<?php class ddg{ public function __construct(){ include "lib/backend.php"; $this->backend = new backend("ddg"); include "lib/fuckhtml.php"; $this->fuckhtml = new fuckhtml(); } /* curl functions */ private const req_web = 0; private const req_xhr = 1; private function get($proxy, $url, $get = [], $reqtype = self::req_web){ $curlproc = curl_init(); if($get !== []){ $get = http_build_query($get); $url .= "?" . $get; } curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_URL, $url); // http2 bypass curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0); switch($reqtype){ case self::req_web: $headers = ["User-Agent: " . config::USER_AGENT, "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5", "Accept-Encoding: gzip", "DNT: 1", "Sec-GPC: 1", "Connection: keep-alive", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1", "Sec-Fetch-Dest: document", "Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate", "Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin", "Sec-Fetch-User: ?1", "Priority: u=0, i", "TE: trailers"]; break; case self::req_xhr: $headers = ["User-Agent: " . config::USER_AGENT, "Accept: */*", "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5", "Accept-Encoding: gzip", "Referer: https://duckduckgo.com/", "DNT: 1", "Sec-GPC: 1", "Connection: keep-alive", "Sec-Fetch-Dest: script", "Sec-Fetch-Mode: no-cors", "Sec-Fetch-Site: same-site", "Priority: u=1"]; break; } $this->backend->assign_proxy($curlproc, $proxy); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ""); // default encoding curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30); curl_setopt($curlproc, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); $data = curl_exec($curlproc); if(curl_errno($curlproc)){ throw new Exception(curl_error($curlproc)); } curl_close($curlproc); return $data; } public function getfilters($pagetype){ $base = [ "country" => [ "display" => "Country", "option" => [ "us-en" => "US (English)", "ar-es" => "Argentina", "au-en" => "Australia", "at-de" => "Austria", "be-fr" => "Belgium (fr)", "be-nl" => "Belgium (nl)", "br-pt" => "Brazil", "bg-bg" => "Bulgaria", "ca-en" => "Canada (en)", "ca-fr" => "Canada (fr)", "ct-ca" => "Catalonia", "cl-es" => "Chile", "cn-zh" => "China", "co-es" => "Colombia", "hr-hr" => "Croatia", "cz-cs" => "Czech Republic", "dk-da" => "Denmark", "ee-et" => "Estonia", "fi-fi" => "Finland", "fr-fr" => "France", "de-de" => "Germany", "gr-el" => "Greece", "hk-tzh" => "Hong Kong", "hu-hu" => "Hungary", "in-en" => "India (en)", "id-en" => "Indonesia (en)", "ie-en" => "Ireland", "il-en" => "Israel (en)", "it-it" => "Italy", "jp-jp" => "Japan", "kr-kr" => "Korea", "lv-lv" => "Latvia", "lt-lt" => "Lithuania", "my-en" => "Malaysia (en)", "mx-es" => "Mexico", "nl-nl" => "Netherlands", "nz-en" => "New Zealand", "no-no" => "Norway", "pk-en" => "Pakistan (en)", "pe-es" => "Peru", "ph-en" => "Philippines (en)", "pl-pl" => "Poland", "pt-pt" => "Portugal", "ro-ro" => "Romania", "ru-ru" => "Russia", "xa-ar" => "Saudi Arabia", "sg-en" => "Singapore", "sk-sk" => "Slovakia", "sl-sl" => "Slovenia", "za-en" => "South Africa", "es-ca" => "Spain (ca)", "es-es" => "Spain (es)", "se-sv" => "Sweden", "ch-de" => "Switzerland (de)", "ch-fr" => "Switzerland (fr)", "tw-tzh" => "Taiwan", "th-en" => "Thailand (en)", "tr-tr" => "Turkey", "us-es" => "US (Spanish)", "ua-uk" => "Ukraine", "uk-en" => "United Kingdom", "vn-en" => "Vietnam (en)" ] ] ]; switch($pagetype){ case "web": $base["country"]["option"] = array_merge(["any" => "All Regions"], $base["country"]["option"]); return array_merge($base, [ "nsfw" => [ "display" => "NSFW", "option" => [ "yes" => "Yes", "maybe" => "Maybe", "no" => "No" ] ], "newer" => [ "display" => "Newer than", "option" => "_DATE" ], "older" => [ "display" => "Older than", "option" => "_DATE" ], "extendedsearch" => [ // undefined display "option" => [ "yes" => "Yes", "no" => "No", ] ] ] ); break; case "images": return array_merge($base, [ "nsfw" => [ "display" => "NSFW", "option" => [ "yes" => "Yes", "no" => "No" ] ], "date" => [ "display" => "Time posted", "option" => [ "any" => "Any time", "Day" => "Past day", "Week" => "Past week", "Month" => "Past month" ] ], "size" => [ "display" => "Size", "option" => [ "any" => "Any size", "Small" => "Small", "Medium" => "Medium", "Large" => "Large", "Wallpaper" => "Wallpaper" ] ], "color" => [ "display" => "Colors", "option" => [ "any" => "All colors", "Monochrome" => "Black and white", "Red" => "Red", "Orange" => "Orange", "Yellow" => "Yellow", "Green" => "Green", "Blue" => "Blue", "Purple" => "Purple", "Pink" => "Pink", "Brown" => "Brown", "Black" => "Black", "Gray" => "Gray", "Teal" => "Teal", "White" => "White" ] ], "type" => [ "display" => "Type", "option" => [ "any" => "All types", "photo" => "Photograph", "clipart" => "Clipart", "gif" => "Animated GIF", "transparent" => "Transparent" ] ], "layout" => [ "display" => "Layout", "option" => [ "any" => "All layouts", "Square" => "Square", "Tall" => "Tall", "Wide" => "Wide" ] ], "license" => [ "display" => "License", "option" => [ "any" => "All licenses", "Any" => "All Creative Commons", "Public" => "Public domain", "Share" => "Free to Share and Use", "ShareCommercially" => "Free to Share and Use Commercially", "Modify" => "Free to Modify, Share, and Use", "ModifyCommercially" => "Free to Modify, Share, and Use Commercially" ] ] ] ); break; case "videos": return array_merge($base, [ "nsfw" => [ "display" => "NSFW", "option" => [ "yes" => "Yes", "no" => "No" ] ], "date" => [ "display" => "Time fetched", "option" => [ "any" => "Any time", "d" => "Past day", "w" => "Past week", "m" => "Past month" ] ], "resolution" => [ //videoDefinition "display" => "Resolution", "option" => [ "any" => "Any resolution", "high" => "High definition", "standard" => "Standard definition" ] ], "duration" => [ // videoDuration "display" => "Duration", "option" => [ "any" => "Any duration", "short" => "Short (>5min)", "medium" => "Medium (5-20min)", "long" => "Long (<20min)" ] ], "license" => [ "display" => "License", "option" => [ "any" => "Any license", "creativeCommon" => "Creative Commons", "youtube" => "YouTube Standard" ] ] ] ); break; case "news": return array_merge($base, [ "nsfw" => [ "display" => "NSFW", "option" => [ "yes" => "Yes", "maybe" => "Maybe", "no" => "No" ] ], "date" => [ "display" => "Time posted", "option" => [ "any" => "Any time", "d" => "Past day", "w" => "Past week", "m" => "Past month" ] ] ] ); break; } } public function web($get){ $out = [ "status" => "ok", "spelling" => [ "type" => "no_correction", "using" => null, "correction" => null ], "npt" => null, "answer" => [], "web" => [], "image" => [], "video" => [], "news" => [], "related" => [] ]; if($get["npt"]){ [$js_link, $proxy] = $this->backend->get($get["npt"], "web"); $js_link = "https://links.duckduckgo.com" . $js_link; $html = ""; $get["extendedsearch"] = "no"; }else{ if(strlen($get["s"]) === 0){ throw new Exception("Search term is empty!"); } $proxy = $this->backend->get_ip(); // generate filters $get_filters = [ "q" => $get["s"] ]; if($get["country"] == "any"){ $get_filters["kl"] = "wt-wt"; }else{ $get_filters["kl"] = $get["country"]; } switch($get["nsfw"]){ case "yes": $get_filters["kp"] = "-2"; break; case "maybe": $get_filters["kp"] = "-1"; break; case "no": $get_filters["kp"] = "1"; break; } $df = true; if($get["newer"] === false){ if($get["older"] !== false){ $start = 36000; $end = $get["older"]; }else{ $df = false; } }else{ $start = $get["newer"]; if($get["older"] !