lolcat commented on issue lolcat/4get#19 2024-06-12 00:47:01 +00:00
Question: how set 4get instance in Artix

At this point, what I would suggest doing would be to run dpkg-reconfigure on your apache2 webserver and create an .htaccess configuration file in your /var/www/4get/ folder that can get rid…

lolcat commented on issue lolcat/4get#19 2024-06-11 12:46:21 +00:00
Question: how set 4get instance in Artix

It should be visible by default. The only thing you need to do is the url's .php extension internal redirect (the RewriteRule directives)

lolcat commented on issue lolcat/4get#19 2024-06-10 22:52:43 +00:00
Question: how set 4get instance in Artix

You do not need an ssl config for local use. Why do you insist on using https://http://localhost/ ? This is wrong, you specify the protocol 2 times. Since you're running this locally, there…

lolcat commented on issue lolcat/4get#17 2024-06-09 19:37:33 +00:00
Remove age verification notice

The idea was that you "Verify your age" and then give me the cookies before and after, in their entirety.

lolcat commented on issue lolcat/4get#19 2024-06-09 19:28:37 +00:00
Question: how set 4get instance in Artix

Asking here is fine, lol

For the deflate error, please try enabling the extension using sudo a2enmod enable deflate or something like that. Also try with mod-deflate if that doesn't work.…

lolcat closed issue lolcat/4get#18 2024-06-07 21:54:07 +00:00
Add Instance: SudoVanilla (
lolcat commented on issue lolcat/4get#18 2024-06-07 21:54:05 +00:00
Add Instance: SudoVanilla (

Added! Thanks for your contribution

lolcat pushed to master at lolcat/4get 2024-05-30 23:13:56 +00:00
b492ef2329 qwant gibberish check fix
lolcat commented on issue lolcat/4get#17 2024-05-29 03:19:06 +00:00
Remove age verification notice

Debugging through VNC sounds scuffed. Maybe you can poke at it for me?

Try searching for the same thing again through the Google official site, open network tab, click on "verify your age for…

lolcat commented on issue lolcat/4get#17 2024-05-28 18:07:46 +00:00
Remove age verification notice

On the google scraper, the green date means the time the article/page was created at. On other scrapers, like Yep, it indicates the time where the page was found.

I might work on a fix that…

lolcat pushed to master at lolcat/4get 2024-05-26 17:59:37 +00:00
a2c595b6f2 why does this keep disappearing
lolcat pushed to master at lolcat/4get 2024-05-26 00:22:04 +00:00
08dd803e2d fix annoying highlight on dropdown
lolcat commented on issue lolcat/4get#9 2024-05-25 17:18:06 +00:00
Suggestion: Provide an ARM Build for Docker Image

I'll take a look at this once I release the next frontend update.

lolcat pushed to master at lolcat/4get 2024-05-25 00:52:43 +00:00
f6b29cfdc3 add cloudflare bypass instructions
lolcat pushed to master at lolcat/4get 2024-05-25 00:35:37 +00:00
55fe39e0d3 yep fix, needs configuration
lolcat pushed to master at lolcat/4get 2024-05-25 00:28:20 +00:00
bfe86f7cac add cloudflare bypass instructions
lolcat commented on issue lolcat/4get#6 2024-05-24 12:01:31 +00:00
Nobody here but us chickens!

Hey, just wanted to keep you updated. I'm working on a new version of the scraper which scrapes the web version. Their webpage is a clusterfuck so it will take time, but expect some movement next…

lolcat pushed to master at lolcat/4get 2024-05-24 12:00:26 +00:00
ff03379c85 soundcloud fix 2
lolcat pushed to master at lolcat/4get 2024-05-24 12:00:09 +00:00
16d31f5b26 soundcloud fix
lolcat commented on issue lolcat/4get#16 2024-05-24 02:25:54 +00:00
Blocked on Proxy