' . '' . '' . '' . $title . '' . '' . '' . '

' . $title . '

' . '

' . $text . '

' . '
' . $motd . '' . ''; die(); } function do_filesize($path, $is_dir){ if($is_dir){ return null; } $filesize = filesize($path); if($filesize === 0){ return "0.00 B"; } $s = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB"]; $e = floor(log($filesize, 1024)); return round($filesize / pow(1024, $e), 2) . " " . $s[$e]; } function do_header($title, $search, $check, $is_search, $script_name, $up){ echo '' . '' . '' . '' . $title . '' . '' . '' . '

' . $title . '

' . '
' . '' . '
' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '

' . ($is_search === true ? '< Go back to index

' : "") . ($up !== false ? '^ Go up

' : "") . '' . '' . ($is_search === false ? '' : "") . '' . '' . '' . ($is_search === false ? '' : "") . '' . '' . '' . ''; } // handle search if(isset($_GET["query"])){ $query = ( isset($_GET["query"]) && !empty(trim($_GET["query"])) && is_string($_GET["query"]) ) ? trim($_GET["query"]) : false; $filter = ( isset($_GET["filter"]) && ( $_GET["filter"] == "and" || $_GET["filter"] == "or" || $_GET["filter"] == "pcre" ) ) ? $_GET["filter"] : "and"; $folder_base_strlen = strlen($folder_base); if($query === false){ do_error( 400, "Search query is empty", "You need to search for something you dumb shit!", $motd, $script_name ); } $query_escaped = htmlspecialchars($query); do_header("search results for "" . $query_escaped . """, $query_escaped, $filter, true, $script_name, false); // prepare search cmp $query_arr = explode( " ", preg_replace( '/ +/', " ", $query ) ); $dir_iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($folder_base, FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS); $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir_iterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); $matches = 0; while(true){ $iterator->next(); if(!$iterator->valid()){ break; } $filename = $iterator->getFilename(); switch($filter){ case "and": $check = true; foreach($query_arr as $q){ if(stripos($filename, $q) === false){ $check = false; break; } } break; case "or": $check = false; foreach($query_arr as $q){ if(stripos($filename, $q) !== false){ $check = true; break; } } break; case "pcre": $match = @preg_match($query, $filename); if($match === false){ if(preg_last_error() !== PREG_NO_ERROR){ // regex error echo '' . '
' . 'type' . '' . 'name' . '' . 'size' . '

RegEx error: ' . preg_last_error_msg() . '

' . $motd . '' . ''; die(); } continue 2; }elseif($match === 1){ $check = true; }else{ $check = false; } break; } if($check){ $matches++; $internal_path = $iterator->getPath() . "/" . $filename; $fullpath = substr_replace( $internal_path, "", 0, $folder_base_strlen ); $is_dir = is_dir($internal_path); echo '' . '' . ($is_dir ? "<DIR>" : "<FILE>") . '' . '' . '' . htmlspecialchars( $filename ) . '' . '' . '' . do_filesize($internal_path, $is_dir) . '' . ''; } if($matches === $max_results){ break; } } // pagination echo '
' . '
Found ' . $matches . ' matches (max=' . $max_results . ')
' . '
' . $motd . '' . ''; die(); } $path = ( isset($_GET["path"]) && is_string($_GET["path"]) && !empty($_GET["path"]) ) ? $_GET["path"] : ""; $realpath = realpath($folder_base . "/" . $path); // file or folder does not exist if($realpath === false){ do_error( 404, "Nobody here but us chickens!", 'Nothing exists under ' . htmlspecialchars("/" . ltrim($path, "/")) . '', $motd, $script_name ); } // path traversal exploit if(strpos($realpath, $folder_base) !== 0){ do_error( 403, "Get off my lawn", 'You do not have access to this shit', $motd, $script_name ); } // handle GETs to files and folders if(is_dir($realpath)){ // handle directory $page = ( isset($_GET["page"]) && is_numeric($_GET["page"]) && $_GET["page"] > 0 ) ? (int)$_GET["page"] : 1; $relative_path = htmlspecialchars("/" . ltrim(str_replace($folder_base, "", $realpath), "/")); $iterator = new FilesystemIterator($realpath); try{ $iterator->seek(($page - 1) * $items_per_page); }catch(OutOfBoundsException){ do_error( 400, "Out of bounds", "You requested a page index that does not exist you overweight buffoon", $motd, $script_name ); } if($relative_path == "/"){ $up = false; }else{ $up = explode("/", $relative_path); unset($up[count($up) - 1]); $up = $script_name . "?path=" . encode_path(implode("/", $up)); } do_header("index of " . $relative_path, "", "and", false, "", $up); for($i=0; $i<$items_per_page; $i++){ if(!$iterator->valid()){ // reached end of file list break; } $filename = $iterator->getFilename(); $absolute = $realpath . "/" . $filename; $is_dir = is_dir($absolute); echo '' . '' . ($is_dir ? "<DIR>" : "<FILE>") . '' . '' . '' . htmlspecialchars( $filename ) . '' . '' . '' . do_filesize($absolute, $is_dir) . '' . ''; $iterator->next(); } // pagination echo '' . '
' . '' . ''; // previous page check if($page !== 1){ echo '' . '<PREV>' . ''; }else{ echo '<END>'; } echo '
Page ' . $page . '
'; // next page check $iterator->next(); if($iterator->valid()){ echo '' . '<NEXT>' . ''; }else{ echo '<END>'; } echo '
' . $motd . '' . ''; die(); }elseif(is_file($realpath)){ // handle file set_time_limit(0); ob_end_clean(); // tell browser you can seek the file header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . rawurlencode(basename($realpath)) . '"'); // report right file type header("Content-Type: " . mime_content_type($realpath)); $filesize = filesize($realpath); // detect content range $headers = getallheaders(); $handle = fopen($realpath, "r"); if(isset($headers["Range"])){ // do range preg_match( '/^bytes=([0-9]*)-/', $headers["Range"], $matches ); $range = isset($matches[1]) ? (int)$matches[1] : null; if( $range !== null && $range >= 0 && $range < $filesize ){ http_response_code(206); // partial content header("Content-Range: bytes " . $range . "-" . ($filesize - 1) . "/" . $filesize); header("Content-Length: " . $filesize - $range); fseek($handle, $range); }else{ http_response_code(416); // range not satisfiable die(); } }else{ header("Content-Length: " . $filesize); } fpassthru($handle); die(); }else{ // what the fuck do_error( 400, "What the fuck", 'You requested something that is neither a file nor a directory, what the actual fuck', $motd, $script_name ); } ?>