== false){ $end = $get["older"]; }else{ $end = time(); } } if($df === true){ $get_filters["df"] = date("Y-m-d", $start) . ".." . date("Y-m-d", $end); } // // Get HTML // try{ $html = $this->get( $proxy, "https://duckduckgo.com/", $get_filters ); }catch(Exception $e){ throw new Exception("Failed to fetch search page"); } $this->fuckhtml->load($html); $script = $this->fuckhtml ->getElementById( "deep_preload_link", "link" ); if( $script === null || !isset($script["attributes"]["href"]) ){ throw new Exception("Failed to grep d.js"); } $js_link = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $script["attributes"]["href"] ); } // // Get d.js // try{ $js = $this->get( $proxy, $js_link, [], ddg::req_xhr ); }catch(Exception $e){ throw new Exception("Failed to fetch d.js"); } //echo htmlspecialchars($js); $js_tmp = preg_split( '/DDG\.pageLayout\.load\(\s*\'d\'\s*,\s*/', $js, 2 ); if(count($js_tmp) <= 1){ throw new Exception("Failed to grep pageLayout(d)"); } $json = json_decode( $this->fuckhtml ->extract_json( $js_tmp[1] ), true ); if($json === null){ throw new Exception("Failed to decode JSON"); } // // Get search results + NPT token // foreach($json as $item){ if(isset($item["c"])){ $table = []; // get youtube video information if(isset($item["video"]["thumbnail_url_template"])){ $thumb = [ "ratio" => "16:9", "url" => $this->bingimg($item["video"]["thumbnail_url_template"]) ]; }else{ $thumb = [ "ratio" => null, "url" => null ]; } // get table items if(isset($item["rf"])){ foreach($item["rf"] as $hint){ if( !isset($hint["label"]["text"]) || !isset($hint["items"][0]["text"]) ){ continue; } $text = []; foreach($hint["items"] as $text_part){ $text[] = $text_part["text"]; } $text = implode(", ", $text); if(is_numeric($text)){ $text = number_format((string)$text); } $table[$hint["label"]["text"]] = $text; } } // get ratings if(isset($item["ar"])){ foreach($item["ar"] as $rating){ if( isset($rating["aggregateRating"]["bestRating"]) && isset($rating["aggregateRating"]["ratingValue"]) ){ $text = $rating["aggregateRating"]["ratingValue"] . "/" . $rating["aggregateRating"]["bestRating"]; if(isset($rating["aggregateRating"]["reviewCount"])){ $text .= " (" . number_format($rating["aggregateRating"]["reviewCount"]) . " votes)"; } $table["Rating"] = $text; } } } // get sublinks $sublinks = []; if(isset($item["l"])){ foreach($item["l"] as $sublink){ $sublinks[] = [ "title" => $this->titledots($sublink["text"]), "description" => $this->titledots($sublink["snippet"]), "url" => $sublink["targetUrl"], "date" => null ]; } } $title = $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $item["t"] ) ); if( $title == "EOF" && strpos( $item["c"], "google" ) ){ continue; } // parse search result $out["web"][] = [ "title" => $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $item["t"] ) ), "description" => isset($item["a"]) ? $this->titledots( $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $item["a"] ) ) : null, "url" => $this->unshiturl($item["c"]), "date" => isset($item["e"]) ? strtotime($item["e"]) : null, "type" => "web", "thumb" => $thumb, "sublink" => $sublinks, "table" => $table ]; continue; } if(isset($item["n"])){ // get NPT $out["npt"] = $this->backend->store( $item["n"], "web", $proxy ); continue; } } // // Get spelling // $js_tmp = preg_split( '/DDG\.page\.showMessage\(\s*\'spelling\'\s*,\s*/', $js, 2 ); if(count($js_tmp) > 1){ $json = json_decode( $this->fuckhtml ->extract_json( $js_tmp[1] ), true ); if($json !