Hey @throwaway thank you for responding:)
Sure you could do that. It would be easier to run docker build -t luuul/4get:latest .
But won't that pull the remote docker image? Id like to…
Image, videos and news will follow soon...
Good, my personal priority would go to image and news because yt is already a satisfying choice to look for videos
Great job man, felt like something exciting was going to happen this weekend:) I'm going to update the docker code and try it asap
They will all come as a surprise, honestly I haven't ever heard of any of those :)
Yes, Gibiru is known to be a bare Google clone, that's why I mentioned it hoping it would not have blocked me:) however Asian engines sound interesting, are you talking about something like Baidu?
Thanks:) huh, Bing, really? Damn, so which engine is left sourcing Google results? Gibiru?
In the meantime tried a workaround using the !sp bang in DDG but I was out of luck :) I get Failed to get d.js URL
@root Just wonder, how are your librewolf network settings?
@root you have two running docker 4get containers.Try to delete the last one with docker container rm -f 88e8598b2706. If this doesn't work, try to remove all the containers and images that you…
@root can you paste the output of docker container ls
? And the content of the onion.txt in the proxies folder? It looks like something is still misconfigured.
@root dumb question, are you sure you are typing http://localhost/ and not https://localhost/ ?
Oh sorry, I have always just used ls :) the first docker compose file is to route searches over Tor, the second is to be found as a hidden service by Tor users, so I guess you would only want the…
No wait, remove the docker compose file from the proxies folder. You just need the first one. Just move to that lsd folder and type docker compose up -d
No you don't need it, the docker compose file will do all the job for you. Luuul is the name of the docker repo with the two images (Tor and 4get). Remove all the images and containers that you…
Hmm weird, can you explain in details how did you setup the docker container? Have you removed your previous containers and images before starting this one?
Ok so you don't need to create it, just run docker compose and everything will work out of the box
No, you have this 4get folder with two distinct things, a proxies subfolder and the docker compose file. Do you want to use your own torrc file ? The Tor container will already create a default…
I think the easy way should be creating a 4get folder in your home directory and there create 1) a "proxies" folder with the suggested onion.txt file and 2) the docker-compose.yml file. Then cd to…