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<g clip-path="url(#clip0_831_3007)">
<path d="M8.31462 10.6666V7.99992M8.31462 5.33325H8.32128M14.9813 7.99992C14.9813 11.6818 11.9965 14.6666 8.31462 14.6666C4.63272 14.6666 1.64795 11.6818 1.64795 7.99992C1.64795 4.31802 4.63272 1.33325 8.31462 1.33325C11.9965 1.33325 14.9813 4.31802 14.9813 7.99992Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
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<path d="M9.64762 7.33325H5.64762M6.98096 9.99992H5.64762M10.981 4.66659H5.64762M13.6476 6.99992V4.53325C13.6476 3.41315 13.6476 2.85309 13.4296 2.42527C13.2379 2.04895 12.932 1.74299 12.5556 1.55124C12.1278 1.33325 11.5678 1.33325 10.4476 1.33325H6.18096C5.06085 1.33325 4.5008 1.33325 4.07298 1.55124C3.69665 1.74299 3.39069 2.04895 3.19894 2.42527C2.98096 2.85309 2.98096 3.41315 2.98096 4.53325V11.4666C2.98096 12.5867 2.98096 13.1467 3.19894 13.5746C3.39069 13.9509 3.69665 14.2569 4.07298 14.4486C4.5008 14.6666 5.06085 14.6666 6.18096 14.6666H7.98096M14.981 14.6666L13.981 13.6666M14.6476 11.9999C14.6476 13.2886 13.603 14.3333 12.3143 14.3333C11.0256 14.3333 9.98096 13.2886 9.98096 11.9999C9.98096 10.7113 11.0256 9.66658 12.3143 9.66658C13.603 9.66658 14.6476 10.7113 14.6476 11.9999Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
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<span class="count">11</span>
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<a rel="noreferrer" href="">4chan - Wikipedia</a>
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<div class="description">
<strong>4chan</strong> is an anonymous English-language imageboard website. Launched by Christopher &quot;moot&quot; Poole in October 2003, the site hosts boards dedicated to a wide variety of topics, from video games and television to literature, cooking, weapons, music, history, anime, fitness, politics, and sports, ...
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style="stroke-dashoffset: 0; stroke-dasharray: 1000; stroke: #cb55cd"
d="M 95.10565162951535 30.901699437494738 A 100 100 0 0 1 58.778525229247315 80.90169943749474"
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d="M 58.778525229247315 80.90169943749474 A 100 100 0 0 1 -58.77852522924732 -80.90169943749473"
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d="M -58.77852522924732 -80.90169943749473 A 100 100 0 0 1 -0.00017453292519727508 -99.99999999984769"
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<span class="wtm-count">10</span>
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<g clip-path="url(#clip0_831_3007)">
<path d="M8.31462 10.6666V7.99992M8.31462 5.33325H8.32128M14.9813 7.99992C14.9813 11.6818 11.9965 14.6666 8.31462 14.6666C4.63272 14.6666 1.64795 11.6818 1.64795 7.99992C1.64795 4.31802 4.63272 1.33325 8.31462 1.33325C11.9965 1.33325 14.9813 4.31802 14.9813 7.99992Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
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<rect width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" transform="translate(0.314453)"/>
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<path d="M9.64762 7.33325H5.64762M6.98096 9.99992H5.64762M10.981 4.66659H5.64762M13.6476 6.99992V4.53325C13.6476 3.41315 13.6476 2.85309 13.4296 2.42527C13.2379 2.04895 12.932 1.74299 12.5556 1.55124C12.1278 1.33325 11.5678 1.33325 10.4476 1.33325H6.18096C5.06085 1.33325 4.5008 1.33325 4.07298 1.55124C3.69665 1.74299 3.39069 2.04895 3.19894 2.42527C2.98096 2.85309 2.98096 3.41315 2.98096 4.53325V11.4666C2.98096 12.5867 2.98096 13.1467 3.19894 13.5746C3.39069 13.9509 3.69665 14.2569 4.07298 14.4486C4.5008 14.6666 5.06085 14.6666 6.18096 14.6666H7.98096M14.981 14.6666L13.981 13.6666M14.6476 11.9999C14.6476 13.2886 13.603 14.3333 12.3143 14.3333C11.0256 14.3333 9.98096 13.2886 9.98096 11.9999C9.98096 10.7113 11.0256 9.66658 12.3143 9.66658C13.603 9.66658 14.6476 10.7113 14.6476 11.9999Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
