reader = new Reader($reader_location); } public function ping($domain = "", $port = 64738){ if(($ip = $this->validate_domain($domain)) === false){ throw new Exception("Server IP points to bad host"); } $port = (int)$port; if(!is_int($port)){ throw new Exception("Invalid port specified"); } $this->socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP); // packet timeout socket_set_option($this->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, ["sec" => 2, "usec" => 0]); socket_set_option($this->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, ["sec" => 2, "usec" => 0]); $data = [ "version" => null, //"ident" => null, "online" => null, "max" => null, "bandwidth" => null ]; if(!@socket_connect($this->socket, $ip, $port)){ // could not connect! socket_close($this->socket); throw new Exception("Server is offline"); } $payload = null; $payload .= pack("i", 0); // request type (int) $payload .= pack("q", 0); // identify response (long long) socket_write($this->socket, $payload); $data["ping"] = microtime(true); $this->socket_recv($rawdata, 24); $data["ping"] = round((microtime(true) - $data["ping"]) * 1000); // separate data $zero = true; for($i=0; $i<4; $i++){ $str = hexdec(bin2hex($rawdata[$i])); if( $zero === true && $str != 0 ){ $zero = false; } if($zero === false){ $data["version"] .= $str; if($i !== 3){ $data["version"] .= "."; } } } if($data["version"] == null){ $data["version"] = "1.0.0"; } /* for($i=4; $i<12; $i++){ $data["ident"] .= $rawdata[$i]; }*/ for($i=12; $i<16; $i++){ $data["online"] .= $rawdata[$i]; } for($i=16; $i<20; $i++){ $data["max"] .= $rawdata[$i]; } for($i=20; $i<24; $i++){ $data["bandwidth"] .= $rawdata[$i]; } /* Get name and website */ $stream = fopen("list.json", "r"); $json = fread($stream, filesize("list.json")); fclose($stream); $json = json_decode($json, true); $offset = -1; for($i=0; $ireader->country($ip); $data["countryname"] = $db->country->name; $data["countrycode"] = $db->country->isoCode; }catch(Exception $error){ $data["countryname"] = "Unknown"; $data["countrycode"] = "UN"; } // unpack $data = [ "status" => "ok", "server" => [ "name" => $data["name"], "domains" => $data["domains"], "ping" => $data["ping"], "online" => hexdec(bin2hex($data["online"])), "max" => hexdec(bin2hex($data["max"])), //"ident" => unpack("q", $data["ident"])[1], "bandwidth" => (hexdec(bin2hex($data["bandwidth"])) / 1000) . " kbit/s", "country" => [ "name" => $data["countryname"], "code" => $data["countrycode"], ], "version" => $data["version"], "website" => $data["website"] ] ]; return $data; } private function validate_domain($url){ $ip = str_replace( ["[", "]"], // handle ipv6 "", $url ); // if its not an IP if(!filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)){ // resolve domain's IP try{ $ip = gethostbyname($url . "."); }catch(Exception $error){ return false; } } // check if its localhost return filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE | FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE ); } private function socket_recv(&$data, $len){ error_reporting(0); $bytes = socket_recv($this->socket, $data, $len, MSG_WAITALL); error_reporting(1); if( $bytes === false || // no data $bytes === 0 // disconnected by remote peer ){ throw new Exception("Timed out"); } } } ?>