== null){ // parse spelling // qc=2: including switch((int)$json["qc"]){ case 2: $type = "including"; break; default: $type = "not_many"; break; } $out["spelling"] = [ "type" => $type, "using" => $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $json["suggestion"] ), "correction" => $json["recourseText"] ]; } } // // Get images // $js_tmp = preg_split( '/DDG\.duckbar\.load\(\s*\'images\'\s*,\s*/', $js, 2 ); if(count($js_tmp) > 1){ $json = json_decode( $this->fuckhtml ->extract_json( $js_tmp[1] ), true ); if($json !== null){ foreach($json["results"] as $image){ $ratio = $this->bingratio((int)$image["width"], (int)$image["height"]); $out["image"][] = [ "title" => $image["title"], "source" => [ [ "url" => $image["image"], "width" => (int)$image["width"], "height" => (int)$image["height"] ], [ "url" => $this->bingimg($image["thumbnail"]), "width" => $ratio[0], "height" => $ratio[1] ] ], "url" => $this->unshiturl($image["url"]) ]; } } } // // Get videos // $js_tmp = preg_split( '/DDG\.duckbar\.load\(\s*\'videos\'\s*,\s*/', $js, 2 ); if(count($js_tmp) > 1){ $json = json_decode( $this->fuckhtml ->extract_json( $js_tmp[1] ), true ); if($json !== null){ foreach($json["results"] as $video){ $thumb = [ "ratio" => null, "url" => null ]; foreach(["large", "medium", "small"] as $contender){ if(isset($video["images"][$contender])){ $thumb = [ "ratio" => "16:9", "url" => $this->bingimg($video["images"][$contender]) ]; break; } } $out["video"][] = [ "title" => $this->titledots($video["title"]), "description" => $video["description"] != "" ? $this->titledots($video["description"]) : null, "date" => isset($video["published"]) ? strtotime($video["published"]) : null, "duration" => $video["duration"] != "" ? $this->hms2int($video["duration"]) : null, "views" => isset($video["statistics"]["viewCount"]) ? (int)$video["statistics"]["viewCount"] : null, "thumb" => $thumb, "url" => $this->unshiturl($video["content"]) ]; } } } // // Get news // $js_tmp = preg_split( '/DDG\.duckbar\.load\(\s*\'news\'\s*,\s*/', $js, 2 ); if(count($js_tmp) > 1){ $json = json_decode( $this->fuckhtml ->extract_json( $js_tmp[1] ), true ); if($json !== null){ foreach($json["results"] as $news){ if(isset($news["image"])){ $thumb = [ "ratio" => "16:9", "url" => $news["image"] ]; }else{ $thumb = [ "ratio" => null, "url" => null ]; } $out["news"][] = [ "title" => $news["title"], "description" => $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $news["excerpt"] ), "date" => (int)$news["date"], "thumb" => $thumb, "url" => $news["url"] ]; } } } // // Get related searches // $js_tmp = preg_split( '/DDG\.duckbar\.loadModule\(\s*\'related_searches\'\s*,\s*/', $js, 2 ); if(count($js_tmp) > 1){ $json = json_decode( $this->fuckhtml ->extract_json( $js_tmp[1] ), true ); if($json !== null){ foreach($json["results"] as $related){ $out["related"][] = $related["text"]; } } } // // Get instant answers // $js_tmp = preg_split( '/DDG\.duckbar\.add\(\s*/', $html . $js, 2 ); if(count($js_tmp) > 1){ $json = json_decode( $this->fuckhtml ->extract_json( $js_tmp[1] ), true ); if($json !== null){ $json = $json["data"]; $table = []; $sublinks = []; $description = []; // get official website if( isset($json["OfficialWebsite"]) && $json["OfficialWebsite"] !== null ){ $sublinks["Website"] = $json["OfficialWebsite"]; } // get sublinks & table elements if(isset($json["Infobox"]["content"])){ foreach($json["Infobox"]["content"] as $info){ if($info["data_type"] == "string"){ // add table element $table[$info["label"]] = $info["value"]; continue; } if($info["data_type"] == "wd_description"){ $description[] = [ "type" => "quote", "value" => $info["value"] ]; continue; } // add sublink switch($info["data_type"]){ case "official_site": case "official_website": $type = "Website"; break; case "wikipedia": $type = "Wikipedia"; break; case "itunes": $type = "iTunes"; break; case "amazon": $type = "Amazon"; break; case "imdb_title_id": case "imdb_id": case "imdb_name_id": $type = "IMDb"; $delim = substr($info["value"], 