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d="M 95.10565162951535 30.901699437494738 A 100 100 0 0 1 58.778525229247315 80.90169943749474"
style="stroke-dashoffset: 0; stroke-dasharray: 1000; stroke: #ef671e"
d="M 58.778525229247315 80.90169943749474 A 100 100 0 0 1 -58.77852522924732 -80.90169943749473"
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d="M -58.77852522924732 -80.90169943749473 A 100 100 0 0 1 -0.00017453292519727508 -99.99999999984769"
style="stroke-dashoffset: 0; stroke-dasharray: 1000; stroke: #e2e781"
<span class="count">10</span>
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<span class="category">Advertising</span>
<span class="count">3</span>
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<span class="category">Audio Video Player</span>
<span class="count">1</span>
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<span class="category">Hosting</span>
<span class="count">5</span>
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<span class="category">Extensions</span>
<span class="count">1</span>
<div class="empty"></div>
<li class="result " id="result-2">
<a rel="noreferrer" href="">r/4chan</a>
<div class="snippet">
<div class="description">
r/<strong>4chan</strong>: The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
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<span class="wtm-count">16</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M19.8145 10.5C19.8145 14.6421 16.4566 18 12.3145 18C8.17233 18 4.81445 14.6421 4.81445 10.5C4.81445 6.35788 8.17233 3 12.3145 3C16.4566 3 19.8145 6.35788 19.8145 10.5Z" fill="currentColor" />
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<rect width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" transform="translate(0.314453)"/>
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<a rel="noreferrer" href="">GitHub - 4chan/4chan-API: Documentation for 4chan&#39;s read-only JSON API.</a>
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Documentation for <strong>4chan</strong>&#x27;s read-only JSON API. Contribute to <strong>4chan</strong>/<strong>4chan</strong>-API development by creating an account on GitHub.
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<path d="M9.64762 7.33325H5.64762M6.98096 9.99992H5.64762M10.981 4.66659H5.64762M13.6476 6.99992V4.53325C13.6476 3.41315 13.6476 2.85309 13.4296 2.42527C13.2379 2.04895 12.932 1.74299 12.5556 1.55124C12.1278 1.33325 11.5678 1.33325 10.4476 1.33325H6.18096C5.06085 1.33325 4.5008 1.33325 4.07298 1.55124C3.69665 1.74299 3.39069 2.04895 3.19894 2.42527C2.98096 2.85309 2.98096 3.41315 2.98096 4.53325V11.4666C2.98096 12.5867 2.98096 13.1467 3.19894 13.5746C3.39069 13.9509 3.69665 14.2569 4.07298 14.4486C4.5008 14.6666 5.06085 14.6666 6.18096 14.6666H7.98096M14.981 14.6666L13.981 13.6666M14.6476 11.9999C14.6476 13.2886 13.603 14.3333 12.3143 14.3333C11.0256 14.3333 9.98096 13.2886 9.98096 11.9999C9.98096 10.7113 11.0256 9.66658 12.3143 9.66658C13.603 9.66658 14.6476 10.7113 14.6476 11.9999Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
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<a rel="noreferrer" href="">Absolutely everything you need to know to understand 4chan, the Internets own bogeyman - The Washington Post</a>
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A comprehensive, no-nonsense guide to one of the Internet&#x27;s most confusing and influential Web sites.
