continue; } $tmphtml = explode( $tag["outerHTML"], $tmphtml, 2 ); $value = $this->fuckhtml->getTextContent($tmphtml[0], false, false); $this->appendtext($value, $answer, $i); $type = null; switch($tag["tagName"]){ case "code": $type = "inline_code"; break; case "em": $type = "italic"; break; case "blockquote": $type = "quote"; break; default: $type = "text"; } if($type !== null){ $value = $this->fuckhtml->getTextContent($tag, false, true); if(trim($value) != ""){ if( $i !== 0 && $type == "title" ){ $answer[$i - 1]["value"] = rtrim($answer[$i - 1]["value"]); } $answer[] = [ "type" => $type, "value" => $value ]; $i++; } } if(count($tmphtml) === 2){ $tmphtml = $tmphtml[1]; }else{ break; } } if(is_array($tmphtml)){ $tmphtml = $tmphtml[0]; } if(strlen($tmphtml) !== 0){ $value = $this->fuckhtml->getTextContent($tmphtml, false, false); $this->appendtext($value, $answer, $i); } break; case "img": $answer[] = [ "type" => "image", "url" => $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $tag["attributes"]["src"] ) ]; $i++; break; case "pre": switch($answer[$i - 1]["type"]){ case "text": case "italic": $answer[$i - 1]["value"] = rtrim($answer[$i - 1]["value"]); break; } $answer[] = [ "type" => "code", "value" => rtrim( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $snippet, true, false ) ) ]; $i++; break; case "ol": $o = 0; $this->fuckhtml->load($snippet); $li = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByTagName("li"); foreach($li as $elem){ $o++; $this->appendtext( $o . ". " . $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $elem ), $answer, $i ); } break; } } if( $i !== 0 && $answer[$i - 1]["type"] == "text" ){ $answer[$i - 1]["value"] = rtrim($answer[$i - 1]["value"]); } return $answer; } private function hms2int($time){ $parts = explode(":", $time, 3); $time = 0; if(count($parts) === 3){ // hours $time = $time + ((int)$parts[0] * 3600); array_shift($parts); } if(count($parts) === 2){ // minutes $time = $time + ((int)$parts[0] * 60); array_shift($parts); } // seconds $time = $time + (int)$parts[0]; return $time; } private function appendtext($payload, &$text, &$index){ if(trim($payload) == ""){ return; } if( $index !== 0 && $text[$index - 1]["type"] == "text" ){ $text[$index - 1]["value"] .= "\n\n" . preg_replace('/ $/', " ", $payload); }else{ $text[] = [ "type" => "text", "value" => preg_replace('/ $/', " ", $payload) ]; $index++; } } private function tablesublink($html_collection, &$data){ foreach($html_collection as $html){ $html["innerHTML"] = preg_replace( '/<style>[\S\s]*<\/style>/i', "", $html["innerHTML"] ); $html = explode( ":", $this->fuckhtml->getTextContent($html), 2 ); if(count($html) === 1){ $html = ["Rating", $html[0]]; } $data["table"][trim($html[0])] = trim($html[1]); } } /* private function getimagelinkfromstyle($thumb){ $thumb = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( $thumb, "div" ); if(count($thumb) === 0){ return [ "url" => null, "ratio" => null ]; } $thumb = $thumb[0]["attributes"]["style"]; preg_match( '/background-image: ?url\((\'[^\']+\'|"[^"]+"|[^\)]+)\)/', $thumb, $thumb ); $url = $this->fuckhtml->getTextContent($this->unshiturl(trim($thumb[1], '"\' '))); if(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST) == "cdn.search.brave.com"){ return [ "url" => null, "ratio" => null ]; } return [ "url" => $url, "ratio" => "16:9" ]; }*/ private function limitstrlen($text){ return explode("\n", wordwrap($text, 300, "\n"))[0]; } /* private function limitwhitespace($text){ return preg_replace( '/[\s]+/', " ", $text ); }*/ private function titledots($title){ $substr = substr($title, -3); if( $substr == "..." || $substr == "…" ){ return trim(substr($title, 0, -3)); } return trim($title); } private function generatenextpagetoken($q, $nsfw, $country, $spellcheck, $page, $proxy){ $nextpage = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementById( "pagination", "div" ); if($nextpage){ $this->fuckhtml->load($nextpage); $nextpage = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementsByClassName( "button", "a" ); if(count($nextpage) !== 0){ $nextpage = $nextpage[count($nextpage) - 1]; if( strtolower( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $nextpage ) ) == "next" ){ preg_match( '/offset=([0-9]+)/', $this->fuckhtml->getTextContent($nextpage["attributes"]["href"]), $nextpage ); return $this->backend->store( json_encode( [ "q" => $q, "offset" => (int)$nextpage[1], "nsfw" => $nsfw, "country" => $country, "spellcheck" => $spellcheck ] ), $page, $proxy ); } } } return null; } private function unshiturl($url){ // https://imgs.search.brave.com/XFnbR8Sl7ge82MBDEH7ju0UHImRovMVmQ2qnDvgNTuA/rs:fit:844:225:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly90c2U0/Lm1tLmJpbmcubmV0/L3RoP2lkPU9JUC54/UWotQXU5N2ozVndT/RDJnNG9BNVhnSGFF/SyZwaWQ9QXBp.jpeg $tmp = explode("aHR0", $url); if(count($tmp) !== 2){ // nothing to do return $url; } return base64_decode( "aHR0" . str_replace(["/", "_"], ["", "/"], explode( ".", $tmp[1] )[0] ) ); } }