0, 2); if($delim == "nm"){ $prefix = "https://www.imdb.com/name/"; }elseif($delim == "tt"){ $prefix = "https://www.imdb.com/title/"; }elseif($delim == "co"){ $prefix = "https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?companies="; }else{ $prefix = "https://www.imdb.com/title/"; } break; case "imdb_name_id": $prefix = "https://www.imdb.com/name/"; $type = "IMDb"; break; case "twitter_profile": $prefix = "https://twitter.com/"; $type = "Twitter"; break; case "instagram_profile": $prefix = "https://instagram.com/"; $type = "Instagram"; break; case "facebook_profile": $prefix = "https://facebook.com/"; $type = "Facebook"; break; case "spotify_artist_id": $prefix = "https://open.spotify.com/artist/"; $type = "Spotify"; break; case "itunes_artist_id": $prefix = "https://music.apple.com/us/artist/"; $type = "iTunes"; break; case "rotten_tomatoes": $prefix = "https://rottentomatoes.com/"; $type = "Rotten Tomatoes"; break; case "youtube_channel": $prefix = "https://youtube.com/channel/"; $type = "YouTube"; break; case "soundcloud_id": $prefix = "https://soundcloud.com/"; $type = "SoundCloud"; break; default: $prefix = null; $type = false; } if($type !== false){ if($prefix === null){ $sublinks[$type] = $info["value"]; }else{ $sublinks[$type] = $prefix . $info["value"]; } } } } if(isset($json["Abstract"])){ $description[] = [ "type" => "text", "value" => $json["Abstract"] ]; } $out["answer"][] = [ "title" => $json["Heading"], "description" => $description, "url" => $json["AbstractURL"], "thumb" => (isset($json["Image"]) && $json["Image"]) !== null ? "https://duckduckgo.com" . $json["Image"] : null, "table" => $table, "sublink" => $sublinks ]; } } if($get["extendedsearch"] == "no"){ return $out; } // // Get wordnik definition // //nrj('/js/spice/dictionary/definition/create', null, null, null, null, 'dictionary_definition'); preg_match( '/nrj\(\s*\'([^\']+)\'/', $js, $nrj ); if(isset($nrj[1])){ $nrj = $nrj[1]; preg_match( '/\/js\/spice\/dictionary\/definition\/([^\/]+)/', $nrj, $word ); if(isset($word[1])){ $word = $word[1]; // found wordnik definition & word try{ $nik = $this->get( $proxy, "https://duckduckgo.com/js/spice/dictionary/definition/" . $word, [], ddg::req_xhr ); }catch(Exception $e){ // fail gracefully return $out; } // remove javascript $js_tmp = preg_split( '/ddg_spice_dictionary_definition\(\s*/', $nik, 2 ); if(count($js_tmp) > 1){ $nik = json_decode( $this->fuckhtml ->extract_json( $js_tmp[1] ), true ); } if($nik === null){ return $out; } $answer_cat = []; $answer = []; foreach($nik as $snippet){ if(!isset($snippet["partOfSpeech"])){ continue; } $push = []; // add text snippet if(isset($snippet["text"])){ $push[] = [ "type" => "text", "value" => $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $snippet["text"] ) ]; } // add example uses if(isset($snippet["exampleUses"])){ foreach($snippet["exampleUses"] as $example){ $push[] = [ "type" => "quote", "value" => "\"" . $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $example["text"] ) . "\"" ]; } } // add citations if(isset($snippet["citations"])){ foreach($snippet["citations"] as $citation){ if(!isset($citation["cite"])){ continue; } $text = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $citation["cite"] ); if(isset($citation["source"])){ $text .= " - " . $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $citation["source"] ); } $push[] = [ "type" => "quote", "value" => $text ]; } } // add related words if(isset($snippet["relatedWords"])){ $relations = []; foreach($snippet["relatedWords"] as $related){ $words = []; foreach($related["words"] as $wrd){ $words[] = $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $wrd ); } if( count($words) !