121 lines
5.7 KiB
121 lines
5.7 KiB
import requests, websockets, asyncio, json, re, threading, time
from ircked.bot import irc_bot
from ircked.message import *
import traceback
import html
import ratelimiter
class bird_inst():
def __init__(self, endpoint, httpendpoint, config):
self.endpoint = endpoint
self.httpendpoint = httpendpoint
self.config = config
self.ws = None
self.headers = None
self.irc = irc_bot(nick=self.config["irc_nick"])
self.irc.connect_register(self.config["irc_serb"], self.config["irc_port"])
self.send_queue = []
self.limiter = ratelimiter.ratelimit(.5)
def irc_handler(msg, ctx):
if msg.command == "PING":
message.manual("", "PONG", msg.parameters).send(ctx.socket)
elif msg.command == "001":
for chan in self.config["irc_chan2deekroomid"].keys():
message.manual("", "JOIN", [chan]).send(ctx.socket)
elif msg.command == "PRIVMSG" and "\x01VERSION\x01" in msg.parameters:
message.manual(":"+msg.parameters[0], "PRIVMSG", [msg.prefix[1:].split("!")[0], ":\x01dorfl bot\x01"]).send(ctx.socket)
if msg.command == "PRIVMSG" and ("py-ctcp" not in msg.prefix):
pm = privmsg.parse(msg)
post = pm.bod
if pm.fr.split("!")[0] != self.config["passthru_nick"]: post = "<"+pm.fr.split("!")[0]+"> " + post
self.send_post(post, self.config["irc_chan2deekroomid"][pm.to])
threading.Thread(target=self.irc.run, kwargs={"event_handler": irc_handler}, daemon=True).start()
def auth(self, name, passwd):
h = {
"User-Agent": "renabot",
"Origin": "https://deek.chat",
"DNT": "1",
res = requests.post(self.httpendpoint+"/login/submit", headers=h, data={"name": name, "password": passwd, "submit": "log+in"}, allow_redirects=False)
token = re.search("(?:api_token)=[^;]+", res.headers.get("Set-Cookie")).group(0)
sessid = re.search("(?:session_id)=[^;]+", res.headers.get("Set-Cookie")).group(0)
h["Cookie"] = token+"; "+sessid
self.headers = h
async def run(self):
print("running main loop")
async with websockets.connect(self.endpoint, extra_headers=self.headers) as self.ws:
while True:
data = json.loads(await self.ws.recv())
print(">>>", data)
#getattr(self, "handle_"+data["type"], None)(data)
try: getattr(self, "handle_"+data["type"], None)(data)
except Exception as e: print("hey buddy your shits fucked thought you might want to know", e)
def handle_message(self, ctx):
room = int(ctx["roomId"])
if not room in self.config["irc_chan2deekroomid"].values(): return
print("btw i just got this", ctx["data"]["text"])
ctx["data"]["text"] = html.unescape(ctx["data"]["text"])
if ctx["data"]["name"] == self.config["deek_user"]: return
mesg = ctx["data"]["text"].replace("\n", " ")
chunks = list(mesg[0+i:400+i] for i in range(0, len(mesg), 400))
chunks = ["<"+ctx["data"]["name"]+"> "+m for m in chunks]
chunks[0] = f"(#{ctx['data']['id']}) " + chunks[0]
irc_chan = ""
for k in self.config["irc_chan2deekroomid"].keys():
if self.config["irc_chan2deekroomid"][k] == room:
irc_chan = k
for m in chunks:
self.limiter.action(True, self.irc.sendraw, (privmsg.build(self.config["irc_nick"], irc_chan, m).msg,))
def handle_messageStart(self, ctx): pass
def handle_messageChange(self, ctx): pass
def handle_messageEnd(self, ctx): self.handle_message(ctx)
def handle_avatar(self, ctx): pass
def handle_loadUsers(self, ctx): pass
def handle_files(self, ctx):
room = int(ctx["roomId"])
if not room in self.config["irc_chan2deekroomid"].values(): return
ctx["data"]["text"] = html.unescape(ctx["data"]["text"])
irc_chan = ""
for k in self.config["irc_chan2deekroomid"].keys():
if self.config["irc_chan2deekroomid"][k] == room:
irc_chan = k
self.irc.sendraw(privmsg.build(self.config["irc_nick"], irc_chan, "<"+ctx["data"]["name"]+"> "+ctx["data"]["text"]).msg)
for f in ctx["data"]["files"]:
self.limiter.action(True, self.irc.sendraw, (privmsg.build(self.config["irc_nick"], irc_chan, f"({ctx['data']['name']} uploaded file: {self.httpendpoint}/storage/files/{f['name']} )").msg,))
def handle_exit(self, ctx): pass
def handle_enter(self, ctx): pass
def handle_userLoaded(self, ctx): pass
def send_post(self, msg, room):
if self.ws is None: return
self.send_queue.append((msg, room))
async def _send_post(self):
while True:
for msg in self.send_queue:
await self.ws.send(json.dumps({"type": "message", "data": msg[0], "roomId": msg[1]}))
print("shipped", msg)
await asyncio.sleep(.1)
async def ship_queued_messages(self):
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(.1)
cfg = json.loads(open("config.json", "r").read())
bi = bird_inst("wss://deek.chat/ws", "https://deek.chat", cfg)
print("yes hello birdchat here")
bi.auth(cfg["deek_user"], cfg["deek_passwd"])
while True:
try: asyncio.run(bi.run())
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception as e:
print("yo ur shits broken", e)