Docker image on Fly blocks all connections #15

opened 2024-05-23 06:23:32 +00:00 by phantop · 2 comments

I'm hosting a personal 4get instance using This worked fine until seemingly the DDG scraper broke and I updated my Docker image used to the latest. Now, I get the following error, with no clear explanation:

Tshh, blocked!
Your browser, IP or IP range has been blocked from this 4get instance. If this is an error, please contact the administrator.

The configuration fly.toml is as follows:

  image = 'luuul/4get'


  internal_port = 80
  force_https = true
  auto_stop_machines = true
  auto_start_machines = true
  min_machines_running = 0
  processes = ['app']

  cpu_kind = 'shared'
  cpus = 1
  memory_mb = 256
I'm hosting a personal 4get instance using []( This worked fine until seemingly the DDG scraper broke and I updated my Docker image used to the latest. Now, I get the following error, with no clear explanation: ``` Tshh, blocked! Your browser, IP or IP range has been blocked from this 4get instance. If this is an error, please contact the administrator. ``` The configuration `fly.toml` is as follows: ```toml [build] image = 'luuul/4get' [env] FOURGET_DEFAULT_THEME = 'gentoo' FOURGET_SERVER_ADMIN_EMAIL = '' FOURGET_SERVER_NAME = 'REDACTED' [http_service] internal_port = 80 force_https = true auto_stop_machines = true auto_start_machines = true min_machines_running = 0 processes = ['app'] [[vm]] cpu_kind = 'shared' cpus = 1 memory_mb = 256 ```

skill issue

skill issue

You are getting this error because your instance is probably behind a reverse proxy like Cloudflare. Go in data/config.php and edit the FILTERED_HEADERS directive to not include Cloudflare's X-Real-IP header, or whatever it might be using.

You are getting this error because your instance is probably behind a reverse proxy like Cloudflare. Go in `data/config.php` and edit the `FILTERED_HEADERS` directive to not include Cloudflare's `X-Real-IP` header, or whatever it might be using.
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Reference: lolcat/4get#15
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