== 0 && isset($related["relationshipType"]) ){ $relations[ucfirst($related["relationshipType"]) . "s"] = implode(", ", $words); } } foreach($relations as $relation_title => $relation_content){ $push[] = [ "type" => "quote", "value" => $relation_title . ": " . $relation_content ]; } } if(count($push) !== 0){ // push data to answer_cat if(!isset($answer_cat[$snippet["partOfSpeech"]])){ $answer_cat[$snippet["partOfSpeech"]] = []; } $answer_cat[$snippet["partOfSpeech"]] = array_merge( $answer_cat[$snippet["partOfSpeech"]], $push ); } } foreach($answer_cat as $answer_title => $answer_content){ $i = 0; $answer[] = [ "type" => "title", "value" => $answer_title ]; $old_type = $answer[count($answer) - 1]["type"]; foreach($answer_content as $ans){ if( $ans["type"] == "text" && $old_type == "text" ){ $i++; $c = count($answer) - 1; // append text to existing textfield $answer[$c] = [ "type" => "text", "value" => $answer[$c]["value"] . "\n" . $i . ". " . $ans["value"] ]; }elseif($ans["type"] == "text"){ $i++; $answer[] = [ "type" => "text", "value" => $i . ". " . $ans["value"] ]; }else{ // append normally $answer[] = $ans; } $old_type = $ans["type"]; } } // yeah.. sometimes duckduckgo doesnt give us a definition back if(count($answer) !== 0){ $out["answer"][] = [ "title" => ucfirst($word), "description" => $answer, "url" => "https://www.wordnik.com/words/" . $word, "thumb" => null, "table" => [], "sublink" => [] ]; } } } return $out; } public function image($get){ if($get["npt"]){ [$js_link, $proxy] = $this->backend->get($get["npt"], "images"); }else{ if(strlen($get["s"]) === 0){ throw new Exception("Search term is empty!"); } $proxy = $this->backend->get_ip(); $filters = []; if($get["date"] != "any"){ $filters[] = "time:{$get["date"]}"; } if($get["size"] != "any"){ $filters[] = "size:{$get["size"]}"; } if($get["color"] != "any"){ $filters[] = "color:{$get["color"]}"; } if($get["type"] != "any"){ $filters[] = "type:{$get["type"]}"; } if($get["layout"] != "any"){ $filters[] = "layout:{$get["layout"]}"; } if($get["license"] != "any"){ $filters[] = "license:{$get["license"]}"; } $filters = implode(",", $filters); $get_filters = [ "q" => $get["s"], "iax" => "images", "ia" => "images" ]; if($filters != ""){ $get_filters["iaf"] = $filters; } $nsfw = $get["nsfw"] == "yes" ? "-2" : "-1"; $get_filters["kp"] = $nsfw; try{ $html = $this->get( $proxy, "https://duckduckgo.com", $get_filters, ddg::req_web ); }catch(Exception $err){ throw new Exception("Failed to fetch search page"); } preg_match( '/vqd="([0-9-]+)"/', $html, $vqd ); if(!isset($vqd[1])){ throw new Exception("Failed to grep VQD token"); } $js_link = "i.js?" . http_build_query([ "l" => $get["country"], "o" => "json", "q" => $get["s"], "vqd" => $vqd[1], "f" => $filters, "p" => $nsfw ]); } try{ $json = $this->get( $proxy, "https://duckduckgo.com/" . $js_link, [], ddg::req_xhr ); }catch(Exception $error){ throw new Exception("Failed to get i.js"); } $json = json_decode($json, true); if($json === null){ throw new Exception("Failed to decode JSON"); } $out = [ "status" => "ok", "npt" => null, "image" => [] ]; if(!isset($json["results"])){ return $out; } // get npt if( isset($json["next"]) && $json["next"] !== null ){ $vqd = null; if(isset($vqd[1])){ $vqd = $vqd[1]; }else{ $vqd = array_values($json["vqd"]); if(count($vqd) > 0){ $vqd = $vqd[0]; } } if($vqd !