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<path d="M9.64762 7.33325H5.64762M6.98096 9.99992H5.64762M10.981 4.66659H5.64762M13.6476 6.99992V4.53325C13.6476 3.41315 13.6476 2.85309 13.4296 2.42527C13.2379 2.04895 12.932 1.74299 12.5556 1.55124C12.1278 1.33325 11.5678 1.33325 10.4476 1.33325H6.18096C5.06085 1.33325 4.5008 1.33325 4.07298 1.55124C3.69665 1.74299 3.39069 2.04895 3.19894 2.42527C2.98096 2.85309 2.98096 3.41315 2.98096 4.53325V11.4666C2.98096 12.5867 2.98096 13.1467 3.19894 13.5746C3.39069 13.9509 3.69665 14.2569 4.07298 14.4486C4.5008 14.6666 5.06085 14.6666 6.18096 14.6666H7.98096M14.981 14.6666L13.981 13.6666M14.6476 11.9999C14.6476 13.2886 13.603 14.3333 12.3143 14.3333C11.0256 14.3333 9.98096 13.2886 9.98096 11.9999C9.98096 10.7113 11.0256 9.66658 12.3143 9.66658C13.603 9.66658 14.6476 10.7113 14.6476 11.9999Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
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<a rel="noreferrer" href="">The Dark Side of 4chan: Exploring the Dangers of an Unmoderated Online Community - The Bullhorn News</a>
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The origins and dangers of the online chat room <strong>4chan</strong>.
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<a rel="noreferrer" href="">4chan (@actual4chan) • Instagram photos and videos</a>
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15K Followers, 11 Following, 1,299 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from <strong>4chan</strong> (@actual4chan)
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<path d="M9.64762 7.33325H5.64762M6.98096 9.99992H5.64762M10.981 4.66659H5.64762M13.6476 6.99992V4.53325C13.6476 3.41315 13.6476 2.85309 13.4296 2.42527C13.2379 2.04895 12.932 1.74299 12.5556 1.55124C12.1278 1.33325 11.5678 1.33325 10.4476 1.33325H6.18096C5.06085 1.33325 4.5008 1.33325 4.07298 1.55124C3.69665 1.74299 3.39069 2.04895 3.19894 2.42527C2.98096 2.85309 2.98096 3.41315 2.98096 4.53325V11.4666C2.98096 12.5867 2.98096 13.1467 3.19894 13.5746C3.39069 13.9509 3.69665 14.2569 4.07298 14.4486C4.5008 14.6666 5.06085 14.6666 6.18096 14.6666H7.98096M14.981 14.6666L13.981 13.6666M14.6476 11.9999C14.6476 13.2886 13.603 14.3333 12.3143 14.3333C11.0256 14.3333 9.98096 13.2886 9.98096 11.9999C9.98096 10.7113 11.0256 9.66658 12.3143 9.66658C13.603 9.66658 14.6476 10.7113 14.6476 11.9999Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
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<path d="M9.64762 7.33325H5.64762M6.98096 9.99992H5.64762M10.981 4.66659H5.64762M13.6476 6.99992V4.53325C13.6476 3.41315 13.6476 2.85309 13.4296 2.42527C13.2379 2.04895 12.932 1.74299 12.5556 1.55124C12.1278 1.33325 11.5678 1.33325 10.4476 1.33325H6.18096C5.06085 1.33325 4.5008 1.33325 4.07298 1.55124C3.69665 1.74299 3.39069 2.04895 3.19894 2.42527C2.98096 2.85309 2.98096 3.41315 2.98096 4.53325V11.4666C2.98096 12.5867 2.98096 13.1467 3.19894 13.5746C3.39069 13.9509 3.69665 14.2569 4.07298 14.4486C4.5008 14.6666 5.06085 14.6666 6.18096 14.6666H7.98096M14.981 14.6666L13.981 13.6666M14.6476 11.9999C14.6476 13.2886 13.603 14.3333 12.3143 14.3333C11.0256 14.3333 9.98096 13.2886 9.98096 11.9999C9.98096 10.7113 11.0256 9.66658 12.3143 9.66658C13.603 9.66658 14.6476 10.7113 14.6476 11.9999Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
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<a rel="noreferrer" href="">Epic Win for Anonymous: How 4chan&#39;s Army Conquered the Web: Stryker, Cole: 9781590207109: Books</a>
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Epic Win for Anonymous: How <strong>4chan</strong>&#x27;s Army Conquered the Web [Stryker, Cole] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Epic Win for Anonymous: How <strong>4chan</strong>&#x27;s Army Conquered the Web
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d="M -86.60254037844388 49.99999999999999 A 100 100 0 0 1 -98.4807753012208 -17.364817766693047"
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