Question: how set 4get instance in Artix
Right now I do not have php-mbstring
and php-curl
Is it supposed to show up at least?
Question: how set 4get instance in Artix
I make this in the conf and I also made the equivalent .htaccess
file in /srv/http/c
<Directory "/srv/http/c">
Question: how set 4get instance in Artix
Could you make an example of all the things that I need?
Not sure where put those rules in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
ls /etc/httpd/conf/extra/
httpd-autoindex.conf httpd-info.con…
Question: how set 4get instance in Artix
Do I need to use /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
How do I make 4get instance visible on localhost?
Question: how set 4get instance in Artix
I'd like to set up my 4get instance that I can use locally so I supposed I need to go to https://http://localhost/
I am not sure to how set up the local instance.
I made 2 rulesets…
Question: how set 4get instance in Artix