== null){ $out["npt"] = $this->backend->store( $json["next"] . "&vqd=" . $vqd, "images", $proxy ); } } // get images foreach($json["results"] as $image){ $ratio = $this->bingratio( (int)$image["width"], (int)$image["height"] ); $out["image"][] = [ "title" => $this->titledots($image["title"]), "source" => [ [ "url" => $image["image"], "width" => (int)$image["width"], "height" => (int)$image["height"] ], [ "url" => $this->bingimg($image["thumbnail"]), "width" => $ratio[0], "height" => $ratio[1] ] ], "url" => $this->unshiturl($image["url"]) ]; } return $out; } public function video($get){ if($get["npt"]){ [$js_link, $proxy] = $this->backend->get($get["npt"], "videos"); }else{ if(strlen($get["s"]) === 0){ throw new Exception("Search term is empty!"); } $proxy = $this->backend->get_ip(); $get_filters = [ "q" => $get["s"], "iax" => "videos", "ia" => "videos" ]; $nsfw = $get["nsfw"] == "yes" ? "-2" : "-1"; $get_filters["kp"] = $nsfw; $filters = []; if($get["date"] != "any"){ $filters[] = "publishedAfter:{$date}"; } if($get["resolution"] != "any"){ $filters[] = "videoDefinition:{$resolution}"; } if($get["duration"] != "any"){ $filters[] = "videoDuration:{$duration}"; } if($get["license"] != "any"){ $filters[] = "videoLicense:{$license}"; } $filters = implode(",", $filters); if($filters != ""){ $get_filters["iaf"] = $filters; } try{ $html = $this->get( $proxy, "https://duckduckgo.com/", $get_filters, ddg::req_web ); }catch(Exception $error){ throw new Exception("Failed to fetch search page"); } preg_match( '/vqd="([0-9-]+)"/', $html, $vqd ); if(!isset($vqd[1])){ throw new Exception("Failed to grep VQD token"); } $js_link = "v.js?" . http_build_query([ "l" => $get["country"], "o" => "json", "sr" => "1", "q" => $get["s"], "vqd" => $vqd[1], "f" => $filters, "p" => $nsfw ]); } try{ $json = $this->get( $proxy, "https://duckduckgo.com/" . $js_link, [], ddg::req_xhr ); }catch(Exception $error){ throw new Exception("Failed to fetch JSON"); } $json = json_decode($json, true); if($json === null){ throw new Exception("Failed to decode JSON"); } $out = [ "status" => "ok", "npt" => null, "video" => [], "author" => [], "livestream" => [], "playlist" => [], "reel" => [] ]; if(!isset($json["results"])){ return $out; } // get NPT if( isset($json["next"]) && $json["next"] !== null ){ $out["npt"] = $this->backend->store( $json["next"], "videos", $proxy ); } foreach($json["results"] as $video){ $thumb = [ "ratio" => null, "url" => null ]; foreach(["large", "medium", "small"] as $contender){ if(isset($video["images"][$contender])){ $thumb = [ "ratio" => "16:9", "url" => $this->bingimg($video["images"][$contender]) ]; break; } } $out["video"][] = [ "title" => $this->titledots($video["title"]), "description" => $this->titledots($video["description"]), "author" => [ "name" => ( isset($video["uploader"]) && $video["uploader"] != "" ) ? $video["uploader"] : null, "url" => null, "avatar" => null ], "date" => ( isset($video["published"]) && $video["published"] != "" ) ? strtotime($video["published"]) : null, "duration" => ( isset($video["duration"]) && $video["duration"] != "" ) ? $this->hms2int($video["duration"]) : null, "views" => isset($video["statistics"]["viewCount"]) ? (int)$video["statistics"]["viewCount"] : null, "thumb" => $thumb, "url" => $this->unshiturl($video["content"]) ]; } return $out; } public function news($get){ if($get["npt"]){ [$js_link, $proxy] = $this->backend->get($get["npt"], "news"); }else{ if(strlen($get["s"]) === 0){ throw new Exception("Search term is empty!"); } $proxy = $this->backend->get_ip(); $get_filters = [ "q" => $get["s"], "iar" => "news", "ia" => "news" ]; if($get["date"] != "any"){ $date = $get["date"]; $get_filters["df"] = $date; }else{ $date = ""; } switch($get["nsfw"]){ case "yes": $get_filters["kp"] = "-2"; break; case "maybe": $get_filters["kp"] = "-1"; break; case "no": $get_filters["kp"] = "1"; break; } try{ $html = $this->get( $proxy, "https://duckduckgo.com/", $get_filters, ddg::req_web ); }catch(Exception $error){ throw new Exception("Failed to fetch search page"); } preg_match( '/vqd="([0-9-]+)"/', $html, $vqd ); if(!isset($vqd[1])){ throw new Exception("Failed to grep VQD token"); } $js_link = "news.js?" . http_build_query([ "l" => $get["country"], "o" => "json", "noamp" => "1", "m" => "30", "q" => $get["s"], "vqd" => $vqd[1], "p" => $get_filters["kp"], "df" => $date, "u" => "bing" ]); } try{ $json = $this->get( $proxy, "https://duckduckgo.com/" . $js_link, [], ddg::req_xhr ); }catch(Exception $error){ throw new Exception("Failed to fetch JSON"); } $json = json_decode($json, true); if($json === null){ throw new Exception("Failed to decode JSON"); } $out = [ "status" => "ok", "npt" => null, "news" => [] ]; if(!isset($json["results"])){ return $out; } // get NPT if( isset($json["next"]) && $json["next"] !== null ){ $out["npt"] = $this->backend->store( $json["next"], "news", $proxy ); } foreach($json["results"] as $news){ if( isset($news["image"]) && $news["image"] != "" ){ $thumb = [ "ratio" => "16:9", "url" => $news["image"] ]; }else{ $thumb = [ "ratio" => null, "url" => null ]; } $out["news"][] = [ "title" => $news["title"], "author" => ( isset($news["source"]) && $news["source"] != "" ) ? $news["source"] : null, "description" => ( isset($news["excerpt"]) && $news["excerpt"] != "" ) ? $this->fuckhtml ->getTextContent( $news["excerpt"] ) : null, "date" => isset($news["date"]) ? (int)$news["date"] : null, "thumb" => $thumb, "url" => $this->unshiturl($news["url"]) ]; } return $out; } private function titledots($title){ $substr = substr($title, -3); if( $substr == "..." || $substr == "…" ){ return trim(substr($title, 0, -3)); } return trim($title); } private function hms2int($time){ $parts = explode(":", $time, 3); $time = 0; if(count($parts) === 3){ // hours $time = $time + ((int)$parts[0] * 3600); array_shift($parts); } if(count($parts) === 2){ // minutes $time = $time + ((int)$parts[0] * 60); array_shift($parts); } // seconds $time = $time + (int)$parts[0]; return $time; } private function unshiturl($url){ // check for domains w/out first short subdomain (ex: www.) $domain = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST); $subdomain = preg_replace( '/^[A-z0-9]{1,3}\./', "", $domain ); switch($subdomain){ case "ebay.com.au": case "ebay.at": case "ebay.ca": case "ebay.fr": case "ebay.de": case "ebay.com.hk": case "ebay.ie": case "ebay.it": case "ebay.com.my": case "ebay.nl": case "ebay.ph": case "ebay.pl": case "ebay.com.sg": case "ebay.es": case "ebay.ch": case "ebay.co.uk": case "cafr.ebay.ca": case "ebay.com": case "community.ebay.com": case "pages.ebay.com": // remove ebay tracking elements $old_params = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY); parse_str($old_params, $params); if(isset($params["mkevt"])){ unset($params["mkevt"]); } if(isset($params["mkcid"])){ unset($params["mkcid"]); } if(isset($params["mkrid"])){ unset($params["mkrid"]); } if(isset($params["campid"])){ unset($params["campid"]); } if(isset($params["customid"])){ unset($params["customid"]); } if(isset($params["toolid"])){ unset($params["toolid"]); } if(isset($params["_sop"])){ unset($params["_sop"]); } if(isset($params["_dcat"])){ unset($params["_dcat"]); } if(isset($params["epid"])){ unset($params["epid"]); } if(isset($params["epid"])){ unset($params["oid"]); } $params = http_build_query($params); if(strlen($params) === 0){ $replace = "\?"; }else{ $replace = ""; } $url = preg_replace( "/" . $replace . preg_quote($old_params, "/") . "$/", $params, $url ); break; } return $url; } private function bingimg($url){ $parse = parse_url($url); parse_str($parse["query"], $parts); return "https://" . $parse["host"] . "/th?id=" . urlencode($parts["id"]); } private function bingratio($width, $height){ $ratio = [ 474 / $width, 474 / $height ]; if($ratio[0] < $ratio[1]){ $ratio = $ratio[0]; }else{ $ratio = $ratio[1]; } return [ floor($width * $ratio), floor($height * $ratio) ]; } }